![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

An. Anatomy and Mat. Medica.
ApM. Applied Mathematics.
AnC. Analytical and Agricultural
Chemistry.A&NH. Agricultural and Natural
History.C. Chemistry and Pharmacy.
CL. Constitutional and International
Law.G. Greek.
H&L. History and Literature.
L. Latin.
M. Mathematics.
ML. Modern Languages.
M&G. Mineralogy and Geology.
Med. Medicine.
MJ. Med. Jurisprudence.
MatM. Mat. Medica.
MP. Moral Philosophy.
NP. Natural Philosophy.
P&S. Physiology and Surgery.
PE. Political Economy.
PP. Practical Physics.
Alexander, Jabin B., | Newbern, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Alexander, Wm. Rogers, | Clarke co., Va., | Law, | 1 |
Ambler, Edward, | Fauquier co., Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Armstrong, John Nye, | Outtendeny co, Ark | MP, H&L, PE, | 1 |
Arnest, Joseph N., | Westmorel'd co., Va. | Law, | 2 |
Baldwin, Oliver P., | Baltimore, Md., | Law, | 3 |
Barber, Leonard K., | Woodville, Miss., | Law, | 2 |
Barbee, Howell Vaughan, | Brownsville, Tenn., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Barton, Ernest Hubbard, | Assumpt'n P'h, La. | L, ML, M, | 1 |
Barnett, David Roscoe, | Vicksburg, Miss., | H&L, Law, | 1 |
Barksdale, Frank Nelson, | Charlottesville, Va., | L, ML, M, | 1 |
Barnes, Augustus, | Opelika, Ala., | L, C, MP, | 2 |
Battle, Samuel Westray, | Tarboro', N. C., | L, ML, MP, | 1 |
Baylor, Henry Latane, | Essex co., Va., | NP, MP, H&L, | 1 |
Beasley, Ralph James, | Assumpt'n P'h, La. | ML, M, H&L, | 1 |
Beasley, Richard R., | Charlottesville, Va., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 2 |
Beasley, John Collier, | Charlottesville, Va., | ML, M, H&L, | 2 |
Beaton, Ralph, | Corsicana, Texas, | Law, | 2 |
Bedinger, Henry, | Flushing, N. Y., | G, ML, NP, | 2 |
Beckham, Charles W., | Beardstown, Ky., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Bell, Charles Phillips, | Staunton, Va., | MP, Law, | 1 |
Bemiss, John Harrison, | New Orleans, La., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Berlin, Emory Lee, | Rockingham co., Va. | M, ApM, | 3 |
Bevan, Horace Cromwell, | Baltimore, Md., | M, ApM, | 1 |
Bibb, James Edward, | Louisa co., Va., | Law, | 2 |
Boaz, William Henry, | Albemarle co., Va., | NP, C, MP, M&G, | 4 |
Boggs, Samuel Davis, | Columbia, S. C., | G, MP, | 1 |
Boone, George Arthur, | Albemarle co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 3 |
Bosley, James, | Whitehall, Md., | ML, MP, An, P&S, | 2 |
Bowles, Wm. Anderson, | Louisa co., Va., | M, ApM, NP, | 1 |
Boyden, Peter M., | Albemarle co., Va., | Ml, Np, Mp, H&L, PE, | 1 |
Boykin, Elias M., | Charleston, S. C., | Law, | 3 |
Boykin, Richard E., | Smithfield, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Brem, Thomas H., Jr., | Charlotte, N. C., | ML, Law, | 1 |
Brent, Franklin Pierce, | Nelson co., Va., | L, G, ML, | 1 |
Brittingham, Jacob, | Eastville, Va., | L, G, MP, | 1 |
Brown, Thomas Richard, | Catlettsburg, Ky., | L, M, H&L, | 1 |
Bryson, Henry Knox, | Fayetteville, Tenn., | NP, MP, H&L, M&G, | 1 |
Bryson, Rev. John H., | Shelby, Tenn., | G, MP, NP, | 1 |
Bryan, Corbin Braxton, | Fluvanna co., Va., | M, ApM, C, | 2 |
Buck, Robert Lovell, | Warren co., Va., | Law, | 1 |
Bullock, Robert H., | Savannah, Ga., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Burrus, Robert Lee, | Fayette, Mo., | M, NP, H&L, M&G, | 1 |
Burruss, Henry Page, | Louisa co., Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Burgess, George Wesley, | Baton Rouge, La., | Law, | 2 |
Buffington, Alex. Dunn, | Baton Rouge, La., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Cabaniss, Sep. D., Jr., | Huntsville, Ala., | M, NP, C, M&G, | 1 |
Cabell, James Alston, | Richmond, Va., | ApM, NP, M&G, C, | 3 |
Camp, Robert Judson, | Southmpt'n co., Va., | L, M, NP, | 1 |
Carr, William Minor, | Charlestown W. Va., | L, G, NP, | 1 |
Campbell, James L., | Lynchburg, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Carter, Henry Rose, | Hanover co., Va., | ApM, NP, C, | 2 |
Carter, Edward Champe, | Hanover co., Va., | ML, M, | 1 |
Cazenove, Louis Albert, | Fairfax co., Va., | ML, H&L, | 1 |
Clagett, Wm. B., | Upper Marlboro, Md. | L, G, M, | 1 |
Clagett, Charles Thomas, | Upper Marlboro, Md. | M, NP, C, | 1 |
Clark, Frederick, | Natchez, Miss., | Law, | 1 |
Cocke, Charles Hartwell, | Powhatan co., Va., | ApM, NP, M&G, C, | 4 |
Cole, Edward Pleasant, | Williamsburg, Va., | L, G, H&L, CL, | 2 |
Coles, Peyton Skipwith, | Albemarle co., Va., | ML, M, C, | 1 |
Comer, Charles Francis, | Roanoke co., Va., | L, ML, M, MP, | 1 |
Conrad, Cuthbert Powell, | Winchester, Va., | L, G, MP, | 3 |
Cosby, Frank Dabney, | Bardstown, Ky., | Law, | 1 |
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, | Mayesville, S. C., | M, ApM, NP, | 3 |
Cooper, William, | Kingstree, S. C., | L, ML, NP, | 2 |
Cooper, Edmund, Jr., | Shelbyville, Tenn., | ML, H&L, CL, | 2 |
Craig, Robert, | Staunton, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Culbreth, David Reynolds, | Robinson's P'n, Del. | L, M, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Cuthbert, Wm. Harrison, | Petersburg, Va., | ML, NP, C, H&L, | 2 |
Dabney, Raleigh Travers, | Spotsylcania co. Va. | NP, MP, H&L, M&G, | 1 |
Dame, Nelson Page, | Danville, Va., | L, G, M, | 2 |
Dancy, Wm. Wyatt, | Tarboro', N. C., | Law, | 2 |
Darrow, Wm Lodowick, | Charlottesville, Va., | L, ML, NP, | 1 |
Darrow, Richard Henry, | Charlottesville, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 3 |
Davies, Robert Geddes, | Richmond, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Davis, James Leper, | Washington co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Davis, Charles Gilbert, | Bates co., Mo., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Della Torre, Frank, | Baltimore, Md., | ML, M, C, | 1 |
Dennis, Thomas Hamner, | Leivisburg, W. Va., | Law, | 1 |
Duke, R. T. W., Jr., | Albemarle co., Va., | NP, H&L, PE, CL, | 3 |
Dundas, Thomas, | Cabell co., W. Va., | Law, | 3 |
Dunnington, Frank Perry, | Baltimore, Md., | An, C, | 6 |
Durham, James Henry, | Rocky Point, N. C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Dyer, Henry Page, | Baltimore, Md., | ML, M, NP, | 1 |
Echols, Edward, | Staunton, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Edmondson, Andrew L., | Montgom'y co., Va., | Law, MP, | 1 |
Edmunds, Henry L., | Halifax co., Va., | Law, | 3 |
Edwards, James L., | Prairie Bluff, Ala., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Elder, Leander M., | Trenton, Tenn., | Lit, Law, | 3 |
Emerson, Joseph B., | Albemarle co., Va., | L, M, ML, | 2 |
Fant, Francis William, | Newberry co., S. C., | L, NP, M&G, MP, H&L, | 1 |
Fauntleroy, Philip W., | Winchester, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Ficklin, Wm. Joseph, | Albemarle co., Va., | C, An, C, A&NH, | 2 |
Fortier, Alcée, | St. James' P'h, La., | L, M, H&L, | 1 |
Fowlkes, Henry A., | Christiansburg, Va., | NP, M&G, C, MP, H&L, | 1 |
Frazier, Wm. Alexander, | Staunton, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Frith, John McD., | Jefferson, Texas, | L, M, H&L, | 1 |
Fuller, John William, | Princeton, Ark., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Fuller, Robert Clark, | Princeton, Ark., | Law, | 1 |
Garnett, Wm. Hammond, | San Francisco, Cal., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Garrett, John Wiley, | King Wm. co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Gilmor, Vincent B., | Russell co., Va., | M, NP, MP, | 1 |
Gleaves, James Lucien, | Wytheville, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Goelet, Augustine H., | Goldsboro', N.C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Goodman, Duke W., | Mobile, Ala., | ML, NP, MP, | 3 |
Gordon, John Taylor, | Fredericksburg, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Graham, Fergus R., | Alexandria, La., | Law, | 3 |
Graham, Bothwell, | Augusta, Ga., | ML, H&L, CL, | 1 |
Gray, Richard Henry, | Covington, Ky., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Graves, Ralph Henry, Jr., | Oxford, N. C., | ApM, C, An, C, | 2 |
Green, Edward P., | Warrenton, N. C., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Grover, Alfred Evans, | Richmond, Va., | L, G, MP, | 1 |
Hackett, Nath'l Perkins, | Louisa co., Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Hansbrough, Martin F., | Warren co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Happer, John W., | Norfolk, Va., | L, Law, | 1 |
Hardy, Jeffrey Ousley, | Arkadelphia, Ark., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 3 |
Harris, Henry Ernest, | Albemarle co., Va., | L, ML, M, | 1 |
Harris, John Woods, | Galveston, Texas, | L, G, M, | 1 |
Harding, Edward Coles, | Northumb'rl'd co, Va | L, NP, C, | 2 |
Harrison, Joseph Brock, | Mobile, Ala., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Harrison, James Pinchey, | Amelia co., Va., | ML, M, MP, H&L, | 3 |
Harrison, Henry, | Leesburg, Va., | Law, | 3 |
Harrison, James F., Jr., | University of Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, AnC, | 4 |
Hare, Thomas Dabney, | Wittsburg, Ark., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Haskins, John Wickliffe, | Buckingham co., Va | L, M, H&L, Law, | 1 |
Haskins, Meade, | Richmond, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Heath, James Ewell, | Richmond, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Herron, Wm. Wright, | Trenton, Tenn., | NP, MP, H&L, M&G, | 2 |
Helm, Thomas Logan, | Versailles, Ky., | C, An, C, M&G, A&NH, | 2 |
Hendricks, James G., | Harrison co., Texas, | C, Med, P&S, An, | 3 |
Henderson, John Hughes, | Franklin, Tenn, | Law, | 1 |
Herndon, Cumberland G., | Culpeper co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Hibbett, Charles Thomas, | Castalian Springs, Tenn | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Holman, Walter Scott, | Cumberland co., Va. | L, G, NP, | 2 |
Hooker, Allen J., | Jackson, Miss., | L, ML, NP, MP, | 3 |
Hudson, Wm. Alexander, | Augusta co., Va., | Law, | 1 |
Hume, Mareen D., | Beltsville, Md., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 5 |
Hunt, Edward Telford, | New Orleans, La., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 2 |
Hunter, DeBrosse, | Westchester, N. Y., | ML, H&L, | 2 |
Hurt, Wm. Harrison, | Galveston, Texas, | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Irby, John L. Manning, | Laurensville, S.C., | H&L, PE, Law, | 2 |
Irby, J. R. McD., | N. Orleans, La., | MJ, C, APM, ANC, AN, P&S, MatM, A&NH, | 3 |
Isaacs, Frank Benj. | Richmond, Va., | ML, M, NP, | 1 |
Jablonski, Adolf, | Saxony, | ApM, | 2 |
Jackson, Stephen A., | Marion, Va., | ML, H&L, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Jacobs, Edwin | Columbia, Mo., | MJ, Law, | 2 |
Jalonick, George W., | Galveston, Texas, | Law, | 2 |
Johnston, Christopher, | Baltimore, Md., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Johnson, Berkeley Estes, | Louisa co., Va., | ApM, | 3 |
Jones, T. Van Ransallaer, | Somerville, Tenn., | L, NP, H&L, | 1 |
Jones, James W., | Bolivar, Tenn., | L, G, H&L, PE, | 1 |
Jones, Thomas Arthur, | Orangeburg, S. C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Jones, Edwd. Stanislaus, | Cecilton, Md., | ML, M, H&L, | 1 |
Kasey, McLeod, | Bedford co., Va., | Law, | 2 |
Kendall, Joel Sutton, | Wilkes co., Ga. | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Kerr, James Alexander, | Petersburg, Va., | G, ML, M, | 2 |
Key, Howard Walton, | Columbus, Ga., | NP, C, AnC, A&NH, | 1 |
Kimbrough, Allan McC., | Carrollton, Miss., | Law, | 3 |
King, John Warren, | Vicksburg, Miss., | Law, | 1 |
Kinnaird, Percy, | Nashville, Tenn., | M, ApM, C, | 2 |
Kinnaird, Joseph Morris, | Chilesburg, Ky., | G, NP, C, M, | 3 |
Klobassa, Victor, | Krosno, Galicia, | ApM, | 2 |
Koiner, Junius Samuel, | Braxton co., W. Va., | L, G, ML, | 2 |
Lacey, Lewis Lorenzo, | Henderson, Texas, | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Laidley, John B., | Barboursville, W. Va | Law, | 3 |
Lake, Joseph H., | Mobile, Ala., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Latta, Robert James, | Yorkville, S.C., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Lea, Robert James, | Princeton, Ark., | Law, | 1 |
Leake, Shelton Farrar, | Charlottesville, Va., | ML, Law, | 1 |
LeBourgeois, Joseph C., | St. James Parish, La. | L, G, C, | 1 |
Lee, Cleophas R., | Raleigh, N. C., | L, H&L, MP, CL, | 1 |
Lee, Henry Wilder, | Johnston co., N.C., | L, G, C, | 1 |
Lee, Francis D., | Fairfax co., Va., | ML, M, | 3 |
Lee, Cazinove G., | Fairfax co., Va., | NP, M&G, H&L, MP, | 1 |
Legendre, James, | New Orleans, La., | L, ML, NP, H&L, | 2 |
Levi, Leopold N., | Victoria, Texas, | L, ML, M, H&L, | 1 |
Lewis, Wm. Schoolfield, | Lynchburg, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Lewis, Sidney Francis, | New Orleans, La., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 3 |
Lockwood, Geo. Robinson, | St. Louis, Mo., | ML, H&L, PE, MP, | 3 |
Lutterloh, Edward B., | Fayetteville, N. C., | ML, M, H&L, | 1 |
Lucas, Chapman S., | Charlottesville, Va., | G, MP, | 1 |
McChesney, Jacob N., | Staunton, Va., | C, Med, P&S, AnC, | 1 |
McCalley, John T., | Huntsville, Ala., | NP, M&G, ApM, C, | 3 |
McCalley, Henry, | Huntsville, Ala., | ApM, C, AnC, A&NH, | 2 |
McCarty, Junius Royall, | Richmond, Va., | Law, | 1 |
McCarty, James Thornton, | Richmond, Va., | NP, C, M&G, | 1 |
McCue, Massie Lobban, | Albemarle co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, AnC, | 2 |
McCollum, Alexander, | Houma, La., | M, ApM, NP, | 2 |
Mackall, Francis P., | Baltimore, Md., | L, G, NO, M&G. | 1 |
Mackenzie, John Noland, | Baltimore, Md., | L, G, ML, | 1 |
McKenney, Wm. R., | Petersburg, Va., | ML, C, MP, CL, | 2 |
McMaster, Francis James, | Newtown, Md., | Law, | 2 |
McQueen, Wm. Flagg, | Cheraw, S. C., | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Marriott, Yeamans Smith, | Baltimore, Md., | C, Med, P&S, An, AnC, | 1 |
Martin, Charles Bryse, | Rienzi, Miss., | Law, | 2 |
Marvin, Fielding, | St. Louis, Mo., | Law, | 2 |
Marye, Wm. Browne, | Fredericksburg, Va., | NP, M&G, MP, H&L, | 1 |
Mason, George, | Fairfax co., Va., | Law, | 2 |
Mason, George, | Sussex co., Va., | Law, NP, | 2 |
Mason, Jefferson R., | King George co., Va., | Law, | 4 |
Massie, William R., | University of Va., | MP, Law, | 4 |
Massie, Thomas, | University of Va., | H&L, MP, C, | 2 |
Mater, Jacob D., | Bellmore, Ind., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Maury, Richard H., | Shuqualak, Miss., | Law, | 3 |
Memminger, Allard, | Charleston, S. C., | ML, C, MP, | 2 |
Michaux, Jacob, | Powhatan co., Va., | L, ML, | 1 |
Miller, Henry Grattan, | Charlottesville, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, AnC, | 2 |
Miller, Claudius S., | Cabell co., W. Va., | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Miller, Wm. James, | Portersville, Tenn., | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Minge, Benj. Carter, | Fawnsdale, Ala., | M, ApM, C, M&G, | 2 |
Minor, Lewis Willis, | Norfolk, Va., | C, M, P&S, An, AnC, | 1 |
Moncure, William, | Culpeper co., Va., | ApM, C, | 3 |
Moore, William James, | Chautauqua co, N Y | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Moore, Samuel Scollay, | Berryville, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Moore, Wm. Henry, | Baltimore, Md., | Law, | 4 |
Morson, Seddon, | Goochland co., Va., | ML, MC, | 1 |
Morrell, Michael P., | Pine Bluff, Ark., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Morton, D'Arcy Paul, | Richmond, Va., | L, ML, M, MP, | 2 |
Mountjoy, Clifford, | Prince Geo. co., Va., | L, ML, H&L, | 2 |
Moore, Benjamin F., | Newnan, Ga., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Nelson, Robert, Jr., | Charlottesville, Va., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Niernsee, Frank, | Baltimore, Md., | ApM, NP, M&G, | 2 |
Oliver, Elijah W., | Baldwin, Miss., | L, NP, M&G, H&L, | 2 |
Osborne, Francis Irwin, | Charlotte, N. C., | L, ML, M, | 1 |
Packard, Thomas J., | Fairfax co., Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Patterson, Robt. Weston, | Macon, Ga., | L, G, Ma, | 1 |
Peteet, John D., | Coffeeville, Texas, | M, NP, MP, M&G, | 1 |
Peyton, Bernard, | University of Va., | APM, AN, P&S, ANC, A&NH, APC, | 5 |
Pierce, Franklin, | Suffolk, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Poindexter, John W., | Charlottesville, Va., | C, An, | 1 |
Posey, Mason E. S., | Woodville, Miss., | M, ApM, NP, | 3 |
Provenchére, P. William, | St. Louis, Mo., | Law, | 1 |
Préot, Geo. Covington, | Danville, Va., | G, | 3 |
Preston, John Booker, | Lynchburg, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Prince, Wilson Edward, | Weatherford, Tex., | L, G, ML, M, | 2 |
Pugh, Frank W., | Assumption Par. La. | M, ApM, | 1 |
Pharr, Theo. Franklin, | Harrisburg, N. C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Quarles, Julian Minor, | Augusta co., Va., | G, M, NP, | 1 |
Quakenbush, Wm. G., | Oaks P. O., N. C., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Rawlings, John R., | Brunswick co., Va., | M, NP, C, M&G, | 2 |
Raymond, Thomas J., | New Orleans, La., | ApM, NP, M&G, | 3 |
Rector, Elias Wm., | Hot Springs, Ark., | Law, | 2 |
Read, Daniel Warwick, | Bedford co., Va., | G, MP, H&L, | 4 |
Reese, Frederick Focke, | Baltimore, Md., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Revercomb, J. William, | Bath C. H., Va., | L, M, C, | 1 |
Reynolds, Joseph, Jr., | Baltimore, Md., | L, ML, MP, | 3 |
Rixey, Presley M., | Culpeper co., Va., | C, M, P&S, An, | 1 |
Robertson, Alexander F., | Culpeper co., Va., | L, ML, CL, | 2 |
Robinson, T. Grimball, | Charleston, S. C., | ML, H&L, CL, | 1 |
Rogers, Wm. McMillan, | Starkville, Miss., | L, G, M, H&L, | 1 |
Rosson, Roland Lee, | Culpeper co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Ruggles, Gardner, | Fredericksburg, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Rust, Charles Buckner, | Warren co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, AnC, | 1 |
Sampson, T. Rogers, | Richmond, Va., | G, H&L, MP, | 1 |
Santos, Julio Romano, | Guyaquii, S. A., | ApM, | 4 |
Saunders, Edw. Watts, | Campbell co., Va., | G, ML, MP, | 2 |
Scott, B. R. Alden, | Spotsylvania, co., V. | Law, | 2 |
Scott, Charles Landon, | Amherst co., Va., | G, ML, H&L, MP, | 2 |
Seddon, A. Morson, | Goochland co., Va., | ML, M, C, | 1 |
Shands, William, | Harrisonburg, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Shepherd, J. Osgood, | Fluvanna co., Va., | L, ML, MP, | 3 |
Shelton, William, | Raymond, Miss., | M, ApM, C, | 5 |
Shuey, Wm. Andrew, | Augusta co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Simpson, J. Forsyth, | Pensacola, Fla., | ML, H&L, | 2 |
Sims, William Clay, | New York city, N. Y. | C, AnC, | 1 |
Sinclair, Cephas H., | Charlottesville, Va., | NP, C, AnC, | 6 |
Smallwood, R. William, | Attapulgas, Ga., | M, ApM, | 1 |
Smith, Samuel Macon, | Greensboro', N.C., | ML, C, MP, | 2 |
Southall, Joseph Allen, | Albemarle co., Va., | ML, M, C, | 1 |
Stewart, John Black, | Point Coupie, La., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Steele, William Hunter, | Rockingham, N. C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Steele, John Nelson, | Baltimore, Md., | Law, | 4 |
Stephenson, John W., | Monterey, Va., | MP, Law, | 1 |
Stephens, C. Riddle, | Monroe co., Mo., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Stone, Stephen Robert, | Fayetteville, Ark., | Law, | 2 |
Stout, John, | Augusta co., Va., | M, ApM, | 2 |
Stover, John Marshall, | Augusta co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Strange, Thomas W., | Wilmington, N.C., | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Sweeney, James Joel, | Owensboro', Ky., | L, M, C, | 1 |
Tanner, John A., Jr., | Lynchburg, Va., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Taylor, Thompson J., | Chilesburg, Ky., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Taylor, Archibald H., | Alexandria, Va., | H&L, Law, | 4 |
Taylor, Julian, | Alexandria, Va., | M, NP, C, H&L, | 3 |
Tebbs, Richard Henry, | Leesburg, Va., | G, ML, | 2 |
Thornley, James P., | Mt. Sterling, Ky., | L, G, M, H&L, | 1 |
Thompson, Carter S., | Portsmouth, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Thompson, Sanford W., | Forestville, N. C. | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Thom, Alfred P., | Eastville, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Thum, Wm. Warrick, | Louisville, Ky., | L, G, ML, Lit, | 1 |
Thornton, Wm. M., | Prince Edw. co., Va | ML, ApM, C, PP, | 4 |
Timmons, Robert S., | Baltimore, Md., | Law, | 1 |
Todd, Thomas Erskine, | Laurensville, S.C., | L, G, H&L, PE, | 1 |
Townes, Alfred Eggleston, | Austin, Texas, | L, ML, NP, | 1 |
Towles, Dr. Wm. B., | University of Va., | An, | 2 |
Trimble, Isaac Henry, | Monterey, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Trueheart, James L., | San Antonio, Tex., | L, ML, M, | 1 |
Turnbull, N. Harrison, | Brunswick co., Va., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Tunstall, Robert W., | Norfolk, Va., | ML, M, | 2 |
Turpin, Stephen, | New Orleans, La., | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 2 |
Turpin, Henry Edward, | New Orleans, La., | NP, M&G, C, | 2 |
Turner, Elijah Loring, | Staunton, Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, | Charles city co., Va., | G, NP, C, M&G, | 4 |
Urquhart, R. Alexander, | Isle of Wight co., Va. | ML, An, P&S, MJ, | 2 |
Ventress, Wm. Pynchon S. | Woodville, Miss., | ML, M, MP, | 1 |
Ventress, J. Alexander, | Woodville, Miss., | ML, M, MP, | 1 |
Vivion, Thos. Jefferson, | Helena, Mon. Ter., | M, ApM, C, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Venable, Frank Preston, | University of Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Wait, Chas. Edmund, | Little Rock, Ark., | C, AnC, H&L, | 5 |
Waller, Nelson S., | Spotsylvania co., Va. | L, G, M, | 2 |
Walden, John Mitchell, | Warrenton, Va., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Ware, James A., | Montgomery, Ala., | NP, MP, H&L, | 1 |
Ward, Patrick Henry, | Marion, S. C., | ML, MP, Law, | 1 |
Watson, David Pierce, | Newbern, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Watkins, Thos. Gholson, | Petersburg, Va., | Law, | 2 |
Webb, Wm. Rollins, | Baltimore, Md., | L, G, ML, M, | 1 |
Wellford, Robert Carter, | Richmond co., Va., | G, NP, C, MP, | 2 |
Whiteley, Benjamin, | Baltimore, Md., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Whittle, Beverly K., | Buchanan, Va., | Law, | 1 |
White, Wm. Donaghe, | Pr. William co., Va. | ML, M, MP, | 1 |
Williams, Goodwin H., | Baltimore, Md., | Law, | 3 |
Williams, John Sharp, | Memphis, Tenn., | ML, NP, M&G, H&L, Pe, | 3 |
Williams, Wm. Porter, | Humboldt, Tenn., | G, M, MP, | 4 |
Willison, Jasper N. | Cumberland, Md., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Williams, James W., | Charlottesville, Va., | L, | 2 |
Wilson, John R., | Farmville, Va., | Law, | 1 |
Wilson, William A., | Pulaski co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Wilson, Thomas E., | Warrenton, N. C., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Wilson, Wm. E., | Elkton, Tenn., | Med, P&S, An, | 2 |
Wilson, Marshall C., | Russellville, Ala., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Wickes, Benj. Chambers, | Chestertown, Md., | NP, MP, H&L, | 2 |
Winston, Samuel F., | King & Queen co., V. | Law, | 2 |
Winston, Howard, | Richmond, Va., | M, ApM, NP, | 2 |
Wise, Thomas Buckner, | Covington, Ky., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Witherspoon, Frank, | Pontotoc, Miss., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Witherspoon, Rev. T. D., | University of Va., | G, | 2 |
Withers, Martin Luther, | Washington co., Va., | C, Med, P&S, An, | 1 |
Wood, John Gilliam, | Edenton, N. C., | L, ML, H&L, | 1 |
Wood, James, | Edenton, N. C., | L, G, M, | 1 |
Wood, Walter, | Charlottesville, Va., | H&L, Law, | 3 |
Weeks, Brooke, | University of Va., | ML, M, H&L, | 1 |
Wilmer, Wm. Nivison, | New Orleans, | L, G, M, | 1 |
Zschoch, Edmund T., | Brooklyn city, N. Y. | M, ApM, NP, M&G, | 1 |
Virginia | 157 |
Maryland | 26 |
North Carolina | 20 |
Louisiana | 19 |
Mississippi | 15 |
Tennessee | 15 |
South Carolina | 13 |
Texas | 12 |
Alabama | 11 |
Kentucky | 11 |
Arkansas | 10 |
Missouri | 7 |
West Virginia | 6 |
Georgia | 7 |
New York | 5 |
Delaware | 1 |
California | 1 |
Indiana | 1 |
Florida | 1 |
Montana Ter. | 1 |
Saxony | 1 |
Galicia | 1 |
South America | 1 |
342 |

Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry | 17 |
Anatomy and Materia Medica | 55 |
Applied Mathematics | 43 |
Agriculture and Natural History | 6 |
Chemistry and Pharmacy | 96 |
Constitutional and International Law, exclusive of students taking a full course in Law |
8 |
Greek | 66 |
History, Literature and Rhetoric | 60 |
Literature, exclusive of students taking the full course of History, Literature and Rhetoric |
2 |
Latin | 92 |
Law | 83 |
Mathematics | 111 |
Modern Languages | 77 |
Mineralogy and Geology | 38 |
Medicine, including Med. Jurisprudence, Obstetrics and Practice of Medicine |
51 |
Medical Jurisprudence, exclusive of students taking a full course of Medicine |
3 |
Materia Medica, exclusive of students taking a full course of Medicine |
1 |
Moral Philosophy | 49 |
Natural Philosophy | 78 |
Physiology and Surgery | 55 |
Political Economy | 8 |
Practical Physics | 1 |
![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |