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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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47 occurrences of Dictionary
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I. The history of ideas about the external order of nature studied by the physical and biological sciences, ideas also present in common usage, imaginative literature, myths about nature, metaphysical speculation.

Alchemy Genetic Continuity 
Astrology Health and Disease 
Atomism: Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century Indeterminacy in Physics 
Atomism in the Seventeenth Century Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (Lamarckian) 
Biological Conceptions in Antiquity Inheritance through Pangenesis 
Biological Homologies and Analogies Longevity 
Biological Models Changing Concepts of Matter from Antiquity to Newton 
Conservation of Natural Resources Nature 
Cosmic Images Newton and the Method of Analysis 
Cosmic Voyages Optics and Vision 
Cosmology from Antiquity to 1850 Orgranicism 
Cosmology since 1850  Recapitulation 
Entropy Relativity 
Environment Space 
Environment and Culture  Spontaneous Generation 
Evolutionism Technology 
Experimental Science and Mechanics in the Middle Ages Time and Measurement 
Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism 


II. The history of ideas about human nature in anthropology, psychology, religion, and philosophy as well as in literature and common sense.

Association of Ideas Psychological Ideas in Antiquity 
Behaviorism Psychological Schools in European Thought 
Empathy Psychological Theories in American Thought 
Imprinting and Learning Early in Life Renaissance Idea of the Dignity of Man 
Types of Individualism Theriophily 
Love Universal Man 
Man-Machine from the Creeks to the Computer Virtù in and since the Renaissance 
Pre-Platonic Conceptions of Human Nature Virtuoso 
Primitivism Wisdom of the Fool 
Primitivism in the Eighteenth Century Witchcraft 

III. The history of ideas in literature and the arts in aesthetic theory and literary criticism.

Allegory in Literary History Demonology 
Ambiguity as Aesthetic Principle Evolution of Literature 
Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century Expressionism in Literature 
Art and Play Form in the History of Aesthetics 
Art for Art's Sake Genius from the Renaissance to 1770 
Baroque in Literature Genius: Individualism in Art and Artists 
Theories of Beauty to the Mid-Nineteenth Century Musical Genius 
Theories of Beauty since the Mid-Nineteenth Century Concept of Gothic 
Catharsis Harmony or Rapture in Music 
Chance Images Iconography 
Classicism in Literature Impressionism in Art 
Classification of the Arts Irony 
Sense of the Comic Literature and Its Cognates 
Creativity in Art Literary Paradox 
Literary Criticism Millenarianism 


Mimesis Periodization in Literary History 
Motif Rhetoric and Literary Theory in Platonism 
Motif in Literature; The Faust Theme Poetry and Poetics from Antiquity to the Mid-Eighteenth Century 
Literary Attitudes Toward Mountains Realism in Literature Music and Science 
Music as a Demonic Art Rhetoric after Plato 
Music as a Divine Art Romanticism in Literature 
Myth in Antiquity Romanticism (ca. 1780-ca. 1830) 
Myth in Biblical Times Satire  
Myth in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Victorian Sensibility and Sentiment 
Myth in English Literature: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Style in Literature 
Sublime in External Nature 
Myth in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries Symbol and Symbolism in Literature 
Myth in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Taste in the History of Aesthetics from the Renaissance to 1770 
Naturalism in Art Temperance (Sōphrosynē) and the Canon of the Cardinal Virtues 
Neo-Classicism in Art Sense of the Tragic 
Newton's Opticks and Eighteenth-Century Imagination Ut pictura poesis 

IV. The history of ideas about or attitudes to history, historiography, and historical criticism.

China in Western Thought and Culture Freedom of Speech in Antiquity 
Crisis in History Historicism 
Cultural Development in Antiquity Historiography 
Culture and Civilization in Modern Times The Influence of Ideas on Ancient Greek Historiography 
Humanism in Italy Determinism in History 
Enlightenment Oriental Ideas in American Thought 
The Counter-Enlightenment Periodization in History 
Fortune, Fate, and Chance Progress in Classical Antiquity 


Progress in the Modern Era Renaissance Literature and Historiography 
Idea of Renaissance Volksgeist 
Renaissance Humanism Zeitgeist 

V. The historical development of economic, legal, and political ideas and institutions, ideologies, and movements.

Academic Freedom Ideology of Soviet Communism 
Alienation in Hegel and Marx Justice 
Analogy of the Body Politic Ancient Greek Ideas of Law 
Anarchism Ancient Roman Ideas of Law 
Authority Common Law 
Balance of Power Concept of Law 
Causation in Law Due Process in Law 
The City Equal Protection in Law 
Civil Disobedience Natural Law and Natural Rights 
Class Legal Precedent 
Conservatism Legal Responsibility 
Constitutionalism Liberalism 
Democracy Loyalty 
Despotism Machiavellism 
Economic History Marxism 
Economic Theory of Natural Liberty Marxist Revisionism: From Bernstein to Modem Forms 
Education Medieval and Renaissance Ideas of Nation 
Equality Nationalism 
Equity in Law and Ethics International Peace 
Legal Concept of Freedom Philanthropy 
General Will Property 
Historical and Dialectical Materialism Protest Movements 
Ideology Revolution 


Romanticism in Political Thought Utopia 
Social Contract Vox populi 
Social Democracy in Germany and Revisionism War and Militarism 
Socialism from Antiquity to Marx Welfare State 
State Social Attitudes Towards Women 
Totalitarianism Work 
Utility and Value in Economic Thought 

VI. The history of religious and philosophical ideas.

Abstraction in the Formation of Concepts Cynicism 
Agnosticism Death and Immortality 
Alienation in Christian Theology Deism 
Analogy in Early Creek Thought Design Argument 
Analogy in Patristic and Medieval Thought Determinism in Theology: Predestination  
Antinomy of Pure Reason Double Truth  
Appearance and Reality Dualism in Philosophy and Religion  
Baconianism Epicureanism and Free Will  
Buddhism Eschatology  
Causation in the Seventeenth Century Problem of Evil  
Causation in the Seventeenth Century, Final Causes Existentialism  
Certainty in Seventeenth-Century Thought Faith, Hope, and Charity  
Certainty since the Seventeenth Century Free Will and Determinism  
Chain of Being Free Will in Theology  
Christianity in History Gnosticism  
Church as an Institution Idea of God from Prehistory to the Middle Ages  
Modernism in the Christian Church Idea of God, 1400-1800  
Cosmic Fall Idea of God since 1S00  
Creation in Religion Happiness and Pleasure  


Hegelian Political and Religious Ideas Positivism in Latin America 
Heresy in the Middle Ages Positivism in the Twentieth Century (Logical Empiricism) 
Heresy, Renaissance and Later Pragmatism 
Hermeticism Prophecy in Hebrew Scripture 
Hierarchy and Order Prophecy in the Middle Ages 
Holy (The Sacred) Pythagorean Doctrines to 300 B.C. 
Idea Pythagorean Harmony of the Universe 
Ideal in Philosophy from the Renaissance to 1780 Ramism 
Impiety in the Classical World Rationality among the Greeks and Romans 
Irrationalism in the History of Philosophy Reformation 
Islamic Conception of Intellectual Life Relativism in Ethics 
Macrocosm and Microcosm Origins of Religion 
Metaphor in Philosophy Ritual in Religion 
Metaphor in Religious Discourse Religion and Science in the Nineteenth Century  
Metaphysical Imagination Religious Enlightenment in American Thought Moral Sense 
Religious Toleration Necessity 
Right and Good Neo-Platonism 
Romanticism in Post-Kantian Philosophy Ethics of Peace Sin and Salvation 
Perennial Philosophy Skepticism in Antiquity 
Perfectibility of Man Skepticism in Modern Thought 
Pietism Ethics of Stoicism 
Platonism in Philosophy and Poetry 
Platonism in the Renaissance Theodicy 
Platonism since the Enlightenment Time 
Positivism in Europe to 1900 Utilitarianism 


VII. The history of formal mathematical, logical, linguistic, and methodological ideas.

Anthropomorphism in Science Linguistics 
Axiomatization Linguistic Theories in British Seventeenth-Century Philosophy 
Casuistry Relativity of Standards of Mathematical Rigor 
Causation Mathematics in Cultural History  
Causation in History Number 
Causation in Islamic Thought  Probability: Objective Theory 
Chance Formal Theories of Social Welfare 
Classification of the Sciences Structuralism 
Continuity and Discontinuity in Nature and Knowledge Symmetry and Asymmetry 
Game Theory Uniformitarianism in Linguistics 
Infinity Unity of Science from Plato to Kant 
Study of Language 
