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Troop Withdrawal
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Troop Withdrawal

In any event, Mr. Brown says the Moratorium's
goal is the complete withdrawal of all
American troops from Vietnam. "We are not
looking for a Korea-type settlement," he said at
a Saturday news conference.

Leaders of the Vietnam Moratorium and
New Mobilization say their renewed peace
offensive has yet to zero in on Mr. Nixon the
way the earlier drives attacked President

Says Mr. Brown, "People have discovered
the futility of personalizing the war. You beat
one guy and the war goes on. The important
thing is to change American policy."

Elsewhere, the Nixon role draws mixed
responses. The Student Mobilization Committee
to end the War in Vietnam, loosely
linked with the New Mobilization Committee
and using adjoining office space, is expected to
announce a "No Peace for Nixon" drive, with
demonstrations at all presidential public appearances
until all troops are withdrawn.

A number of peace movement coordinators
say the President has shown little or nothing
yet with his draft-overhaul proposals, trimmed
draft calls and limited troop pullbacks.