University of Virginia Library


Visitor: Captain Norton G. Pritchett.

Dr. Trout presented for consideration of the Board the question of the abolition of collegiate
boxing at the University. He stated that doctors throughout the state felt boxing should be
abolished, and that he had been approached by several doctors who reported latent development of brain
trouble resulting from college boxing. He pointed out that the University of Virginia is the only
school in the state which has not discontinued boxing. The Board of Visitors of the University of
Wisconsin discussed this matter last year at the instigation of a doctor who is a member of their
Board, but the effort to ban it there was defeated. Dr. Trout stated also that the American Neurological
Society has been discussing this problem, and that he personally felt very strongly that boxing
should be abolished at the University.

The President suggested the appointment of a committee to study the matter, with leading
brain surgeons included in the membership.

Captain Pritchett pointed out that at the time of the death of Johnny LaRowe, former boxing
coach, the whole matter was investigated with Dr. Coleman as advisor. Changes were made in the rules
increasing the weight of gloves from 8 ounces to 10 to 12 and providing that all fights were to be
stopped if any cut appeared. Captain Pritchett said that last year Al York, Head Boxing Coach, sent a
questionnaire to all living members of former University of Virginia boxing teams. Replies were received
from sixty-eight per cent and all favored continuation of the sport.


Captain Pritchett stated that the Naval Academy has abolished inter-collegiate boxing but
requires every student to participate in an intramural program of which boxing is an integral part. He
pointed out that there are dangers in other sports almost as great as in boxing.

Mr. Anderson moved that the matter be referred to the Athletics Committee of the Board with
Dr. Trout serving as medical advisor to the Committee, and the motion was passed