University of Virginia Library

Two Buildings

Mr. Williams said that the only decision that
had been made about Lambeth Field was that
"there will be two buildings." He added that
"there are going to be apartments for 600

Alan Botsford, a member of Student
Council, said that "the Student Council
committee feels that there should be a variety
of apartments," and that "the prime question is
the kind of apartments."

According to Mr. Williams, however, the
designs and plans of the buildings have not been
approved. He refused to answer a question
asking if an architect had been signed to build
the buildings.

Nevertheless the Student Council did
endorse a statement requesting that the Student
Council committee and the Sert Studio meet in
the immediate future with the architect
designated to plan the apartments and
residential colleges for Lambeth Field. Council
also requested that an architect of stature be
hired to design the entire Lambeth Field plan in
order to insure architectural harmony on the

The Student Council also discussed and
endorsed a draft action proposal which would
call for the Student Council to organize an
anti-draft lobbying effort for Spring break, for
interested students.

In the proposal, Student Council also urged
all members of the Charlottesville-University
community to support the U.S. House-Senate
Resolution No. 20, a joint resolution of the
Draft Law upon its expiration date of June 30,

The resolution continues that "the Draft
constitutes a deprivation of civil liberties and
cannot be justified in a free society. In
opposing the draft, the Student Council is not
necessarily opposing voluntary service to one's
country, however, the Council opposes the
present system of forced conscription."