University of Virginia Library

ABC Coverage

The American Broadcasting
Company covered the dance of
Midwinters in 1948. Tommy
Dorsey and his orchestra were
broadcast coast to coast from
the dance in Memorial Gym. This
was also the same year that the
PK-German Society started a
campaign against buying flowers
for dates on the big weekends,
with the main objection being
the expense.

The Cavalier Daily report of
the exciting events of Midwinters
of 1952 included the following
quote: "After the concert the

Castle will provide facilities for
the dining and dancing in 'cabaret'
style." Ray Anthony was
featured during the weekend and
WUVA was on the air 24 hours
daily with "live" broadcasts.

The Midwinters Weekend survival
can be attributed to the immeasurable
amounts of entertainment
and pleasure which it has
provided throughout its history.