University of Virginia Library

Transition Collection

He also was concerned that Student
Council representatives have
not yet collected $50 each for the
transitional program.

Another first-year student suggested
that the Student Council
abolish itself and delegate their
power to the student body who
would vote each week on issues in a

The Council approved the
sending of two letters, one urging
the City Council to adopt the fair
housing ordinance, and the other,
to be sent to industries in Virginia
asking for donations to the transitional
fund. Both letters were
drafted by Mr. Ogle.

The Council also approved a
motion by Mr. Ogle asking Paul
Saunier, director of University Relations,
and the Sesquicentennial
Committee not to cancel permission
for the Student Coalition to
use the North steps of the Rotunda
on Founder's Day for Counter-Founder's
Day exercises.