University of Virginia Library

Communications Channels

Social isolation is perhaps the
most discouraging problem that the
black University student faces, and
the one problem that, if solved,
could in the opinion of Mr.
Williams, make the University more
appealing to black students.
"Previously and to the present,"
said Mr. Williams, "the black
student has had to live in an
isolated world, socially. This has
kept him from cultivating mature
relationships between the sexes.
The black student has had to seek
relaxation in other ways to make
up for this void."

To help case these tensions, Mr.
Williams felt, the University could
open channels of communication
with other black schools in addition
to keeping the lines of
communication available to the
student at all times.

The Human Relations Council
which was first formed in 1961 and
then revitalized after the death of
Martin Luther King, Jr. plans to
take action consistent with these
apparent need. It further intends to
aid the Charlottesville community
by organizing tutorial projects and
voter registration drives.

Mr. Williams concluded by
saying, "Demonstrations at the
University could adversely affect
the 80 million dollar bond issue
coming before the legislature in
November. Hopefully through a
dialogue with the University we can
avert such demonstrations."