University of Virginia Library

Convention Motel

The convention-type motel is designed to
serve the need of continuing education groups
that come to the University for special
conferences and lectures. The proximity to the
Grounds is designed to facility faculty
movements to and from the conferences and to
offer facilities for these meetings which now
take up space in classroom buildings.

According to the plan, access to the
complex will be provided by Jefferson Park
Avenue, and Valley Road Valley is to be
widened to four lanes by the city and will be
extended to Interstate 64. It will serve as the
primary entrance to the complex. It is felt by
the developer that this will not complicate the
traffic situation on either street.

The developers are now requesting that all
ideas and alternatives for the area be presented
to them through the Student Council. They
hope that this will bring about a compromise
that will be satisfactory to all parties involved.