University of Virginia Library


Representatives of the Student Council appeared before the Board, with Mr. Lilburn Talley,
President, as principal spokesman. He stated that the Student Council desired additional time to devise
a plan for student conduct, and requested the Board to defer action on imposing rules of conduct until
the Student Council has had more opportunity to work out a solution.

The Council suggested a University police force to enforce regulations established by the
Student Council. The Council would serve as a judiciary body to try brought before by the
special police.

Mr. Stettinius stated that the Board did not want to impose stringent rules and regulations
governing student behavior.

President Darden raised the question of how the culprits could be apprehended and brought before
the Council.

The Council desires twenty-four hour service of groundsmen available to answer complaints, the
groundsmen to be employed by the University, Mr. Talley stated.

The President pointed out that he thought the Student Council the most effective agency for
student government and it appeared inadvisable to divide responsibility between the Student Council and
the Interfraternity Council. He felt that the two organizations could be brought together in a common

Mr. Gay pointed out that the Board of Visitors is, under the law of Virginia, constituted the
policy-determining body of the University and it is primarily charged with formulating regulations affecting
the Faculty and students, and that while the President, as the administrative officer, should administer
and enforce such regulations, the authority for their formulation and determination should not be delegated
by the Board of Visitors.

The President stated he wanted the Student Council to enforce the rules finally adopted, and
that if the Council failed, he would undertake, as the executive officer of the Board, to enforce such
rules and regulations, but that he did not wish to take this step until every effort had been made to
create responsible student government.