University of Virginia Library

Experimental College

But, in the early 1970's, with
the projected increase in enrollment,
the University will have
need for additional dormitory
space. The Committee recommends
that the University construct
on an experimental basis
a residential college designed to
house 500 students.

If the first college proves successful,
additional colleges could
then be added. The Committee
would not recommend designing a
college to house more than 500

The Committee proposal includes
the construction of a complex
which in addition to student
living quarters would include
facilities for a limited library
collection designed to encourage
the habit of reading, a common
dining area to promote association,
recreational facilities, social
area, space for a limited number
of faculty and graduate tutor
offices and a house for a faculty
and graduate tutor offices and a
house for a faculty residence.

A residential college system
which closely resembles the one
the Committee recommends for
implementation at the University
is in operation at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel

To pay for the residential
college an additional $750,000 to
$1,000,000 will be needed above
the room rents. The Committee
suggests that a special fund-raising
campaign be launched at
once through the office of Redevelopment
and Public Affairs
to raise funds from alumni and
friends of the University to subsidize
the construction of the
residential college.

Concerning the role of fraternities
under a residential college
system the report reads: "It
is our considered opinion that
the systems of residential colleges
and fraternities are not
mutually exclusive.