University of Virginia Library

Double Veto

Originally, Mr. Ogle's proposal would have
given the President a veto over any student
appointment but his veto could have been
overruled by a vote of three-quarters of the
Student Council. This last section was dropped
at the request of Councilmen Ron Hickman,
Charles Majors and Ed Finch and as a sign to
Mr. Shannon that the Council was willing to

After the section concerning the double
veto was eliminated, the Council voted 20-1 to
pass the motion, with Mr. Hickman casting the
sole dissenting vote. However, responding to an
earlier plea by Mr. Doggrell that the motion be
passed unanimously "so it could have a greater
impact" Mr. Hickman withdrew his vote and
made the decision unanimous.

After the vote Mr. Doggrell commented,
"It's a big day for the left-winger right-winger
factions. But I may be out of office tomorrow
in the Commerce School."