University of Virginia Library

'Bridge The Gap'

One way in which Mr. Simpson hopes
to help students "bridge the gap" from
undergraduate life to life after graduation
is to provide them with career counseling
by specially trained graduate assistants.
For this purpose, the Esso Educational
Foundation has given the University's Office of
Placement a $15,000 grant. The Demonstration
Project, as it is called, will entail work with
small groups of students and will rely heavily
on the use of $4,000 worth of video-tape
recorders, provided by G.E., and other
audio-visual equipment.

This experimental project will last two years
and will involve approximately sixty students
and two graduate assistants. It, hopefully, will
make the Placement Office more than simply a
place for employers and interested students to
meet, and it could set a precedent for
universities across the country. In the Demonstration
Project, Mr. Simpson sees "a lot of
potential in an area where little research has
been done."

To create even greater personal involvement
with undergraduates, the Placement Office has
initiated a Pre-law Advisory Program which
supplies information concerning selection of
and admission criteria for various law schools.
As a part of this program three second-year law
students at the University, Meade Whitaker,
Marshall Biddle, and Dan Mulcahy, are serving
as pre-law advisors.