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At the Rector's request, Mrs. Holland reminded the Board of the forthcoming conference of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in Williamsburg on April 20th; the conference is organized for members of boards of visitors.

The President gave his customary report, focusing on the General Assembly Session recently concluded and the Commonwealth's budgetary problems. He noted the several academic searches underway and gave a summary of recent gifts to the University. Private giving to the University and its related foundations totaled $136.4 million for the Fiscal Year through January 31st.


On motion, the Minutes of the Board of Visitors meetings of January 19-20, 2001, were approved.

The meeting of the full Board recessed at 9:00 a.m.

The full Board reconvened in the Board Room of the Rotunda at 2:20 p.m. All Members noted above, with the addition of Thomas J. Farrell, II, were present.