University of Virginia Library

NSL Suggestion

Suggested by the National
Student Lobby (NSL), the
meeting will be open to students
from all colleges in the seventh
district. The NSL will do much
of the organizing at the other
schools, Council President Jim
Rinaca said.

"Our purpose is to discuss
some of the major issues
coming before Congress when
it re-convenes in January,"
Council Vice President Larry
Sabato said.

Mr. Sabato pointed out that
Mr. Robinson, a member of the
House Appropriations
Committee, might be very
influential on behalf of
students in supplying money
for educational programs.

Mr. Sabato also said that the
issue of education policy in the
state might be discussed at the
talk session since Mr. Robinson
is a possible candidate for
governor in 1973.

In other action Council
voted 11 - 7 to allocate $200
from its own personal activities
fund to assist the Rifle and
Pistol Association in meeting
its budget for the year.

The action came in an
organizations and publications
hearing in which the Rifle and
Pistol Club requested Council
to allocate additional funds
from the Council-administered
student activities fund.