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CHAS. G. MAPHIS, Dean of the Summer Quarter, Residence Lynd
Hall, Phone 238. Office, Peabody Hall, 9:30 to 1:00, Phone 758.

RUFUS J. COSTEN, Local Manager, Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds. Office, Peabody Hall, Phone 758.

MRS. J. G. LINDSAY, Registrar, Residence, Lynd Hall, Phone 1011.
Office, Peabody Hall, 8:30 to 4:30, Phone 758.

MRS. W. K. SLACK, Secretary, Residence, Rogers Apt., No. 6.
Office, Peabody Hall, Phone 758.

MISS MARGARET L. ENGLE, Social Secretary. Office, Madison
Hall, Phone 568.

E. I. CARRUTHERS, Bursar, Residence, East Range, Phone 271.
Office, Rotunda, Phone 539.

J. EDWIN WOOD, JR., Physician, Residence, 1120 Wertland St.,
Phone 820. Office, University Hospital, 8:30 to 9:30; 4:00 to 5:00,
Phone 548.

MRS. E. I. CARRUTHERS, Matron, Residence, East Range, Phone