University of Virginia Library

Voting Machines

Gordon Calvert explained that
elections for the Judiciary
Committee and Student Council in
the college have been put back a
day because of problems in the
installation of the voting machines.
He reported that three additional
voting machines. He reported that
three additional voting machines
have been procured for the

Mr. Murdock announced that
the regulations about male guests in
dormitories have been rescinded by
the Housing Committee.

The old regulation had stated
that students living in the
dormitories could have guests of
the same sex only on weekends.
The reason for not allowing them
to stay in the dormitories during
the week had been that they might
interfere with a student's studies.

Jim Robuck was concerned
over an article in last week's
Cavalier Daily which stated that the
City of Charlottesville gets the
information on operators of motor
vehicles from the University. This
information was then used to levy a
car tax on persons domiciled in