![]() | University of Virginia record February, 1912 | ![]() |


By an act of January 12, 1803, of the Legislature of Virginia, certain
citizens of Albemarle County were incorporated under the style
of "Trustees of Albemarle Academy," and were empowered to take
such steps as seemed practicable to raise the funds necessary for
erecting buildings and putting the Academy into operation. Albemarle
Academy was destined never to exist except on paper, but under
the guidance of Thomas Jefferson, who was elected to the board of
trustees on March 23, 1814, a process of development was begun
leading first to the organization of Central College, and afterwards
to that of the University of Virginia. On August 19, 1814, the committee
of the trustees appointed to select a site, reported that it
would be desirable to locate the Academy in the vicinity of the town
of Charlottesville, distant not more than one-half mile therefrom.
By an act of February 14, 1816, the Legislature authorized the
establishment of "Central College, in the County of Albemarle, at
the place which has been, or shall be, selected by the trustees of Albemarle
Academy, and in lieu of such Academy." All rights and
claims of Albemarle Academy were, by the same act, vested in Central
College. The board of visitors of the college consisted of six
members, of whom Jefferson was the only one who had been a member
of the Academy board. The other five members were James
Madison, James Monroe, Joseph Carrington Cabell, David Watson,
and John H. Cocke.
On May 5, 1817, Jefferson was elected Rector of the board, and,
on the same day, the board authorized the purchase of a farm of
about two hundred acres lying one mile west of Charlottesville as a
site for the College. This tract now forms a part of the grounds of
the University of Virginia.
The cornerstone of Central College was laid on October 6, 1817,
in the presence of Thomas Jefferson, Rector, and of James Madison
and James Monroe—the latter then President of the United States.
This building, located on what is known as the West Lawn of the
University, is now utilized as the Colonnade Club.
Jefferson's plan was to erect a distinct building, a pavilion for
each individual professor—buildings to be arranged around a rectangular
lawn. Each pavilion was to contain "a school room and
apartments for the accommodation of the professor;" and one-story
dormitories for the students were to be erected adjacent to the pavilions.
Jefferson drew most of the sketches for the buildings with
his own hands, basing them upon designs by Palladio; and his ideas

Central College was merged into the University of Virginia.
The prime object in Jefferson's mind, while Rector of the board
of visitors of Central College, was to get the college well under way,
and then have it adopted by the Legislature as the State University.
Accordingly, in the first report of the visitors to the Legislature, of
date January 6, 1818, it is recommended that a state university be
established on the site of Central College.
By an act of February 21, 1818, the Legislature authorized the
appointment by the Governor of a board of twenty four members, to
be known as the "Board of Commissioners of the University." It
was the duty of this board to meet on August 1, 1818, at the Tavern
in Rockfish Gap, on the Blue Ridge Mountains, and report upon the
following points regarding the organization of a state university:
1. A proper site for the projected university.
2. A plan for the building thereof.
3. The branches of learning which should be taught therein.
4. The number and description of professorships; and
5. Such general provisions as might properly be enacted by the
Legislature for the better organizing and governing of the University.
Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were present at the meeting of
the Commissioners, and their able and elaborate report to the Legislature
(indicating much careful thought) had probably been prepared
by Jefferson before the meeting was held. This report, recommending,
among other things, the site of Central College as the most advantageous
one for the University, was forwarded in duplicate to
the Speaker of the House and the Speaker of the Senate on August
4, 1818. On January 25, 1819, the Legislature adopted a formal act
"for establishing an University," and this date must be reckoned as
the year of the origin of the University, although the institution was
not opened to students until March 7, 1825.
Although Jefferson's was the dominant spirit and the shaping
hand in the whole movement for the establishment of a state university,
it should be stated that but for the influence and efforts of
Joseph Carrington Cabell, the close personal friend of Jefferson, the
acts of February 21, 1818, and January 25, 1819, would probably have
failed of adoption by the Legislature.
The act of January 25, 1819, establishing the University, is as
"1. Be it declared by the General Assembly of Virginia. That the
conveyance of the lands and other property appertaining to the
Central College in the County of Albemarle, which has been executed

founders, to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, is
hereby accepted, for the use and on the conditions in the said deed
of conveyance expressed.
"2. And be it enacted, That there shall be established, on the site
provided for the said College, an University, to be called the University
of Virginia; that it shall be under the government of seven
visitors to be appointed forthwith by the Governor, with the advice
of Council, notifying thereof the persons so appointed, and prescribing
to them a day for their first meeting at the said University, with
supplementary instructions for procuring a meeting subsequently,
in the event of failure at the time first appointed.
"3. The said visitors, or so many of them as, being a majority,
shall attend, shall appoint a rector, of their own body, to preside at
their meetings, and a secretary to record, attest, and preserve their
proceedings, and shall proceed to examine into the state of the property
conveyed as aforesaid; shall make an inventory of the same,
specifying the items whereof it consists; shall notice the buildings
and other improvements already made, and those which are in progress;
shall take measures for their completion, and for the addition
of such others, from time to time as may be necessary.
"4. In the said University shall be taught the Latin, Greek, and
Hebrew languages; French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Anglo-Saxon;
the different branches of Mathematics, pure and physical;
natural philosophy; the principles of agriculture; chemistry; mineralogy,
including geology; botany; zoölogy; anatomy, medicine; civil
government; political economy; the law of nature and nations; municipal
law; history; ideology; general grammar; ethics; rhetoric;
and belles lettres; which branches of science shall be so distributed,
and under so many professors, not exceeding ten, as the visitors
shall think proper and expedient.
"5. Each professor shall be allowed the use of the apartments
and accommodations provided for him, and those first employed
such standing salary as the visitors shall think proper and sufficient,
and their successors such standing salary, not exceeding one thousand
dollars, as the visitors shall think proper and sufficient, with such
tuition fees from each student, as the visitors shall from time to
time establish.
"6. The said visitors shall be charged with the erection, preservation,
and repair of the buildings, the care of the grounds and appurtenances,
and of the interests of the University generally; they
shall have power to appoint a bursar, employ a proctor, and all other
necessary agents; to appoint and remove professors, two-thirds of
the whole number of visitors voting for the removal; to prescribe
their duties and the course of education, in conformity with the law;

not contrary to the laws of the land; to regulate tuition fees, and the
rent of the dormitories occupied; to prescribe and control the duties
and proceedings of all officers, servants, and others, with respect to
the buildings, lands, appurtenances, and other property, and interests
of the University; to draw from the literary funds such monies as
are by law charged on it for this institution; and, in general, to direct
and do all matters and things which, not being inconsistent
with the laws of the land, to them shall seem most expedient for
promoting the purposes of said institution; which several functions
they shall be free to exercise in the form of by-laws, resolutions, orders,
instructions or otherwise, as they shall deem proper.
"7. They shall have two stated meetings in every year, to-wit, on
the first Mondays of April and October; and occasional meetings at
such other times as they shall appoint, or on a special call, with
such notice as themselves shall prescribe by a general rule; which
meetings shall be at the University; a majority of them constituting
a quorum for business, and on the death, resignation of a member, or
failure to act for the space of one year, or on his removal out of
the Commonwealth, or by the Governor, with the advice of Council,
the Governor with the like advice shall appoint a successor.
"8. The said rector and visitors shall be a body corporate, under
the style and title of `The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia,' with the right, as such, to use a common seal; they shall
have capacity to plead and be impleaded in all courts of justice, and,
in all cases interesting to the University, which may be subjects of
legal cognizance and jurisdiction; which pleas shall not abate by the
determination of their office, but shall stand revived in the name of
their successors; and they shall be capable in law, and in trust for
the University, of receiving subscriptions and donations, real and
personal, as well as from bodies corporate or persons associated, as
from private individuals.
"9. And the said rector and visitors shall, at all times, conform
to such laws as the legislature may, from time to time, think proper
to enact for their government; and the said University shall in all
things, and at all times, be subject to the control of the legislature.
And the said rector and visitors of the University of Virginia shall
be, and they are hereby required to make report annually to the
president and directors of the literary fund (to be laid before the legislature
at the next succeeding session), embracing a full account of
the disbursements, the funds on hand, and a general statement of
the condition of said University.
"10. The said board of visitors, or a majority thereof, by nomination
of the board, shall, once in every year at least, visit the said
University; enquire into the proceedings and practices thereat; examine

every branch of science, there taught, such honorary marks and testimonials
of approbation as may encourage and incite to industry
and emulation.
"11. On every twenty-ninth day of February, or, if that be Sunday,
then on the next, or earliest day thereafter on which a meeting
can be effected, the Governor and Council shall be in session, and
shall appoint visitors of the said University, either the same or
others at their discretion, to serve until the twenty-ninth day of
February next ensuing, duly and timely notifying to them their appointment,
and prescribing a day for their first meeting at the University;
after which, their meetings, stated and occasional, shall be
as hereinbefore provided: Provided, that nothing in this act contained
shall suspend the proceedings of the visitors of the said Central
College of Albemarle; but for the purpose of expediting any objects
of said institution, they shall be authorized, under the control
of the Governor and Council, to continue the exercise of their
functions, and fulfill those of their successors, until the first actual
meeting of their said successors.
"12. And be it further enacted, That the additional sum of twenty
thousand dollars shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to the
education of the poor, out of the revenue of the literary fund, in
the aid of the sum heretofore appropriated to that object, and to be
paid in the same manner and upon the same conditions in all respects
as is prescribed by the fourth section of the act, entitled `An act
appropriating part of the revenue of the literary fund, and for other
purposes, passed the twenty-first day of February, eighteen hundred
and eighteen.'
"13. This act shall commence and be in force from and after
the passing thereof." (Revised Code, 1819, ch. 34, p. 90.)
The first Board of Visitors consisted of four members of the old
board of Central College—namely, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
Joseph Carrington Cabell, and John H. Cocke; the additional
appointees were James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson, and Robert
Taylor. The board met for the first time on March 29, 1819.
and elected Thomas Jefferson Rector. Henceforth, until his death
in 1826, Jefferson was the dominating and directing power of the
University, not only evolving the entire system of education introduced,
but actually devising, to the minutest detail, every feature of
construction and administration.
The organization of the University, its government, discipline,
and methods of instruction, were virtually prescribed by Jefferson
alone; and in many respects they still retain the impression derived

the institution, under the General Assembly, is invested in the Rector
and Visitors. Under the general direction of this board, and
subject to its regulations, the affairs of the University were administered,
for the first eighty years of its existence, by the Faculty
and its Chairman, the latter being a member of the Faculty, who occupied
temporary the position of chief executive officer of the institution.
As the University grew, it became more and more difficult for
a member of the teaching staff to fill the position of chairman, and
attend to the manifold executive duties attached to that office. In
October, 1903, the Visitors decided that modern conditions rendered
necessary the creation of the office of president; and in June,
1904, Edwin Anderson Alderman was elected first president of the
University of Virginia.
The scheme of instruction organized by Jefferson contemplated
no fixed uniform curriculum of studies to be pursued by every student
alike, without discrimination. Each distinct branch of knowledge
was, as far as was practicable, assigned to an individual
"School" with its own instructors; and the University was to consist
of a collection of independent Schools. The origin of the elective
system at the University of Virginia is found in the fact that
students were permitted to matriculate in any School or Schools
of the University for which they were prepared.
The original organization consisted of eight independent Schools
—namely, Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Medicine,
and Law. The first seven Schools mentioned were opened to matriculates
on March 7, 1825,—with an aggregate attendance, during the
first session, of 123 students. The School of Law was not opened
until 1826.
This original organization was, of course, gradually enlarged
and modified. As early as 1837 the School of Medicine was elevated
to a Department, consisting of three individual Schools;
while in 1850 the School of Law was enlarged to a Department consisting
of two Schools. Other Departments and Schools have been
added from time to time, until the University organization arrived
at its present condition, as described elsewhere in this catalogue.
It was provided by the first Board of Visitors, in accordance
with Jefferson's wishes, that but two degrees should be conferred
by the University. The lower degree, characteristic of the institution
for many years, was conferred upon a student who had completed
all the work offered in any one School; to such a candidate
the untitled degree of "Graduate" in the School in question should
be given. The other, the higher degree, was to be the Doctor's

who had, in addition, exhibited well developed powers of research.
There is abundant evidence that, in planning the organization
of the University of Virginia, Jefferson had in mind the so-called
continental type of university. The first faculty were, however,
with one or two exceptions, Oxford or Cambridge men. Naturally
they had in mind the English type of university; the result of which
was that they soon substituted (in 1831) for the Doctor's degree
proposed by Jefferson, the Master's degree, common in England.
The degree of "Master of Arts of the University of Virginia" was
accordingly, for more than half a century, the leading degree conferred
by this institution.
Through the munificence of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who donated
to the General Alumni Association of the University of Virginia
the sum of $500,000, upon condition that the same be held and the
income therefrom be applied to the following schools and professorships:
Engineering; Law; International Law; Political Science and
Political Economy; English; Pathology: there were established in
May, 1909, by joint action of the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia and the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University
of Virginia Endowment Fund, the following schools and
The Andrew Carnegie School of Engineering;
The James Madison School of Law;
The James Monroe School of International Law;
The James Wilson School of Political Economy;
The Edgar Allan Poe School of English;
The Walter Reed School of Pathology.
As at present organized, the University comprises thirty
distinct and independent Schools. The courses of instruction given
in these are so coördinated as to form six Departments, two of
which are academic, and four professional (or technical); viz:
The College, with the degrees of:
Bachelor of Arts;
Cultural Bachelor of Science;
Vocational Bachelor of Science.
The Department of Graduate Studies, with the degrees of:
Graduate in a School;
Master of Arts;
Master of Science;
Doctor of Philosophy.

The Department of Law, with the degree of
Bachelor of Laws.
The Department of Medicine, with the degree of
Doctor of Medicine.
The Department of Engineering, with the degrees of:
Civil Engineer;
Mechanical Engineer;
Electrical Engineer;
Mining Engineer;
Chemical Engineer.
The Department of Agriculture.[1]
Pending a reorganization of this department, the section of the
catalogue treating of it is omitted for the current session.

Legal Title:
DANIEL HARMON | Charlottesville |
Richmond |
THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, ex officio | University |

JOHN MALACHI WHITE, President | Charlottesville |
GEORGE PERKINS | Charlottesville |
JOHN BARCLAY MOON | Charlottesville |
CHANNING MOORE BOLTON | Charlottesville |
EDWARD ECHOLS | Staunton |
EDWIN ANDERSON ALDERMAN, President | University |
EPPA HUNTON, Treasurer | Richmond |
THOMAS NELSON PAGE | Washington, D. C |

EDWIN ANDERSON ALDERMAN, D. C. L., LL. D. | Carr's Hill | ||
President of the University. | |||
FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M. A., LL. D. | West Lawn | ||
Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy. | |||
JOHN WILLIAM MALLET, Ph. D., M. D., LL. D., F. R. S., | Monroe Hill | ||
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry. | |||
ORMOND STONE, M. A. | Mount Jefferson | ||
Professor of Practical Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory. |
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, LL. D. | Monroe Hill | ||
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Dean of the Department of Engineering. |
FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, B. S., C. E. | University Heights | ||
Professor of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry. | |||
MILTON WYLIE HUMPHREYS, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D., | Wertland Street | ||
Professor of Greek. | |||
ALBERT HENRY TUTTLE, M. Sc. | West Lawn | ||
Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture. | |||
CHARLES WILLIAM KENT, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D. | West Lawn | ||
Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Literature. | |||
WILLIAM MINOR LILE, B. L., LL. D. | East Lawn | ||
Professor of Law and Dean of the Department of Law. | |||
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B. S., C. E. | East Lawn | ||
Professor of Mathematics. | |||
RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, M. A., Ph. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Corcoran Professor of History and Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies. |
CHARLES ALFRED GRAVES, M. A., LL. D. | East Lawn | ||
Professor of Law. | |||
JOHN STAIGE DAVIS, M. A., M. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Professor of the Practice of Medicine and Pediatrics. | |||
RALEIGH COLSTON MINOR, M. A., B. L. | West Lawn | ||
Professor of Law. | |||
RICHARD HENRY WILSON, M. A., Ph. D. | West Main Street | ||
Professor of Romanic Languages. | |||
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D. | University Terrace | ||
Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the University. | |||
THOMAS FITZHUGH, M. A., | West Lawn | ||
Professor of Latin. | |||
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M. D., Ph. D., | Carr's Hill | ||
Professor of Hygiene and Director of the Fayerweather Gymnasium. |
RICHARD HENRY WHITEHEAD, A. B., M. D., LL. D. | McCormick Road | ||
Professor of Anatomy and Dean of the Department of Medicine. | |||
ALBERT LEFEVRE, Ph. D., LL. D. | West Range | ||
Corcoran Professor of Philosophy. | |||
WILLIAM HARRY HECK,[2] M. A. | Wertland Street | ||
Curry Memorial Professor of Education. | |||
THOMAS WALKER PAGE,[3] Ph. D., LL. D. | Fry's Spring | ||
James Wilson Professor of Economics. | |||
WILLIAM DOUGLAS MACON, M. D. | East Market Street | ||
Professor of Obstetrics. | |||
THEODORE HOUGH, Ph. D. | McCormick Road | ||
Professor of Physiology. | |||
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M. A., M. D. | University Heights | ||
Professor of Surgery and Gynecology and Director of the University Hospital. |
THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, M. S., Ph. D. | University Place | ||
Corcoran Professor of Geology. | |||
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B. A., B. S., Ph. D. | University Place | ||
Collegiate Professor of Chemistry. | |||
HALSTEAD SHIPMAN HEDGES, M. A., M. D. | High Street | ||
Professor of Diseases of the Eye. | |||
HARRY TAYLOR MARSHALL, M. A., M. D. | East Lawn | ||
Walter Reed Professor of Pathology. | |||
ROBERT FRENCH COMPTON, M. D. | University Heights | ||
Professor of Diseases of Ear, Throat and Nose. | |||
CHARLES ALPHONSO SMITH, Ph. D., LL. D. | East Lawn | ||
Edgar Allan Poe Professor of English. | |||
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B. A. | Preston Heights | ||
John B. Cary Memorial Professor of Biblical History and Literature. |
ARMISTEAD MASON DOBIE, M. A., LL. B. | West Lawn | ||
Professor of Law. | |||
WILLIAM HARRISON FAULKNER, M. A., Ph. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Professor of Germanic Languages. | |||
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, C. E. | Wertland Street | ||
Professor of Civil Engineering. | |||
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M. D. | Wertland Street | ||
Professor of Clinical Medicine and University Physician. | |||
HARVEY ERNEST JORDAN, M. A., Ph. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Professor of Histology and Embryology. | |||
Professor of Secondary Education and Director of the Summer School. |
LLEWELYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, B. S., M. A. | Fry's Spring | ||
Associate Professor of Physics. | |||
CHARLES HANCOCK, B. S. | Preston Heights | ||
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. | |||
WILLIAM ALLISON KEPNER, M. A., Ph. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Adjunct Professor of Biology. | |||
JOHN SHARSHALL GRASTY, Ph. D. | West Main Street | ||
William Barton Rogers Adjunct Professor of Economic Geology. |
CHARLES WAKEFIELD PAUL | Administrative Building | ||
Adjunct Professor of Public Speaking. | |||
GRAHAM EDGAR, B. S., Ph. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. | |||
WALTER SHELDON RODMAN, B. S. | Wertland Street | ||
Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering. | |||
WILLIAM HALL GOODWIN, A. B., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Adjunct Professor of Surgery. | |||
WELDON THOMAS MYERS, M. A. | Wertland Street | ||
Adjunct Professor of English Literature. | |||
LEE BIDGOOD, M. A. | Preston Heights | ||
Adjunct Professor of Economics. | |||
CARROLL MASON SPARROW, M. A., Ph. D. | Madison Lane | ||
Adjunct Professor of Physics. | |||
JAMES ALEXANDER WADDELL, B. A., M. D. | West Range | ||
Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology. | |||
GEORGE BOARDMAN EAGER, B. A., LL. B. | Prof. Minor's Cottage | ||
Adjunct Professor of Law. | |||
EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M. D. | West Jefferson Street | ||
Clinical Instructor in Physical Diagnosis. | |||
HUGH THOMAS NELSON, M. D. | High Street | ||
Clinical Instructor in Medicine. | |||
MONTE LEWIS REA, M. D. | High Street | ||
Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics and Demonstrator in Dermatology. |
JAMES SUGARS McLEMORE, M. A. | Ridge Street | ||
Instructor in Latin and Greek. | |||
ARTHUR VAUGHAN BISHOP, B. S., M. A. | Fourteenth Street | ||
Instructor in Latin. | |||
STEPHEN TABER, B. A. | Rugby Road | ||
Instructor in Geology. | |||
EDWARD STAPLES SMITH, M. E. | Preston Heights | ||
Instructor in Mathematics. | |||
JOHN MORIN GALLALEE, M. E. | Randall Building | ||
Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. | |||
JOHN WILBUR WATSON, M. A. | University Place | ||
Instructor in Chemistry. | |||
SAMUEL PENDLETON COWARDIN, Jr., B. A. | Monroe Hill | ||
Instructor in Latin. | |||
JAMES COOK BARDIN, M. D. | Dawson's Row | ||
Instructor in Romanic Languages. | |||
ALBERT GEORGE ADAM BALZ, M. A. | Dawson's Row | ||
Instructor in Philosophy. | |||
JOHN HENRY NEFF, B. A., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Instructor in Surgery and Resident Surgeon, University Hospital. | |||
WILLIAM MUSE HUNLEY, B. A. | West Main Street | ||
Instructor in Political Science. | |||
ERNEST ALEXANDER PURDUM, M. D. | University Hospital | ||
Instructor in Pathology. | |||
FRANK PELZER SMART, B. S., M. D. | Rugby Road | ||
Instructor in Anatomy. | |||
Instructor in Electrical Engineering. | |||
JOSEPH GRAY DINWIDDIE, B. S. in Chem | Nalle Street | ||
Instructor in Analytical Chemistry. | |||
STEWART ARCHER STEGER, M. A. | West Main Street | ||
Instructor in English. | |||
HARRY HAMILTON GAVER, B. A. | Rugby Road | ||
Instructor in Mathematics. | |||
Assistant in Mathematics. | |||
CHARLES NEWMAN WUNDER, B. A. | Mt. Jefferson | Assistant in Astronomy. | |
LANT RADER SLAVEN, B. A. | Dawson's Row | ||
Assistant in Philosophy. | |||
STERLING HENRY DIGGS | Cedar Avenue | ||
Assistant in Physics. | |||
IRA SAMUEL FLORY, B. A., LL. B. | Cedar Avenue | ||
Assistant in Law. | |||
CHARLES WOODARD DAVIS, B. S. | West Main Street | ||
Assistant in Law. | |||
PALMER HAMPTON GRAHAM, B. A. | Mt. Jefferson | ||
Assistant in Astronomy. | |||
Assistant in Astronomy. | |||
MARION RUSHTON, B. A. | Chancellor Street | ||
Assistant in English Literature. | |||
HENRY PORTERFIELD TAYLOR, | Assistant in Romanic Languages. | ||
CARRINGTON WILLIAMS, B. A. | Madison Lane | ||
Assistant in Histology and Embryology. | |||
WILLIAM EDWARD BRAY, B. A. | Randall Building | ||
Assistant in Bacteriology and Pathology. | |||
Assistant in Civil Engineering. | |||
FRANK NELSON LEWIS | Chancellor Street | ||
Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. | |||
ZACK ROBERT LEWIS | Preston Heights | ||
Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. | |||
Assistant in Civil Engineering. | |||
EUGENE PRICE BROWN | Chamberlain's | ||
Assistant in Chemistry | |||
JOHN MARSHALL | Madison Lane | ||
Assistant in Physics. | |||
GARDNER LLOYD CARTER | West Main Street | ||
Assistant in Chemistry. | |||
Assistant in Chemistry. | |||
HERMAN LLOYD CHURCH | Randall Building | ||
Assistant in Chemistry. | |||
THOMAS ELVIN DIDLAKE | Wertland Street | ||
Student Assistant in Economics. | |||
HERBERT NASH TUCKER | Dawson's Row | ||
Student Assistant in History. | |||
KYLE BEAR STEELE | First Street | ||
Student Assistant in Histology and Embryology. | |||
Student Assistant in Philosophy. | |||
SAMUEL OVERTON McCUE | Park Street | ||
Student Assistant in Philosophy. | |||
JOSEPH OTTERBEIN CRIDER | Randall Building | ||
Student Assistant in Physiology. | |||
ROBERT RODNEY DALE | Rugby Road | ||
Student Assistant in Bacteriology and Pathology. | |||
Student Assistant in Clinical Diagnosis. | |||
JOHN SHELTON PATTON | West Main Street | ||
Librarian. | |||
Assistant Librarian. | |||
Assistant in Library. | |||
ELLA WATSON JOHNSON | Wertland Street | ||
Law Librarian. | |||
CHARLES KEEN SEAMAN, Jr. | East Range | ||
Assistant Law Librarian. | |||
ISAAC KIMBER MORAN | McCormick Road | ||
Bursar. | |||
HOWARD WINSTON | East Lawn | ||
Registrar. | |||
CARRIE LOUISE WORRELL | Chancellor Street | ||
Secretary. | |||
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, Ph. D., M. D. | Carr's Hill | ||
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. | |||
Assistant to Bursar. | |||
VIRGINIA EMMA MORAN | McCormick Road | ||
Assistant to Bursar. | |||
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M. A., M. D. | University Heights | ||
Director of University Hospital. | |||
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M. D. | Wertland Street | ||
University Physician. | |||
HARRY TAYLOR MARSHALL, M. A., M. D. | Preston Heights | ||
Pathologist to University Hospital. | |||
JOHN HENRY NEFF, B. A., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Resident Surgeon, University Hospital. | |||
HUNTER SAMUEL WOODBERY, B. A., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Interne, University Hospital. | |||
FRANK MARION PAYNE, B. A., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Interne, University Hospital. | |||
EDMUND CAPE PAYNE, B. A., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Interne, University Hospital. | |||
WILLIAM HARVEY CABANISS, B. S., M. D. | Hospital | ||
Interne, University Hospital. | |||
Associate Director of Athletics. | |||
Instructor in Physical Culture. |
James Morris Page, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D. | Dean of the University |
Richard Heath Dabney, M. A., Ph. D., | Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies |
William Minor Lile, LL. B., LL. D., | Dean of the Department of Law |
Richard Henry Whitehead, B. A., M. D., LL. D., | Dean of the Department of Medicine |
William Mynn Thornton, LL. D., | Dean of the Department of Engineering |
The President; the Dean of the University; and the Deans of
the Departments of Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, and

(The President is ex officio a member of all Committees and Boards.) | |
Bulletin: | Messrs. Stone, Maphis, Myers, Bardin, Winston, Wunder, Slaven, Barringer (P.). |
Athletics | Messrs. Echols, Lambeth, Lefevre, Dobie, Watts |
Catalogue: | Messrs. Faulkner, Minor, Hoxton, Hancock, Hough, Bird, Sparrow, Balz, the Secretary to the President. |
Buildings and Grounds | Messrs. Lambeth, Echols, Dunnington |
Entrance Requirements | Messrs. Thornton, Page (J. M.), Maphis |
Library: | Messrs. Kent, Thornton, Marshall, Smith, Graves, Bidgood |
Literary Societies: | Messrs. Paul, Smith, Kepner, Forrest, Watson, Bidgood |
Positions for Graduates | Messrs. Kent, Maphis |
Accredited Secondary Schools | Messrs. Maphis, FitzHugh, Watson |
Public Celebrations | Messrs. Dobie, Davis, Lefevre, Edgar, Eager |
Religious Exercises: | Messrs. Smith, Hough, Dunnington, Davis, Forrest, Watson |
Cemetery | Messrs. Dunnington, Lambeth, Faulkner |
Fire Protection | Messrs. Hancock, Newcomb, Lambeth |
Student Self-Help | Messrs. Waddell, Kepner, Brockman, Rodman |
Clocks and Bells | Messrs. Hoxton, Dunnington, Sparrow |
Commons Hall | Messrs. Newcomb, Lile, Rodman, Jordan |
Graduate School: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Dabney, Echols, Stone, Tuttle, Kent, Wilson, Smith |
College: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Page (J. M.), Dabney, Echols, Kent, Lefevre, Thornton, Tuttle, FitzHugh, Smith (C. A.). |
Medical School: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Whitehead, Hough, Davis, Marshall |
Summer School | Messrs. Maphis, FitzHugh, Kent, Echols, Bidgood |
Hospital Board: | Drs. Davis, Watts, Hedges, Macon, Compton, Marshall, Flippin, Goodwin, the Dean. |
University Sanitation: | Drs. Marshall, Lambeth, Flippin, Davis, Hedges |
Publicity | Messrs. Hunley, Faulkner, Maphis, Grasty |

Rev. James Rockwell Smith, D. D., Brazil, January 8.
Rev. J. B. Winn, D. D., Danville, Va., January 15.
Rev. Jos. B. Dunn, Lynchburg, Va., January 22.
Rev. Sparks White Melton, D. D., Norfolk, Va., January 29.
Rev. W. C. Bell, Lexington, Va., February 12.
Rev. Arthur Rowbotham, M. D., Roanoke, Va., February 19.
Rev. W. C. James, D. D., Richmond, Va., February 26.
Rev. G. W. S. C. Wallace, D. D., Baltimore, Md., March 12.
Rev. H. Tucker Graham, D. D., Hampden Sidney, Va., March 19.
President Howard Rondthaler, D. D., Winston-Salem, N. C., April 2.
Rev. H. D. Maclauchlan, D. D., Richmond, Va., April 9.
Rev. Frank Churchill Wood, D. D., Baltimore, Md., April 16.
Rev. Samuel Higginbottom, Columbus, O., April 23.
Rev. Prof. W. M. Forrest, University, Va., April 30.
Rev. Prof. H. L. Willett, Chicago, Ill., April 30.
Rev. Chas. Hastings Dodd, Baltimore, Md., May 21.
Rev. Theron H. Rice, D. D., Richmond, Va., May 28.
Rev. Chas. Hastings Dodd, Baltimore, Md., June 11.
Rev. Richard Cecil Hughes, D. D., Philadelphia, Pa., June 11.
Rev. Sparks White Melton, D. D., Norfolk, Va., September 17.
Rev. Beverley D. Tucker, Jr., University, Va., September 17.
Dr. Tom Jays, M. D., London, England, September 24.
Rev. Walter L. Lingle, D. D., Richmond, Va., October 8.
Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, D. D., Baltimore, Md., October 15.
Rev. B. D. Gray, D. D., Atlanta, Ga., October 22.
Rev. A. D. P. Gilman, D. D., Chester, S. C., October 29.
Rev. Francis Steinmetz, D. D., Norfolk, Va., November 12.
Rev. Frank Churchill Wood, D. D., Baltimore, Md., November 19.
Rt. Rev. Collins Denny, D. D., Richmond, Va., November 26.
Rev. T. Clagett Skinner, Roanoke, Va., December 10.

John Y. Mason Fellowship: | |
Edward Staples Smith, M. E. | Charlottesville, Va. |
Vanderbilt Fellowships: | |
Charles Newman Wunder, B. A. | Woodstock, Va. |
Palmer Hampton Graham, B. A. | Jonesville, Va. |
Frederick Preston Guthrie, B. A. | Waynesboro, Va. |
Board of Visitors Fellowships: | |
Stewart Archer Steger, M. A. | Danville, Va. |
Henry Porterfield Taylor, III | Richmond, Va. |
Marion Rushton, B. A. | Montgomery, Ala. |
William Cabell Rives Fellowship: | |
Joseph Brummell Earnest, Jr., B. A. | Norfolk, Va. |
Miller Scholarships: | |
Eugene Price Brown | Mt. Fair, Va. |
William Andrew Horsley Gantt | Lynchburg, Va. |
Henry Perkins Gantt | Winginia, Va. |
J. Thompson Brown Scholarship: | |
Charles Sharp Grant | Charlottesville, Va. |
Valentine Birely Scholarship: | |
William Martin Storm | Frederick City, Md. |
Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship: | |
Stewart Archer Steger, M. A. | Danville, Va. |
Isabella Merrick Sampson Scholarship: | |
Richard Witting Byrd Hart | North Garden, Va. |
Isaac Cary Scholarship: | |
Howard Morgan McManaway | Richmond, Va. |
McCormick Scholarship: | |
Lant Rader Slaven, B. A. | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Virginia Public High School Scholarships: | |
Eldon Kent Crowder | Covington, Va. |
Earl Clarence Clarke Kendrick[4] | Tazewell, Va. |
James Keith Marshall Lee | Charlottesville, Va. |
Charles Edward Savage | Norfolk, Va. |
Rufus Joseph Costen | Suffolk, Va. |
Francis Bland Tucker | Lynchburg, Va. |
Linwood Dickens Keyser | Roanoke, Va. |
Harry Lewis | Newport News, Va. |
Emanuel Ullmann Wallerstein | Richmond, Va. |
Edward Goodrich | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Edward Ballard Broocks | Chase City, Va. |
John Hartwell Moore | Berryville, Va. |
Accredited School Scholarships: | |
Robert Kent Gooch | Charlottesville, Va. |
Jefferson School for Boys. | |
Donald McKenzie Faulkner | Boydton, Va. |
Episcopal High School of Virginia. | |
Kyan-Zung Lin | Shanghai, China |
St. Johns College, Shanghai, China. | |
Stonewall Jackson Kennan | Centralia, Mo. |
Mexico, Mo., High School. | |
James Robert Cash | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Baylor's University School. | |
Robert Wright Houseal | Newberry, S. C. |
Newberry College. | |
Golden Newman Freeman | Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Pine Bluff High School. | |
Frank Audley Gammon | Rural Retreat, Va. |
Fishburn Military School. | |
William Hay Taliaferro | Norfolk, Va. |
Norfolk Academy. | |
George Albert Chalker | Middleburg, Fla. |
Georgia Military Academy. | |
George Herbert Ellmore | Ryan, Va. |
Richmond Academy. | |
William Otterhein Cooley | Reliance, Va. |
Shenandoah College. | |
Dorie Clifton Gruver | Reliance, Va. |
Shenandoah College. | |
Andrew Jackson Brewer | North Carolina |
Asheville High School. | |
William Mark Brown | Miami, Fla. |
Staunton Military Academy. | |
Walter Armistead Williams | Richmond, Va. |
McGuire's School. | |
Alexander Burpo Menefee | Alberta, Ga. |
Montgomery High School. | |
Arnold Rich | Birmingham, Ala. |
Bingham's School. | |
Holston Joseph Cherry | San Antonio, Tex. |
West Texas Military Academy. | |
Franklin Latimore Kline | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
McCallie University School. | |
Sullivan Waldheimer Marx | Louisville, Ky. |
Louisville High School. |
Alumni Scholarships: | |
Ferdinand Clinton Knight | Alexandria, Va. |
Darley Hiden Ramsey | Asheville, N. C. |
Leigh Gibson Newell | Orlando, Fla. |
William Arthur Adams | DeLand, Fla. |
John Vickers Ray | Charleston, W. Va. |
Earnest Preston Lane, B. A. | Russellville, Tenn. |
Charles Calhoun Hedges | Marietta, Ga. |
Preston Gelston Prevatt | DeLand, Fla. |
Grady Hayne Hipp, B. A. | Newberry, S. C. |
William Linford James | Wilmington, Del. |
John Earl Bomar, B. A., B. S. | Marion, Ala. |
Frederick Adam Schilling | Pittsfield, Mass. |
Owen Barry | Montgomery, Ala. |
William Edwin Shackelford, B. A., B. S. | Decatur, Ala. |
Leonidas Caswell Kolb, B. A. | Ozark, Ala. |
Robert Bruce Davis | Paces, Va. |
Frank Martin Lemon | Roanoke, Va. |
Jink Coleman | Knoxville, Tenn. |
Lawrence Carpenter Jones | Atlanta, Ga. |
Thomas Phelps Bright | Louisville, Ky. |
James Madison Garrett, Jr. | Montgomery, Ala. |
Wharton Ewell Weems | Tyler, Tex. |
William Robertson Pate | Albany, Ga. |

Figures in parentheses refer to the number of sessions in attendance.
Adams, William Arthur | (1) | DeLand, Fla. |
Akers, Richard Harold | (3) | Snowville, Va. |
Allen, Franklin Staples | (1) | Eugene, Oregon |
Allen, Robert McClanahan | (4) | Roanoke, Va. |
Allen, William Boisseau | (1) | Suffolk, Va. |
Anderson, James Crawford | (1) | Plainview, Tex. |
Ashburn, Horace Godwin | (1) | South Norfolk, Va. |
Ast, Frank | (3) | Newport News, Va. |
Atkinson, Clifford | (1) | Summit, Miss. |
Aydelotte, Charles Julian | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Bagley, Dudley Warren | (1) | Moyock, N. C. |
Balch, Henry Herbert | (1) | Oxford, Md. |
Banister, Madison Lamar | (1) | Dayton, Va. |
Barry, Owen | (1) | Montgomery, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Ala. | ||
Barton, George Lloyd, Jr. | (3) | Suffolk, Va. |
Barton, Robert Thomas, Jr. | (3) | Winchester, Va. |
Baylor, John | (2) | Milford, Va. |
Beacham, Bonny Braxton | (1) | Orlando, Fla. |
Beard, Robert Edmund | (4) | New Hope, Va. |
Beck, Charles Nelson | (1) | Atlanta, Ga. |
Bertram, Walter St. Clair | (3) | Keezletown, Va. |
Betts, William Viney | (2) | Hampton, Va. |
Bitting, Samuel Tilden | (2) | Carlsbad, N. Mex. |
Blackford, Ambler Mason | (2) | Alexandria, Va. |
Blackford, Randolph Fairfax | (2) | Alexandria, Va. |
Blackwell, Edwin Smith, Jr. | (1) | Warrenton, Va. |
Blakiston, George, Jr. | (1) | Rider P. O., Md. |
Bopes, Charles Francis | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Bowen, Hedley McNeer | (5) | Crozet, Va. |
Bowen, Theodore Rodolf | (1) | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Bowers, Lloyd Guyton | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Bowyer, Frank Prague | (1) | Tampa, Fla. |
Brewer, Andrew Jackson | (1) | Asheville, N. C. |
Brewster, Albert Howell | (2) | College Park, Ga. |
Bright, Thomas Phelps | (2) | Stanford, Ky. |
Broocks, Edward Ballard | (1) | Chase City, Va. |
Brown, Andrew Jackson Terry | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Brown, Eugene Price | (3) | Mountfair, Va. |
Browne, Edward Tankard | (1) | Scottsville, Va. |
Brown, Howard Myles | (1) | Montross, Va. |
Brown, Jerome Hofmayer | (2) | Albany, Ga. |
Brown, William Mark, Jr. | (2) | Miami, Fla. |
Bruns, John Dickson | (2) | Howardsville, Va. |
Bruns, James Henry | (1) | Howardsville, Va. |
Buchanan, Ward | (2) | Glendale, Ohio |
Buehler, Arthur George | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Burnley, Drury Winston | (1) | University, Va. |
Burton Lorenzo Grady | (1) | Arcadia, Fla. |
Burwell, George Harrison, Jr. | (2) | Millwood, Va. |
Butler, Edwin Ruthven | (5) | New York, N. Y. |
Butt, Alexander Bruce, Jr. | (1) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Cameron, Neil | (1) | Riverside, Cal. |
Carmichael, Anderson Barnwell | (2) | Savannah, Ga. |
Carter, Aubrey Leon | (1) | Houston, Tex. |
Carter, Gardner Lloyd | (4) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Cash, James Robert | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Cates, Charles Craig | (1) | Tiptonville, Tenn. |
Catlett, Richard Henry, Jr. | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Chalker, George Albert, Jr. | (1) | Middleburg, Fla. |
Chamblin, Brooke Bartlett | (1) | Bluemont, Va. |
Chandler, Charles Harper, Jr. | (3) | Harrisonburg, Va |
Cherry, Holston Joseph | (1) | San Antonio, Tex. |
Child, Dudley Lockwood | (2) | Troy, N. Y. |
Church, Herman Lloyd | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Churchman, Charles Johnston | (3) | Staunton, Va. |
Clapp, Le Roy Howard | (1) | Columbus, Ga. |
Clark, William Cutlar | (1) | Sago, Va. |
Cobb, Charles III | (3) | Marshall, Tex. |
Coleman, Jink | (3) | Trenton, Tenn. |
Coleman, Lewis Minor, Jr. | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Compton, Henry Tayloe | (1) | Baltimore, Md. |
Conroy, Robert Thomas | (1) | St. Louis, Mo. |
Cook, Burr Chapman | (1) | East Orange, N. J. |
Cook, Roy Selden | (3) | Ivy Depot, Va. |
Cooke, Wylie Rountree | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Cooley, William Otterbein | (1) | Reliance, Va. |
Copp, Francis Allen | (1) | Middleburg, Fla. |
Corbin, Charles Smith | (2) | University, Va. |
Costen, Rufus Joseph | (1) | Suffolk, Va. |
Cowardin, Harry Alfred | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Crawford, William Douglas | (1) | Martinsburg, W. Va. |
Crowder, Eldon Kent | (1) | Covington, Va. |
Dancy, Frank Battle, Jr. | (1) | Baltimore, Md. |
Daniel, Channing Williams | (3) | University, Va. |
Davidson, Bertram | (1) | Lancaster, Pa. |
Davidson, Clayton Abernathy | (2) | Boisé, Idaho |
Davis, Sidney | (1) | Waco, Tex. |
Deming, Claiborne Payne, Jr. | (1) | Evergreen, Ala. |
B. S. Marion Institute, Ala. | ||
Dibert, John | (3) | Crozet, Va. |
Didlake, Thomas Elvin | (5) | Shacklefords, Va. |
Diggs, Sterling Henry | (4) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Dillard, William Evans | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Dingledine, Raymond Carlyle | (3) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Dinkins, John Hamilton | (1) | Mexico City, Mexico |
Diuguid, Garnett Bertrand | (4) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Dixon, Frank Murray | (1) | Gloucester, Va. |
Doom, Ira Flaven | (1) | Batesville, Va. |
Duncan, Addison Baker | (1) | Waco, Tex. |
Durr, John Wesley, Jr. | (3) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Echols, Oliver Patton | (2) | University, Va. |
Edwards, John Graham | (1) | Fergusson's Wharf, Va. |
Effinger, Robert Craig | (3) | Staunton, Va. |
Ellison, John Grady | (2) | Crozet, Va. |
Ellmore, George Herbert | (1) | Ryan, Va. |
Emerick, Oscar Leroy | (1) | Purcellville, Va. |
B. A., Eastern College, Virginia. | ||
Eversole, Harry Clegg | (3) | Wytheville, Va. |
Faris, James Edge | (1) | Red Hill, Va. |
Farish, Joseph Denson | (1) | Columbus, Ga. |
Farrow, John Burbidge | (3) | Trenton, N. J. |
Faulkner, Donald MacKenzie | (1) | Boydton, Va. |
Faulkner, Frank Fourqurean | (3) | South Boston, Va. |
Feldman, Israel Ralphael | (1) | Salisbury, N. C. |
Fentress, James Hubert | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Fite, William Patton | (3) | Muskogee, Okla. |
Flaherty, Richard Warner | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Fleming, Charles Campbell | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Fleming, James Stockman, Jr. | (3) | Natchez, Miss. |
Forbes, Rosser Cleveland | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Fortna, Clyde Bishop | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Foster, James William | (3) | The Plains, Va. |
Franke, Kurt Walter | (2) | University, Va. |
Frazier, James Beriah, Jr. | (4) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Freeman, Gordon Newman | (1) | Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Fulton, Reid Stanger | (5) | Carsonville, Va. |
Gallalee, Edward Roger | (2) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Gammon, Frank Audley | (1) | Rural Retreat, Va. |
Gantt, Henry Perkins | (1) | Wingina, Va. |
Gantt, William Andrew Horsley | (2) | Wingina, Va. |
Garrett, James Madison, Jr. | (2) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Gentsch, Charles Dixon | (1) | Cleveland, Ohio |
Gibson, William Gordon | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Gillmore, Stuart Hagner | (1) | Lewinsville, Va. |
Gills, James Pitzer | (2) | Appomattox, Va. |
Glascock, Burr Richards | (2) | Upperville, Va. |
Goldsborough, Philip Francis | (1) | Easton, Md. |
Goldsborough, William Farr | (2) | Washington, D. C. |
Gooch, Robert Kent | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Goodrich, Edward | (1) | Edgerton, Va. |
Gover, Charles Hundley | (5) | Hendersonville, N. C. |
Grandy, Frank Louis | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Grant, Charles Sharp | (5) | University, Va. |
Graves, John Spottswood | (1) | Liberty Mills, Va. |
Gray, Douglas Robinson | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Gray, Robert Lee, Jr. | (3) | Winchester, Va. |
Greaves, Gennad Alban | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Griffith, Charles Manly, Jr. | (1) | Thomasville, N. C. |
Grove, George Hedges | (1) | Hagerstown, Md. |
Gruver, Dorie Clifton | (1) | Reliance, Va. |
Hackley, Woodford Broadus | (2) | Jeffersonton, Va. |
Hale, Fitzhugh Lee | (1) | Brooksville, Fla. |
Hamer, Frederick Charles | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Hamner, Lunsford Loving | (3) | Washington, D. C. |
Harris, Peyton Randolph | (3) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Harris, William Nelson | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Harrison, John Letcher | (3) | University, Va. |
Harrison, Jonah Thomas | (2) | Greensboro, N. C. |
Harrison, Randolph Carter | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Hathaway, Harold Grant | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Haun, Jacob | (2) | Woodstock, Va. |
Hawkins, Herbert Neff | (2) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Hawse, Virgil Paul | (2) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Hechler, Valentine, III | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Hedges, Charles Calhoun | (3) | Marietta, Ga. |
Hemphill, Edward Strobel | (2) | Chester, S. C. |
Henderson, William Lynn | (1) | Easton, Md. |
Hickey, William Sanders | (1) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Hillyer, Douglas | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
Hodo, Peter Thomas | (1) | Millport, Ala. |
Hoen, Harry Hanson | (2) | Baltimore, Md. |
Holcomb, Philip Milo | (1) | Seattle, Wash. |
Holcombe, William Hickson | (3) | Danville, Va. |
Holden, James Alfred | (1) | Kansas City, Mo. |
Holman, George Willis, Jr. | (1) | Covington, Va. |
Howard, Kalford Wall | (2) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Hurt, Eugene Charles, Jr. | (1) | Clover, Va. |
Hutter, Christian Sixtus, Jr. | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Hyde, John Bachman | (4) | Little Rock, Ark. |
Ikirt, Virgil Crocker | (1) | East Liverpool, Ohio |
Irby, James Paschal | (1) | Vernon Hill, Va. |
Jacob, Cary Franklin | (4) | Richmond, Va. |
Jacobs, Isaac | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Jarman, Miletus Brown | (2) | Elkton, Va. |
Jarman, Rush Nicholas | (2) | Elkton, Va. |
Jenkins, Charles Edward | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Jennings, Dallas Cornwell | (1) | Broadway, Va. |
Jennings, John Dillard | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Johnson, Andrew Wooten | (2) | St. Louis, Mo. |
Johnson, John Henry | (1) | Gate City, Va. |
Jones, Elisha Keen, Jr. | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Jones, Laurence Carpenter | (1) | Atlanta, Ga. |
Jones, William Atkinson, Jr. | (3) | Warsaw, Va. |
Kelly, Jacob Holliday | (1) | Suffolk, Va. |
[5] Kendrick, Earle Clarence Clarke | (1) | Tazewell, Va. |
Kennan, Stonewall Jackson | (1) | Centralia, Mo. |
Keyser, Linwood Dickens | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
King, Arthur Marshall | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
Kirkwood, Charles Edward | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Kline, Franklin Latimore | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Knight, Ferdinand Clinton | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
Kolb, Leonidas Caswell | (2) | Ozark, Ala. |
B. A., Emory College, Georgia. | ||
Koontz, Lake Winfield | (1) | Stanley, Va. |
Lamkin, John Boatner | (2) | Monroe, La. |
Landes, Warwick Bell | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Lane, Frank William | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Lane, William Preston, Jr. | (2) | Hagerstown, Md. |
Lecky, William Prescott | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Lee, James Keith Marshall | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Lemon, Frank Martin | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Lewis, Edwin | (1) | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Lewis, Frank Nelson | (4) | Cismont, Va. |
Lewis, Harry | (1) | Newport News, Va. |
Lewis, Paul Brenton | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Lindsay, James Gordon | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Lipper, Lawrence | (4) | Houston, Tex. |
Lloyd, John | (3) | University, Va. |
Longdon, Francis Morton | (1) | De Land, Fla. |
Lumpkin, Robert Pierce | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Lynch, Frank John | (1) | Holyoke, Mass. |
Lyon, John | (2) | Rosslyn, Va. |
McCandlish, Howard Sheild, Jr. | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
McCormick, Cutler Orliffe | (6) | Java, Va. |
McCormick, Kenneth Kyle | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
McCue, Samuel Overton | (4) | Charlottesville, Va. |
McDonald, Hugh Allan | (1) | Butte, Mont. |
McElroy, John Holt | (1) | Providence, R. I. |
McManaway, Howard Morgan | (2) | University, Va. |
McNaughton, John Alexander | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
McNeill, George Palmer, Jr. | (1) | University, Va. |
Maphis, John Alan | (2) | Winchester, Va. |
Marscher, Ransford Cross | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Marx, Solomon Waldheimer | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Mason, Augustine Smith | (2) | Hagerstown, Md. |
Massie, Robert Kinloch, Jr. | (1) | Theological Seminary, Va. |
Maupin, William Logan, Jr. | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
May, Irving | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
B. L., Richmond College, Virginia. | ||
Mayer, Eugene Noble | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Menefee, Alexander Burpo | (1) | Alberta, Ala. |
Meredith, Bernard | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Miller, Arthur Irvine | (1) | Moffatts Creek, Va. |
Millsaps, Louis Henry | (1) | Salt Lake City, Utah |
Morgan, John Thomas | (1) | Trinidad, Colo. |
Morris, Charles Herbert | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Moulton, Arthur Edward | (2) | New York, N. Y. |
Murdaugh, James Edmund Dandridge | (5) | University, Va. |
Murphy, John Hugh | (1) | Orlando, Fla. |
Murray, Samuel Shoemaker | (2) | Elk Ridge P. O., Md. |
Nalle, Thomas Alexander | (3) | Elkwood, Va. |
Neff, Douglas Williams | (3) | University, Va. |
Neff, Harold Hopkins | (3) | University, Va. |
Nelson, Alexander Hamilton | (2) | San Francisco, Cal. |
Nelson, Harris Morehead | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Nelson, William | (1) | Rustburg, Va. |
Newell, Leigh Gibson | (2) | Orlando, Fla. |
Nowlin, Joseph Christian, Jr. | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Ochs, Adolph Shelby | (1) | Philadelphia, Pa. |
Oglesby, Nicholas Ewing | (2) | Draper, Va. |
Orlady, George Phillips | (1) | Huntington, Pa. |
Orser, William Asa | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Owen, Thomas Barron | (2) | Owensboro, Ky. |
Page, Richard Channing Moore | (1) | Rockford, Ill. |
Parker, Robert Hunt | (1) | Enfield, N. C. |
Parrish, Jack McPherson | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Parrish, William Joseph, Jr. | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Pate, William Robertson | (1) | Albany, Ga. |
Payne, Solomon Luther | (2) | Max, Va. |
Phillips, Levitte Lawrence | (1) | Altheimer, Ark. |
Phipps, William McKinley | (3) | Clintwood, Va. |
Pinkston, John Roy | (1) | Albany, Ga. |
Poindexter, Samuel Ferdinand, Jr. | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Poss, Maurice Cecil | (2) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Pott, William Appleton | (3) | Shanghai, China |
Pratt, Philip Rodgers | (2) | Washington, D. C. |
Prevatt, Preston Gelston | (1) | De Land, Fla. |
Ramsey, Darley Hiden | (3) | Asheville, N. C. |
Ray, John Vickers | (2) | Charleston, W. Va. |
Redus, James Bertron | (2) | Port Gibson, Miss. |
Rennolds, Robert Gordon, Jr. | (3) | Richmond, Va. |
Rhodes, Frederick Hall | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Rich, Arnold | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Richardson, Frank Danforth | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Richmond, Edward Dean | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Rinker, Royden Pugh | (2) | Upperville, Va. |
Rixey, Eppa, Jr. | (3) | University, Va. |
Rixey, William Walton | (1) | University, Va. |
Robertson, Alexander Farish, Jr. | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Robertson, Harrison Marshall | (1) | Danville, Va. |
Robinson, Harry Hawthorne | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Roddey, John Edwin, Jr. | (2) | Rock Hill, S. C. |
Rorison, Harmon Chadbourn | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Rose, William Horace, Jr. | (1) | Meyersdale, Pa. |
Ruebush, Glenn Whitmore | (1) | Hinton, Va. |
Sanders, William Thomas, Jr. | (1) | Athens, Ala. |
Sandidge, William Lee, Jr. | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Savage, Charles Edward, Jr. | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Schilling, Frederick Adam | (1) | Pittsfield, Mass. |
Semmes, Douglas Ramsay | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Shackleford, Alfred Colquitt | (3) | Stony Point, Va. |
Shackelford, William Edwin | (1) | Decatur, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Alabama. | ||
Shell, John | (2) | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Siewers, Albert Bernard | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Simpson, Laurance | (5) | Avon, Ky. |
Sisk, Arthur Henry | (1) | Tampa, Fla. |
Skeen, Leslie Carlisle | (1) | Big Stone Gap, Va. |
Sneed, John Shannon | (1) | Oklahoma, Okla. |
Southern, Samuel Clayton | (1) | Pulaski, Va. |
Speed, James Spencer | (3) | Roanoke, Va. |
Spinks, John | (1) | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Spinks, Leon | (1) | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Sprinkel, Walter Gillespie | (2) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Stacy, George Palmer | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Stanard, Hugh Conway | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Starr-Hunt, John Brackenridge | (1) | Mexico City, Mexico |
Steger, Christian Talbott | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Stern, Alfred Louis | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
Sterrett, Tate Boys | (2) | Hot Springs, Va. |
Stone, James Banister, Jr. | (1) | Hurt, Va. |
Stratton, Leonard Lester | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Strudwick, Edmund, Jr. | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Stump, Claude Emmett | (3) | Pocahontas, Va. |
Summerill, Joseph John, Jr. | (2) | Woodbury, N. J. |
Swepston, John Elmer | (1) | Crawfordsville, Ark. |
Taliaferro, William Hay | (1) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Taliaferro, William Morrison | (1) | Tampa, Fla. |
Tatum, Charles Robert | (2) | Orange, Va. |
Taylor, Gervas Storrs | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Taylor, Henry Marbury | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Taylor, Henry Porterfield, III | (3) | Richmond, Va. |
Taylor, Philip Wallace | (1) | Winesap, Va. |
Taylor, Roy Le Grand | (1) | San Antonio, Tex. |
Tazewell, Edmund Bradford | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Thompson, John Allan | (1) | Pittsburg, Pa. |
Thornhill, Gabe Felder, Jr. | (2) | Paris, Tex. |
Thornton, Harrison Robertson | (1) | Auburn, Maine |
Tinsley, William Walter | (1) | Winston-Salem, N. C. |
Todd, Augustine Jaquelin | (1) | University, Va. |
Todd, Thomas Hardy | (3) | Casanova, Va. |
Toole, John Howard | (1) | Missoula, Mont. |
Tucker, Ellis Nimmo | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Tucker, Francis Bland | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Tucker, Herbert Nash | (3) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Tucker, Lawrence Fontaine | (4) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Tunstall, Cuthbert | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Tuohy, Charles Kremer | (2) | Butte, Mont. |
Turk, Rudolph | (3) | Raleigh, N. C. |
Tyree, Lewis | (4) | Salem, Va. |
Vandiver, Robert Murray | (1) | Havre De Grace, Md. |
Via, Bernard Starr | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Waddell, James Madison, Jr. | (1) | Morrell, Ark. |
Wagener, Clarence William | (4) | Manassas, Va. |
Walker, Geoffrey Fritz | (1) | Trenton, N. J. |
Walker, Ripley Sommers | (2) | Mt. Jackson, Va. |
Waller, George Platt, Jr. | (5) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Wallerstein, Emanuel Ullman | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Walter, Adolph Schinner | (1) | Denver, Colo. |
Walter, Albert Ulman | (2) | Baltimore, Md. |
Walter, Ernest Rudolph | (1) | Denver, Colo. |
Walter, Frederic Joseph | (1) | Denver, Colo. |
Ware, Kennard Nottingham | (2) | Culpeper, Va. |
Warwick, Linwood Hughes | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Washburne, Gratiot | (3) | Chicago, Ill. |
Washburne, Hempstead, Jr. | (1) | Chicago, Ill. |
Watkins, Franklin Chenault | (1) | Rye, N. Y. |
Weems, Wharton Ewell | (4) | Houston, Tex. |
Weir, Paul Latimer | (2) | Manassas, Va. |
Wellford, John Harrison | (4) | Warsaw, Va. |
Wenger, Kenneth Taylor | (2) | Cairo, Ill. |
White, Meade Fitzhugh | (1) | University, Va. |
Whitlock, William Carl | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Whitmore, William Harvey | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Wilkins, Harry Read | (2) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Williams, Aubrey Lee | (3) | Cape Charles, Va. |
Williams, Lloyd Barcroft | (1) | Columbia, S. C. |
Williams, Walter Armistead, Jr. | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Williams, Wesley Leighton | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Wilson, David Cole | (3) | St. Elmo, Tenn. |
Wingfield, John Richard, Jr. | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wood, Joseph Miller | (3) | Birdwood, Va. |
Woolfolk, Pichegru | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Woolley, Leroy Edward | (1) | Ocean Grove, N. J. |
Wright, Thomas Elbert | (2) | Roanoke, Va. |
Yancey, William Benjamin | (1) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Yerex, Hugh Verne | (1) | Newton Center, Mass. |
Young, Frank Leslie | (1) | Florence, Ala. |
Zeisberg, Carl Francis Ludwig | (3) | Abingdon, Va. |
Alabama | 15 |
Arkansas | 5 |
California | 4 |
China | 1 |
Colorado | 4 |
District of Columbia | 6 |
Florida | 16 |
Georgia | 10 |
Idaho | 1 |
Illinois | 4 |
Kentucky | 4 |
Louisiana | 1 |
Maine | 1 |
Maryland | 13 |
Massachusetts | 3 |
Mexico | 2 |
Mississippi | 3 |
Missouri | 4 |
Montana | 3 |
New Jersey | 5 |
New Mexico | 1 |
New York | 7 |
North Carolina | 10 |
Ohio | 3 |
Oklahoma | 2 |
Oregon | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 5 |
Rhode Island | 1 |
South Carolina | 3 |
Tennessee | 9 |
Texas | 10 |
Utah | 1 |
Virginia | 212 |
Washington | 1 |
West Virginia | 2 |
Total | 383 |

Courses in Roman type are undergraduate courses.
Amonette, Clarence Ogden | (4) | Madison Heights, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
English. | ||
Balz, Albert George Adam | (7) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Botany, Greek, Philosophy. | ||
Bishop, Arthur Vaughan | (4) | Riner, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute; M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
English Literature; Latin. | ||
Blanton, Wyndham Bolling | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
A. B., Hampden-Sidney College, Va. | ||
Biblical History and Literature, English, History. | ||
Bomar, John Earle | (2) | Marion, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Ala. | ||
German, Latin, Philosophy, Mathematics. | ||
Brock, Robert Alonzo, Jr. | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., Richmond College, Va. | ||
English, English Literature, Economics, Philosophy. | ||
Camp, Vaughan | (1) | Franklin, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Military Institute. | ||
English Literature, French, History, Philosophy. | ||
Cowardin, Samuel Pendleton, Jr. | (4) | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
English, French, Philosophy. | ||
Dinwiddie, Joseph Gray | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S., University of Virginia. | ||
Economics, Philosophy, Physics. | ||
Earnest, Joseph Brummell, Jr. | (4) | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Biblical History and Literature, English, History, Philosophy. | ||
Flory, Ira Samuel | (3) | Nokesville, Va. |
B. A., Mount Morris College; B. L., University of Virginia. | ||
Economics. | ||
Flye, James Harold | (1) | Winter Park, Fla. |
A. B., Yale University, Conn. | ||
Economics, English, English Literature, History. | ||
Gaver, Harry Hamilton | (2) | Berryville, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College, Va. | ||
Mathematics, Physics. | ||
Gaver, William Hardesty | (1) | Berryville, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College, Va. | ||
French, English. | ||
Gilbert, William Elbert | (1) | Rasnake, Va. |
A. B., Virginia Christian College | ||
English Literature, History, Philosophy. | ||
Graham, Palmer Hampton | (1) | Jonesville, Va. |
B. A., Emory and Henry College, Va. | ||
Astronomy, Mathematics. | ||
Guthrie, Frederick Preston | (1) | Waynesboro, Va. |
A. B. Washington and Lee University, Va. | ||
Astronomy, Mathematics. | ||
Harnsberger, Thomas Kennerly | (4) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
B. S., University of Virginia. | ||
Analytical Chemistry, Economic Geology. | ||
Hipp, Grady Hayne | (1) | Newberry, S. C. |
B. A., Newberry College, S. C. | ||
Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics. | ||
Honaker, John Craig | (3) | Draper, Va. |
A. B., Virginia Christian College. | ||
Economics, English, Political Science. | ||
Houseal, Robert Wright | (1) | Newberry, S. C. |
B. A., Newberry College, S. C. | ||
German, History. | ||
Hurt, Joseph Mettauer, Jr. | (1) | Blackstone, Va. |
A. B., William and Mary College, Va. | ||
English, English Literature, Latin, Philosophy. | ||
Johnson, Richard Potts | (6) | Frederick, Md. |
B. A., C. E., University of Virginia. | ||
Economic Geology, Italian, Mathematics. | ||
Lane, Ernest Preston | (1) | Russellville, Tenn. |
B. A., University of Tennessee. | ||
German, Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics. | ||
McLemore, James Sugars | (10) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Latin. | ||
Morrow, Loyal Chism | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
English, English Literature, Philosophy. | ||
Myers, Weldon Thomas | (7) | University, Va. |
B. A., Bridgewater College, Va.; M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
English Literature. | ||
Powell, William Ptolemy | (5) | Belmont, Va. |
B. A., Richmond College; M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
French, German, Philosophy. | ||
Rushton, Marion | (2) | Montgomery, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Ala. | ||
English Literature, History, Latin. | ||
Smith, Edward Staples | (3) | University, Va. |
Mech. Engineering, Brown University, R. I. | ||
Mathematics, Physics. | ||
Steger, Stewart Archer | (2) | Danville, Va. |
A. M., Randolph-Macon College, Va. | ||
English, English Literature. | ||
Taber, Stephen | (2) | University, Va. |
B. A., Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal. | ||
Economic Geology, Petrology. | ||
Tazewell, Calvert Walke | (5) | Norfolk, Va. |
C. E. University of Virginia. | ||
Analytical Chemistry, Economic Geology, History. | ||
Terrell, Robert Francis | (1) | Stony Point, Va. |
L. I., William and Mary College, Va. | ||
Philosophy. | ||
Wampler, Greek | (2) | Wytheville, Va. |
A. B., Emory and Henry College, Va. | ||
Economics, English, Philosophy. | ||
Watson, John Wilbur | (5) | Chatham, Va. |
B. A., M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Analytical Chemistry, Physics. | ||
Wright, Samuel Garfield | (3) | Star, Va. |
A. B., Virginia Christian College. | ||
Economics, English, Philosophy. | ||
Wunder, Charles Newman | (3) | Woodstock, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College, Va. | ||
Astronomy, Physics. |
Alabama | 2 |
Florida | 1 |
Maryland | 1 |
South Carolina | 2 |
Tennessee | 1 |
Virginia | 31 |
Total | 38 |

Amonette, Clarence Ogden | Madison Heights, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Anderson, Trent Gloster | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Barton, Robert Thomas, Jr. | Winchester, Va. |
Blanchard, Frank Baylor | Bristol, Tenn. |
B. A., King College, Tennessee. | |
Blount, John Henry | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Burrow, Lawrence Branch | St. Louis, Mo. |
Campe, Bernard Lowenberg | Norfolk, Va. |
Cochran, Herbert Green | Norfolk, Va. |
A. B., Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. | |
Cooke, Willoughby Talbot, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
Dunnington, Walter Gray, Jr. | Farmville, Va. |
B. A., Hampden-Sidney College, Va. | |
Eichbauer, Walter John | Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Feldman, Israel Ralphael | Salisbury, N. C. |
Finlay, Edward | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Florian, Stirling | San Antonio, Tex. |
Ford, William Vernon | Luray, Va. |
B. S., Vanderbilt University, Tenn. | |
Foster, William Prescott | Franklin, La. |
Fowle, George Dashiell | Washington, D. C. |
French, David McComas, Jr. | Newport News, Va. |
French, George Mark | Woodstock, Va. |
A. B., Roanoke College, Virginia. | |
Gardner, Edgar Betts | Troy, N. Y. |
Gauthier, Leo Robert | Plattsburg, N. Y. |
Gianniny, Lawrence Gleason | Charlottesville, Va. |
Goode, David Beck | Gastonburg, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Alabama. | |
Gover, Charles Hundley | Hendersonville, N. C. |
Groner, Powell Campbell | Norfolk, Va. |
Guy, Arthur Randolph | Washington, D. C. |
Hall, Channing Westbrook | Berkley, Va. |
B. A., William and Mary College, Va. | |
Halstead, Theophilus Stembel | University, Va. |
Hamner, Lunsford Loving | Washington, D. C. |
Handy, Bolling Hall | Emory, Va. |
B. A., Emory and Henry College, Va. | |
Harris, John Wormeley, Jr. | Memphis, Tenn. |
Hecht, Edgar Jerome | Norfolk, Va. |
Hewes, Clarence Bussey | Jeanerette, La. |
Hewitt, James Stephenson | Bramwell, W. Va. |
Hubbard, Edmund Fitzgerald | Mt. Airy, Va. |
Huger, Benjamin | Roanoke, Va. |
Hume, Julien Robert | Portsmouth, Va. |
Ingram, John Littlepage | Richmond, Va. |
LL. B., Richmond College, Va. | |
Jeffries, John Lewis, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
Jenkins, John Benson, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Jerry, Harold Anderson | Plattsburg, N. Y. |
Jett, Shelby Magoffin, Jr. | Richmond, Ky. |
A. B. Hampden-Sidney College, Va. | |
Jones, Catesby ap Lucian | Savannah, Ga |
Ph. B., Yale University, Conn. | |
Kanter, Harry Hyman | Norfolk, Va. |
Keith, Arthur Alexander Morson | Richmond, Va. |
Livingston, Carl B. | Carlsbad, N. Mex. |
Lowenberg, David | Norfolk, Va. |
McGarry, Paul David | Jacksonville, Fla. |
McMillan, Emmet Earle | Gastonburg, Ala. |
B. A., B. S., Marion Institute, Alabama. | |
McWhorter, Archibald Thompson | Hayneville, Ala. |
MacKay, Henry Squarebrigs, Jr. | Riverside, Cal. |
Martin, Thomas Keely | Hot Springs, Ark. |
Miller, Henry Roberts, Jr. | Richmond, Va. |
Millsaps, Louis Henry | Salt Lake City, Utah |
Neff, Harold Hopkins | University, Va. |
Noble, Charles Strubinger | Hanover, Pa. |
Norton, Leo Watts | Danville, Va. |
Ollivette, Clifford Michael | Plattsburg, N. Y. |
Overton, Nelson Chilcoat | Newport News, Va. |
Proctor, David Cogswell | Beaumont, Tex. |
Reeves, Willis Ward | Owensboro, Ky. |
Robertson, Archibald Gerard | Staunton, Va. |
Robinson, Sidney Atkinson | Centreville, Miss. |
Rogers, Frank Waters | Dendron, Va. |
Slaven, Lant Rader | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Spinks, Leon | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Strickland; Leonard Palmer | Claxton, Ga. |
Tabb, Warner Throckmorton | Gloucester, Va. |
E. E., University of Virginia. | |
Thompson, John Allan | Pittsburg, Pa. |
Todd, George Farant | Norfolk, Va. |
Trimble, Samuel Withers | Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Triplett, Arthur Fairfax | Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Walker, Russell Ashby | Portsmouth, Va. |
White, Charles Hallett | East Orange, N. J. |
White, James Elmer | Eagle Pass, Tex. |
Williams, Birkett Livers | Hot Springs, Ark. |
B. A., Ouachita College, La. | |
Wilson, Benjamin Fergusson, Jr. | Corpus Christi, Tex. |
Woolf, Andrew | Keyser, W. Va. |
Yeager, Paul Revere | Marlinton, W. Va. |
Bailey, Preston Henry | Lynchburg, Va. |
Barker, James Mayner | Bristol, Va. |
A. B., Emory and Henry College, Va. | |
Barringer, Paul Brandon, Jr. | Blacksburg, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Battle, John Stewart | Charlottesville, Va. |
Belt, John William | Covington, Ky. |
Briggs, Morris Fontaine | Coakley, Va. |
B. S., Eastern College, Virginia. | |
Caldwell, George Aiken | Bristol, Tenn. |
Carter, John Waddie, Jr. | Martinsville, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Cassidy, Harold Hunter | Grand View on Hudson, N. Y. |
Christian, Andrew Dunscomb | Richmond, Va. |
Clements, Edwin Fenton | Petersburg, Va. |
Cocke, Lucian Howard, Jr. | Roanoke, Va. |
M. A., University of Virginia. | |
Coleman, Reuben Lindsay | Somerset, Va. |
Cone, John Woffard | White Springs, Fla. |
Conner, Zeph Gilbert | Murray, Ky. |
Curry, Robert Granville | Staunton, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Dewey, William Chapman | Memphis, Tenn. |
Douglas, Malcolm Townsend | Rossville, Md |
Fletcher, Erasmus Lee | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Gill, Robert Joshua | Seattle, Wash. |
A. B., Western Maryland College. | |
Goodhue, John Forrest | Beaumont, Tex. |
Hand, Charles Connor | Shubuta, Miss. |
A. B., Millsaps College, Miss. | |
Harrison, James Franklin | Greensboro, N. C. |
Hodges, Charles Otto | Birmingham, Ala. |
Humphrey, Churchill | Louisville, Ky. |
Graduate U. S. Naval Academy. | |
Irvine, Lynn McCrea | Mechanicsburg, Pa. |
Johnston, Ewart | Birmingham, Ala. |
Jones, Edmund Lee | Wheeling, W. Va. |
B. A., Washington and Jefferson College, Pa. | |
Keating, Vincent Joseph | Cumberland, Md. |
B. A., M. A., Mt. St. Mary's College, Md. | |
Lacy, James Horace, Jr. | Winchester, Va. |
Lavell, Clarence Dixon | Butte, Mont. |
Leary, Robert Baldwin | Birmingham, Ala. |
Lobit, Louis Gabriel | Galveston, Tex. |
Lynch, Harry Holiday | Winchester, Va. |
McCormick, John Abner | Java, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Christian College. | |
McDonald, William Percy | Bay St. Louis, Miss. |
McIntyre, Robert Charles | Warrenton, Va. |
Macdonald, Alexander | Scotia, Cal. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
May, William Leece | Tazewell, Va. |
Miller, Leland Long | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., Davidson College, N. C. | |
Moore, Joseph Francis | Berryville, Va. |
Parham, Sidney Field | Washington, D. C. |
Payne, Joseph Houston | Owensboro, Ky. |
Puryear, John | Orange, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Rodgers, Decatur Hedges | Bowling Green, Ky. |
A. B., Ogden College, Kentucky. | |
Saunders, Richard Brown | Richmond, Va. |
Skinner, Frederick Henry | Kuttawa, Ky. |
Swank, Ward Clinton | Harrisonburg, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Underwood, Oscar Wilder, Jr. | Birmingham, Ala. |
Walker, Croom Ware, Jr. | San Antonio, Tex. |
Wallace, Lew Earl | Montclair, N. J. |
Warthen, Gibson Roy | Front Royal, Va. |
Adams, John Reese | University, Va. |
Albertson, Robert Brooke | Portsmouth, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Bailey, Weldon Murray | Washington, D. C. |
Ballard, Paul Gantt | Baltimore, Md. |
Boyd, John William | Richmond, Va. |
B. S., University of Virginia. | |
Buskey, Lylle Repiton | London Bridge, Va. |
Davis, Charles Woodard | Sedley, Va. |
B. S., Haverford College, Pennsylvania. | |
Diven, Frederick Menkert | Winchester, Va. |
Dulany, Henry Rozier, Jr. | Upperville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Elliot, John Speed | Boonville, Mo. |
Ferguson, Chauncey Dwight | Leesville, La. |
B. A., Southwestern University of Texas. | |
Gleason, Michael Sidney | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Gravely, Page Keen | Rocky Mount, N. C. |
Harrison, David Alexander, Jr. | Disputanta, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College, Va. | |
Jefferies, Samuel Smith | Clarendon, Ark. |
B. A., University of Arkansas. | |
Jenkins, Felix Allen | Montclair, N. J. |
Johnson, Louis Arthur | Roanoke, Va. |
Keezell, Walter Bernard | Keezeltown, Va. |
Martin, Alvah Howard, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A., Randolph-Macon College, Va. | |
Maupin, William Gabriel | Portsmouth, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
May, William Frederick | Lead, S Dak. |
Moyston, Roy Caldwell | Memphis, Tenn. |
Oliver, Lester LeRoy | Buckeystown, Md. |
Parker, Vincent Luke | Portsmouth, Va. |
B. A., M. A., Mt. St. Mary's College, Md. | |
Richards, Cyril Kelly | Trenton, N. J. |
Rixey, John Strode | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Schmidt, Carl Oscar | Wheeling, W. Va. |
Schmitt, Williams Aloysius | Yazoo City, Miss. |
B. S., Spring Hill College, Alabama. | |
Seaman, Charles Keen, Jr. | Perth Amboy, N. J. |
Simpson, Laurance | Avon, Ky. |
Spratt, Harry Lee | Richlands, Va. |
B. A., Emory and Henry College, Va. | |
Storm, William Martin | Frederick, Md. |
Taliaferro, Carol Davis | Charlotte, N. C. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Vincent, Hugh Evelyn | New Orleans, La. |
Waters, Luther Bradford | Owings Mills, Md. |
Webb, Frederick Woolford Conway | Vienna, Md. |
Wester, Earle Neil | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Wood, Lyttleton Waddell | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. |

Acker, Isaac Preston | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Anderson, James Crawford | Plainview, Tex. |
Bogert, Gilbert Pancoast | Glen Ridge, N. J. |
Bone, Roger Morse | Washington, D. C. |
Borah, Wayne G. | Franklin, La. |
Boyle, George LeRoy | Kansas City, Mo. |
Camblos, James Lyle | Marietta, Ga. |
Cannon, Gordon Anderson | Norfolk, Va. |
Duke, John Flavel Slaughter | Charlottesville, Va. |
Ferebee, William | Norfolk, Va. |
Ferguson, Leslie Fulton | Appomattox, Va. |
Gilbert, Sylvester Cline | Kansas City, Mo. |
Goodman, John Willard | Orange, Tex. |
Gravely, Robert Hairston | Roanoke, Va. |
Hammond, James Roy | Oakland, Md. |
Homes, Peter Puryear | Boydton, Va. |
Johnson, Charles Chouteau | St. Louis, Mo. |
Kayser, James Wilson | Mt. Vernon, N. Y. |
Kearns, Edward White | Taunton, Mass |
Kirsh, Alfred Joseph | Richmond, Va. |
Lyons, Thomas Francis | Philadelphia, Pa. |
McEntee, Stace Bray | Upper Black Eddy, Pa. |
McLemore, James Monroe | Big Stone Gap, Va. |
May, Irving | Richmond, Va. |
B. L., Richmond College, Va. | |
Miller, Burkett Mansfield | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Moon, Edward Harris | Lynchburg, Va. |
Reager, Harry Philip, Jr. | Louisville, Ky. |
LL. B., Jefferson School of Law, Ky. | |
Ryon, James Shoemaker | Pleasantville, N. J. |
Settle, William Barbee | Flinthill, Va. |
Sloan, John Trimmier | Columbia, S. C. |
Spiller, Robert Kent | Wytheville, Va. |
Stout, James Marshall | Waynesboro, Va. |
Taylor, Lewis Selden | Norfolk, Va. |
White, John Haywood | Portland, Oregon |
Worthington, William Wilson | Norfolk, Va. |

Alabama | 7 |
Arkansas | 5 |
California | 4 |
District of Columbia | 6 |
Florida | 3 |
Georgia | 3 |
Kentucky | 9 |
Louisiana | 5 |
Maryland | 8 |
Massachusetts | 1 |
Mississippi | 4 |
Missouri | 5 |
Montana | 1 |
New Jersey | 7 |
New Mexico | 1 |
New York | 6 |
North Carolina | 5 |
Oregon | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 5 |
South Carolina | 1 |
South Dakota | 1 |
Tennessee | 8 |
Texas | 10 |
Utah | 1 |
Virginia | 89 |
Washington | 1 |
West Virginia | 7 |
Total | 204 |

Anderson, William Dulaney | Little Rock, Ark. |
Bell, Glen Roderick | Denver, Colorado |
Biern, Oscar Bernard | Huntington, W. Va. |
Castillo, Daniel del | Barbaevas, Colombia, S. A. |
Chow, Ming-yu | Ningpo, China |
Dunnington, John Hughes | Farmville, Va. |
B. A., Hampden-Sidney College, Va. | |
Fiske, Pliny Baxter | Rochester, N. Y. |
Ph. B., Hamilton College, N. Y. | |
Fitchett, Marion Stevenson | Cape Charles, Va. |
Gage, Lucius Gaston | Chester, S. C. |
B. A., Wofford College, S. C. | |
Gardner, Francis Phillips | Covington, Va. |
Giddings, Charles Glenville | Atlanta, Ga. |
Gordin, Archie Ewing | Jackson, Miss. |
Grant, David Walker | Richmond, Va. |
Gravatt, William Loyall, Jr. | Charles Town, W. Va. |
Harper, Charles Nicholas | Riverton, W. Va. |
Howard, James Manney, Jr. | New Berne, N. C. |
Karr, William Lisle | Hickory Withe, Tenn. |
Little, William Ray | Charlottesville, Va. |
Lyon, Brockton Reynolds | Greensboro, N. C. |
McCoy, Haliburton | Asheville, N. C. |
Meares, William Belvidere, Jr. | Linwood, N. C. |
B. S., Davidson College, N. C. | |
Meriwether, James Addison | Holcomb's Rock, Va. |
Miller, Arthur Irvine | Moffatt's Creek, Va. |
Miller, Ernest Brubaker | Elkton, Va. |
Payne, Mosby Hale | Vera, Va. |
B. A., Washington and Lee University, Va. | |
Prioleau, Philip Ford | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Reaves, Robert Grisham | Greeneville, Tenn. |
A. B., Washington and Tusculum College, Tenn. | |
Shaffer, Carl William | Woodstock, Va. |
Ph. G., University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va. | |
Speed, James Spencer | Roanoke, Va. |
Willcox, Claiborne | Norfolk, Va. |
Wysor, Frank Laird | Clifton Forge, Va. |
B. A., Washington and Lee University, Va. |

Anderson, Thomas Bruce Hurt | Charlottesville, Va. |
Ashby, Edward Clayton | Mt. Airy, N. C. |
B. A., Trinity College, North Carolina. | |
Barnwell, John DuBose | Claussens P. O., S. C. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Bean, William Smith, Jr. | Clinton, S. C. |
B. A., Presbyterian College of South Carolina. | |
Bernard, Bethune Caldwell | Senatobia, Miss. |
Dale, John Richard, Jr. | Texarkana, Ark. |
B. A., Washington and Lee University, Va. | |
Fechtig, Allen Garthwright | Wilmington, N. C. |
A. B., University of the South, Tenn. | |
Figueras, James Julian | San Juan, Porto Rico. |
Fowlkes, John Winston, Jr. | Sunny Side, Va. |
Hollingsworth, William Young | Bel Air, Md. |
Jackson, Herbert Ferdinand | Selma, Ala. |
B. Ped., State Normal College, Alabama. | |
Jarman, Bernard Lipscomb | Charlottesville, Va. |
King, Ogden Doremus | Albemarle, N. C. |
Lile, Minor Carson | University, Va. |
McGuire, John | Indian, Va. |
B. A., Emory and Henry College, Va. | |
McMorries, Edwin, Jr. | Meridian, Miss. |
Ph. B., Mississippi College. | |
Mann, Hunter Reece | Charlottesville, Va. |
Power, Eugene Logan | Abbeville, S. C. |
B. A., Presbyterian College of South Carolina. | |
Price, Vance Lodowick | Stanley, Va. |
B. E., Bridgewater College, Virginia. | |
Reeves, Thaddeus Benjamin | Greenville, S. C. |
B. S., Clemson Agricultural College, S. C. | |
Sandidge, Roy Preston | Lynchburg, Va. |
Saunders, Samuel, Jr. | University, Va. |
Stringfellow, James Lawrence | Batna, Va. |
B. A., Richmond College, Virginia. | |
Varner, Harry Howard | Warrenton, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Witt, Dan Hiter | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wright, Joseph Lee | Keezletown, Va. |
Blanchard, Mercer | Columbus, Ga. |
B. S., University of Georgia. | |
Chichester, Peyton Moncure | Fredericksburg, Va. |
L. I., William and Mary College, Va. | |
Dale, Robert Rodney | Texarkana, Ark. |
Duggins, Percy Elisha | Grenada, Miss. |
Etheridge, Herbert Rogers | Norfolk, Va. |
B. S., William and Mary College, Va. | |
Guyton, William Sylvester | Ingomar, Miss. |
B. S., M. A., University of Mississippi. | |
Jones, John Porter | Raccoon Ford, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Kendrick, Richard Leon | Rock Hill, S. C. |
A. B., Wake Forest College, N. C. | |
O'Connor, Charles Mallon, Jr. | University, Va. |
Steele, Kyle Bear | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wheeler, George Alexander | Higgins, N. C. |
Williams, Carrington | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Williams, Louis Laval, Jr. | Boston, Mass. |
Yarbrough, Henry Charles | Montgomery, Ala. |
Bibb, James Lewis Leitch | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Bray, William Edward | Winona, Miss. |
B. A., University of Mississippi. | |
Crider, Joseph Otterbein | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Hume, Joseph Stuart | Portsmouth, Va. |
Irvin, Samuel Sullivan | Mt. Airy, N. C. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Latané, Henry Augustine | Oak Grove, Va. |
Laughlin, James Burnett | Huntsville, Ala. |
B. S., University of Alabama. | |
Mundy, James Oscar, Jr. | Burnley, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Niell, Arthur Harry | Clover, S. C. |
Porter, Charles Terrell | Sylacauga, Ala. |
B. S., in E. E., Alabama Polytechnic Institute. | |
Slaughter, William Howard | Tensaw, Ala. |
B. S., University of Alabama. | |
Stone, John Boyd | Moyers, W. Va. |
B. E., Bridgewater College, Va. |
McMurdo, Hew Bernard | Charlottesville, Va. |
M. D., University of Virginia. |

Alabama | 5 |
Arkansas | 3 |
China | 1 |
Colorado | 1 |
Florida | 1 |
Georgia | 2 |
Maryland | 1 |
Massachusetts | 1 |
Mississippi | 6 |
New York | 1 |
North Carolina | 9 |
Porto Rico | 1 |
Republic of Columbia, S. A. | 1 |
South Carolina | 7 |
Tennessee | 2 |
Virginia | 38 |
West Virginia | 4 |
Total | 84 |

Figures in parentheses refer to the number of sessions in attendance.
Armentrout, Carl Le Roy | (4) | Staunton, Va. |
Bagley, Dudley Warren | (1) | Moyock, N. C. |
Barron, Bernard Marr | (1) | Schenectady, N. Y. |
Beale, Frank Dunnington | (1) | Fredericksburg, Va. |
Beckett, Thomas Young | (1) | Wheeling, W. Va. |
Bennett, John Campbell | (6) | Brandy Station, Va. |
Blakey, Angus Rucker | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Breene, Robert Gale | (1) | Dayton, Ohio |
Brent, George William | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
Brown, Eugene Hendrix | (2) | Big Stone Gap, Va. |
Burnley, Seth | (4) | University, Va. |
Calcott, William Stansfield | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Campbell, Lawrence Bryan | (2) | Asheville, N. C. |
Carmichael, Anderson Barnwell | (2) | Savannah, Ga. |
Carpenter, Garnett Yelverton | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Clark, Henry Woodman | (3) | Washington, D. C. |
Cochran, Elvin Perry | (1) | Seattle, Wash. |
Cooke, Carter Berkeley | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Cook, George Gordon | (3) | Congress Heights, D. C. |
Cowardin, Harry Alfred | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Davis, Robert Bruce | (2) | Paces, Va. |
Davis, Sidney Lee | (3) | Benoit, Miss. |
Durrett, Reuben Thomas, II | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Edel, Albert Frederick | (5) | Richmond, Va. |
Elliott, Percival | (3) | Highlands, N. C. |
Emmett, Richard, Jr. | (1) | Winchester, Va. |
Faber, Joseph Frederick | (6) | Norfolk, Va. |
Ferguson, Theodore | (1) | Anson, Tex. |
Ford, Jesse Ray | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Franke, Kurt Walter | (2) | University, Va. |
Funsten, Robert Vivian | (2) | Boise, Idaho |
Gardner, George Long | (1) | Point Pleasant, W. Va. |
Gladney, Thomas Glenn | (2) | Starkville, Miss. |
B. S., Mississippi A. and M. College. | ||
Godfrey, Edwin Hammond | (1) | Millville, N. J. |
Golden, Theodore Earnest, Jr. | (1) | Columbus, Ga. |
Goulden, Stanley Wallace | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Grandy, Frank Louis | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Gravatt, Marshall | (5) | Port Royal, Va. |
Griffith, Hugh O'Donovan | (8) | Hampton, Va. |
Hale, Edwin Albert | (1) | Cherrydale, Va. |
Harmon, Harry Murphy | (6) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Harris, William Nelson | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Hart, Richard Willing Byrd | (2) | North Garden, Va. |
Holladay, William Armstrong | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Holland, Frank | (1) | Orlando, Fla. |
Houston, Robert Hugh | (6) | Batesville, Miss. |
James, William Linford | (2) | Ocean View, Del. |
Jerry, Hubert William | (1) | Plattsburg, N. Y. |
Jerry, Rolland Lewis | (1) | West Chazy, N. Y. |
Jordan, Claude Wilson | (1) | Fort Defiance, Va. |
Keys, Francis Raymond | (5) | Norfolk, Va. |
King, Arthur Marshall | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
King, Claude Corbett | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Knight, Leonard Marbury | (3) | Alexandria, Va. |
Lamb, James Christian, Jr. | (2) | Warsaw, Va. |
Leonard, Kenneth Lee | (1) | Piqua, Ohio |
Lewis, Frank Nelson | (4) | Cismont, Va. |
Lewis, Zack Robert | (2) | Howardsville, Va. |
Lin, Kyan-zung | (1) | Shanghai, China |
B. A. St. John's University, Shanghai. | ||
Locke, David Roger | (2) | San Antonio, Tex. |
Lürman, Theodor Gerhard, Jr. | (2) | Baltimore, Md. |
McConnell, Chrystie | (2) | Easton, Md. |
McKeand, Charles Alexander | (1) | Charleston, S. C. |
McKinney, John Hill | (1) | St. Louis, Mo. |
Marshall, John | (3) | San Angelo, Tex. |
Merrick, Thomas Belsham | (4) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Moore, John Hartwell | (1) | Berryville, Va. |
Neff, Douglas William | (3) | University, Va. |
Neff, William Newton | (5) | Chilhowie, Va. |
B. A., Emory and Henry College, Va. | ||
M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Payne, Joseph Samuel, Jr. | (2) | Columbia, Va. |
Payne, Louis Walters | (2) | Washington, D. C. |
Pool, John Earl | (1) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Randolph, Robert Decan | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
Randolph, Spottiswoode Wellford | (1) | Riverside, Ill. |
Ritchie, Thomas Clifford | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Robinson, Charles Custer | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Rumbough, William Samuel | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Shepherd, Irving Jones | (4) | Petersburg, Va. |
Smith, Brooks Chandler | (1) | Burlington, Iowa |
Smith, Edward Woodson, Jr. | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Smith, James Heflebower | (3) | Weverton, Md. |
Stork, Alex. Sedgwick Augustus | (1) | Elizabeth, N. J. |
Tabb, Warner Throckmorton | (5) | Gloucester, Va. |
E. E., University of Virginia. | ||
Thomas, Frank Lester | (3) | Hammonton, N. J. |
Trummell, Miles Franklin | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Tucker, Lawrence Fontaine | (4) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Turner, William Henry, Jr. | (1) | Afton, Va. |
Vanderwater, Richard Storrs | (2) | Kankakee, Ill. |
Vaughan, Victor Lomax | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Walker, Buz M., Jr. | (2) | Agricultural College, Miss. |
B. S., A. and M. College, Miss. | ||
Walter, Albert Ulman | (2) | Baltimore, Md. |
Ward. William Randolph | (4) | Lyells, Va. |
Wells, George Morris Hammond | (6) | Chicago, Ill. |
Wert, William Henry | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Wilkinson, Reading | (1) | Port Gibson, Miss. |
Williams, Frederick Ford | (3) | Boston, Mass. |
Williamson, Lee Hoomes | (2) | Corozal, C. Z., Panama |
Wilson, Guy Austin | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wood, William Woodhull | (6) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Young, Alexander William | (1) | Wheeling, W. Va. |
China | 1 |
Delaware | 1 |
District of Columbia | 4 |
Florida | 1 |
Georgia | 2 |
Idaho | 1 |
Illinois | 3 |
Iowa | 1 |
Kentucky | 1 |
Maryland | 4 |
Massachusetts | 1 |
Mississippi | 5 |
Missouri | 1 |
New Jersey | 3 |
New York | 3 |
North Carolina | 3 |
Ohio | 2 |
Panama | 1 |
South Carolina | 1 |
Tennessee | 1 |
Texas | 3 |
Virginia | 53 |
Washington | 1 |
West Virginia | 3 |
Total | 100 |

(Dec. 15, 1911)
Alabama | 29 |
Arkansas | 13 |
California | 7 |
China | 3 |
Colorado | 5 |
Delaware | 1 |
District of Columbia | 15 |
Florida | 22 |
Georgia | 16 |
Idaho | 2 |
Illinois | 6 |
Iowa | 1 |
Kentucky | 14 |
Louisiana | 6 |
Maine | 1 |
Maryland | 26 |
Massachusetts | 6 |
Mexico | 2 |
Mississippi | 19 |
Missouri | 10 |
Montana | 4 |
New Jersey | 15 |
New Mexico | 2 |
New York | 18 |
North Carolina | 24 |
Ohio | 6 |
Oklahoma | 2 |
Oregon | 2 |
Panama | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 10 |
Porto Rico | 1 |
Republic of Columbia, S. A. | 1 |
Rhode Island | 1 |
South Carolina | 14 |
South Dakota | 1 |
Tennessee | 21 |
Texas | 21 |
Utah | 1 |
Virginia | 417 |
Washington | 3 |
West Virginia | 15 |
Total | 784 |
SCHOOL, 1911.
The College | 383 |
The Department of Graduate Studies | 38 |
The Department of Law | 204 |
The Department of Medicine | 84 |
The Department of Engineering | 99 |
808 | |
Less duplicates | 24 |
Total Number of Regular Students | 784 |
Total Attendance Summer School, 1910 | 1341 |
Deduct for regular students, who also attended the Summer School |
55 |
Total for 1911-1912, Including Summer School, 1911 | 2070 |

Bridges, Richard Kenyon | (3) | Slater, Mo. |
Law. | ||
Brooks, Louis, Jr. | (4) | St. Louis, Mo. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Law. | ||
Christian, George Watson | (1) | Gordonsville, Va. |
College. | ||
Cooley, Elbert McNelia | (2) | Hillsville, Va. |
L. I., William and Mary College, Va. | ||
College. | ||
Corbin, Charles Smith | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
College. | ||
Custer, Warner Prentice | (1) | Danville, Va. |
Law. | ||
Daniel, William Horton | (1) | Wittens Mill, Va. |
Law. | ||
Ellison, John Grady | (1) | Crozet, Va. |
Law. | ||
French, William Ephraim | (7) | Clintwood, Va. |
B. L., University of Virginia. | ||
College. | ||
Garrett, Thomas Henry, Jr. | (1) | St. Louis, Mo. |
College. | ||
Griffith, Hugh O'Donovan | (7) | University, Va. |
Engineering. | ||
Hawkins, Herbert Neff | (1) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
College. | ||
Hodge, Frederick Arthur | (6) | Charlottesville, Va. |
M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Graduate. | ||
Lamkin, John Boatner | (1) | Monroe, La. |
College. | ||
Lapsley, James Woods | (1) | Afton, Va. |
A. B., Randolph-Macon College. | ||
Graduate. | ||
Leary, Robert Baldwin | (3) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Law. | ||
Lucas, Anthony Fitzgerald, Jr. | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
Engineering. | ||
Oglesby, Nicholas Ewing | (1) | Draper, Va. |
College. | ||
Olivier, Charles Pollard | (9) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., M. A., University of Virginia. | ||
Graduate. | ||
Pearson, Willis Houstoun | (4) | Trenton, N. J. |
College. | ||
Pruitt, Moses Webb | (1) | Thomaston, Ga. |
Engineering. | ||
Randerson, John Howard | (1) | Albany, N. Y. |
Engineering. | ||
Scroggin, James Henry | (5) | Morrilton, Ark. |
Medicine. | ||
Smith, George Abraham | (2) | University, Va. |
College. | ||
Stewart, Zeno Clay | (2) | New Orleans, La. |
LL. B., Millsaps College, Miss. | ||
Law. | ||
Taber, Stephen | (1) | University, Va. |
B. A., Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal. | ||
Graduate. | ||
Walker, James Thomas | (3) | Bedford City, Va. |
B. A., Randolph-Macon College; M. A., University of Virginia. |
Graduate. | ||
Warthen, Gibson Roy | (3) | Front Royal, Va. |
Law. | ||
Williams, Robert | (5) | Philadelphia, Pa. |
College. |
Corrected Total for 1910-11 | 725 |

Conferred on Final Day, Wednesday, June 14, 1911,
Amonette, Clarence Ogden | James River, Va. |
Aull, John | Lexington, Mo. |
Barnwell, John DuBose | Petersburg, Va. |
Beirne, Francis Foulke | Richmond, Va. |
Clark, William Holloway | Louisville, Ky. |
Cocke, Charles Francis | Roanoke, Va. |
Cowardin, Samuel Pendleton, Jr. | Richmond, Va. |
Curry, Robert Granville | Staunton, Va. |
Earnest, Joseph Brummell, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
French, Ballard Dunbar | Clintwood, Va. |
French, William Ephraim | Clintwood, Va. |
Gannaway, Malcolm Woodson | Lynchburg, Va. |
Hancock, Coalter Cabell | Richmond, Va. |
Jenkins, John Benson, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
Kearfott, Robert Ryland | Martinsville, Va. |
Lancaster, Dabney Stewart | Richmond, Va. |
Latady, Francis Bacon | Birmingham, Ala. |
Levy, Maxwell Lewis | Norfolk, Va. |
McComb, Thomas Malcolm | Waynesboro, Va. |
Macdonald, Alexander | Scotia, Cal. |
Morrow, Loyal Chism | Aspinwall, Pa. |
Parsons, Charles Howard | Townsend, Va. |
Phipps, Walter Blaine | Clintwood, Va. |
Puryear, John | Orange, Va. |
Rixey, John Strode | Charlottesville, Va. |
Slaven, Lant Rader | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Sutton, Corydon Hubert, Jr. | Richmond, Va. |
Swank, Ward Clinton | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Thomasson, Frank Lewis | Charlottesville, Va. |
Toulmin, Harry Aubrey, Jr. | Upperville, Va. |
Wallerstein, Morton Ludwig | Richmond, Va. |
Wallerstein, Robert Leon | Richmond, Va. |

Boyd, John William | Richmond, Va. |
Christian, Frank Palmer | Richmond, Va. |
Edwards, Eugene Taylor | Gainesville, Tex. |
Harnsberger, Thomas Kennerly | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Patton, Lester | University, Va. |
Dinwiddie, Joseph Gray | Charlottesville, Va. |
Palmer, Barton | Urbanna, Va. |
Woodson, Daniel Perkins, Jr. | North Garden, Va. |
Bishop, Arthur Vaughan | Riner, Va. |
B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Cocke, Lucian Howard, Jr. | Roanoke, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Coyner, Martin Boyd | Waynesboro, Va. |
B. A., Concordia College. | |
Haden, Russell Landram | Crozet, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Moore, Edwin Norton | University, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Wright, Frank James | Bridgewater, Va. |
B. A., Bridgewater College. |
Merz, Albert Ronald | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S., University of Virginia. |
Patton, Lester | Charlottesville, Va. |
Hodge, Frederick Arthur | Charlottesville, Va. |
M. A., University of Virginia. | |
Dissertation: | John Locke and Formal Discipline. |
Olivier, Charles Pollard | Charlottesville, Va. |
M. A., University of Virginia. | |
Dissertation: | 175 Parabolic Orbits and Other Results Deduced from Observations of 6,200 Meteors. |

Anderson, Alfred | Ringgold, Va. |
Dabney, Walter Spottswood | Thorp Spring, Tex. |
B. S., Jarvis College, Texas. | |
Douglas, William Walter | Warsaw, Va. |
Floyd, Earle Norris | Meridian, Miss. |
B. A., M. A., University of Virginia. | |
Glass, Julius Franklin | Uniontown, Ala. |
Hannon, William Morgan | New Orleans, La. |
Hitchins, Paul LeVan | Frostburg, Md. |
Jones, Kenneth Swank | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Martin, James Green | Norfolk, Va. |
Minor, Farrell Dabney, Jr. | Beaumont, Tex. |
Peyton, William Snyder | Charlottesville, Va. |
Phipps, Hibbard William | Clintwood, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Thomasson, Frank Lewis | Charlottesville, Va. |
Thraves, Oscar Robert | Belona, Va. |
Trimble, John White | Mt. Sterling, Ky. |
B. A., Kentucky Wesleyan College. |
Gemeny, Albin Leroy | Alexandria, Va. |
Harrison, Frederick Nash | Danville, Va. |
Hartmann, Frank Everett | Charlottesville, Va. |
Thurston, William Purcell | Burlington, N. C. |
Carr, Lucien, III | Winchester, Va. |
Cecil, Byron Russell | Kansas City, Mo |
Shuey, Olyn Rhinehart | Piedmont, W. Va. |
Tabb, Warner Throckmorton | Gloucester, Va. |
Carr, Lucien, III | Winchester, Va. |
Cecil, Byron Russell | Kansas City, Mo. |
Gallalee, John Morin | Portsmouth, Va. |
Lapham, Jared Stout | Northville, Mich. |

Cabaniss, William Harvey | Maxey's, Ga. |
B. S., Newberry College. | |
Cornett, Horace Victor | Spring Valley, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Davis, Thos. Newman, Jr. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Hiden, Martin Barbour | Newport News, Va. |
Holladay, Edwin Wilson | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Kable, John Lobban | Staunton, Va. |
King, Aubin Tilden | Richmond, Va. |
M. A., Richmond College. | |
McLean, Frank | Maxton, N. C. |
A. M., University of North Carolina. | |
Murchison, Dan Royall, Jr. | El Paso, Tex. |
B. A., University of Texas. | |
Payne, Edmund Cape | Birmingham, Ala. |
A. B., Howard College. | |
Payne, Frank Marion | Birmingham, Ala. |
A. B., Howard College. | |
Reid, Rufus Tinsley | Davidson, N. C. |
Rinker, Frederick Casper | Upperville, Va. |
B. A., Roanoke College. | |
Scroggin, James Henry | Morrilton, Ark. |
Smart, Frank Pelzer | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S., Vanderbilt University. | |
Waddell, James Alexander | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A., University of Virginia. | |
Washburn, Benjamin Earl | Rutherfordton, N. C. |
M. A., University North Carolina. | |
Williams, Charles Laval | Boston, Mass. |
Witmer, Chester Anderson | Quarryville, Pa. |
Woodbery, Hunter Samuel | Chaires, Fla. |
B. A., University of Florida. |

![]() | University of Virginia record February, 1912 | ![]() |