![]() | The University of Virginia record February, 1909 | ![]() |


By an act of January 12, 1803, of the Legislature of Virginia, certain
citizens of Albemarle County were incorporated under the style of "Trustees
of Albemarle Academy," and were empowered to take such steps as
seemed practicable to raise the funds necessary for erecting buildings and
putting the Academy into operation. Albemarle Academy was destined
never to exist except on paper, but under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson,
who was elected to the board of trustees on March 23, 1814, a process of
development was begun leading first to the organization of Central College,
and afterwards to that of the University of Virginia. On August 19,
1814, the committee of the trustees appointed to select a site, reported that
it would be desirable to locate the Academy in the vicinity of the town of
Charlottesville, distant not more than one-half mile therefrom.
By an act of February 14, 1816, the Legislature authorized the establishment
of "Central College, in the County of Albemarle, at the place
which has been, or shall be, selected by the trustees of Albemarle Academy,
and in lieu of such Academy." All rights and claims of Albemarle Academy
were, by the same act, vested in Central College. The board of
visitors of the college consisted of six members, of whom Jefferson was
the only one who had been a member of the Academy board. The other
five members were James Madison, James Monroe, Joseph Carrington
Cabell, David Watson, and John H. Cocke.
On May 5, 1817, Jefferson was elected Rector of the board, and, on the
same day, the board authorized the purchase of a farm of about two hundred
acres lying one mile west of Charlottesville as a site for the College.
This tract now forms a part of the grounds of the University of Virginia.
The cornerstone of Central College was laid on October 6, 1817, in
the presence of Thomas Jefferson, Rector, and of James Madison and
James Monroe—the latter then President of the United States. This
building, located on what is known as the West Lawn of the University, is
now utilized as a professor's residence.
Jefferson's plan was to erect a distinct building, a pavilion for each
individual professor—buildings to be arranged around a rectangular lawn.
Each pavilion was to contain "a school room and apartments for the
accommodation of the professor"; and one-story dormitories for the
students were to be erected adjacent to the pavilions. Jefferson drew most
of the sketches for the buildings with his own hands, basing them upon
designs by Palladio; and his ideas of architectural effect and grouping were
carried out in detail when Central College was merged in the University of

The prime object in Jefferson's mind, while Rector of the board of
visitors of Central College, was to get the college well under way, and then
have it adopted by the Legislature as the State University. Accordingly,
in the first report of the visitors to the Legislature, of date January 6,
1818, it is recommended that a state university be established on the site
of Central College.
By an act of February 21, 1818, the Legislature authorized the appointment
by the Governor of a board of twenty-four members, to be known as
the "Board of Commissioners of the University." It was the duty of this
board to meet on August 1, 1818, at the Tavern in Rockfish Gap, on the
Blue Ridge Mountains, and report upon the following points regarding the
organization of a state university:
1. A proper site for the projected university.
2. A plan for the building thereof.
3. The branches of learning which should be taught therein.
4. The number and description of professorships; and
5. Such general provisions as might properly be enacted by the
Legislature for the better organizing and governing of the University.
Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were present at the meeting of the
Commissioners, and their able and elaborate report to the Legislature
(indicating much careful thought) had probably been prepared by Jefferson
before the meeting was held. This report, recommending, among other
things, the site of Central College as the most advantageous one for the
University, was forwarded in duplicate to the Speaker of the House and
the Speaker of the Senate on August 4, 1818. On January 25, 1819, the
Legislature adopted a formal act "for establishing an University," and this
date must be reckoned as the year of the origin of the University, although
the institution was not opened to students until March 7, 1825.
Although Jefferson's was the dominant spirit and the shaping hand in
the whole movement for the establishment of a state university, it should
be stated that but for the influence and efforts of Joseph Carrington Cabell,
the close personal friend of Jefferson, the acts of February 21, 1818, and
January 25, 1819, would probably have failed of adoption by the Legislature.
The act of January 25, 1819, establishing the University, is as follows:
"1. Be it declared by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the
conveyance of the lands and other property appertaining to the Central
College in the County of Albemarle, which has been executed by the
proctor thereof, under authority of the subscribers and founders, to the
President and Directors of the Literary Fund, is hereby accepted, for the
use and on the conditions in the said deed of conveyance expressed.
"2. And be it enacted, That there shall be established, on the site

Virginia; that it shall be under the government of seven visitors to be
appointed forthwith by the Governor, with the advice of Council, notifying
thereof the persons so appointed, and prescribing to them a day for their
first meeting at the said University, with supplementary instructions for
procuring a meeting subsequently, in the event of failure at the time first
"3. The said visitors, or so many of them as, being a majority, shall
attend, shall appoint a rector, of their own body, to preside at their meetings,
and a secretary to record, attest, and preserve their proceedings, and
shall proceed to examine into the state of the property conveyed as aforesaid;
shall make an inventory of the same, specifying the items whereof it
consists; shall notice the buildings and other improvements already made,
and those which are in progress; shall take measures for their completion,
and for the addition of such others, from time to time as may be necessary.
"4. In the said University shall be taught the Latin, Greek, and
Hebrew languages; French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Anglo-Saxon;
the different branches of Mathematics, pure and physical; natural philosophy;
the principles of agriculture; chemistry; mineralogy, including geology;
botany; zoölogy; anatomy, medicine; civil government; political
economy; the law of nature and nations; municipal law; history; ideology;
general grammar; ethics; rhetoric; and belles lettres; which branches
of science shall be so distributed, and under so many professors, not
exceeding ten, as the visitors shall think proper and expedient.
"5. Each professor shall be allowed the use of the apartments and
accommodations provided for him, and those first employed such standing
salary as the visitors shall think proper and sufficient, and their successors
such standing salary, not exceeding one thousand dollars, as the visitors
shall think proper and sufficient, with such tuition fees from each student,
as the visitors shall from time to time establish.
"6. The said visitors shall be charged with the erection, preservation,
and repair of the buildings, the care of the grounds and appurtenances,
and of the interests of the University generally; they shall have power to
appoint a bursar, employ a proctor, and all other necessary agents; to
appoint and remove professors, two-thirds of the whole number of visitors
voting for the removal; to prescribe their duties and the course of education,
in conformity with the law; to establish rules for the government and
discipline of the students, not contrary to the laws of the land; to regulate
tuition fees, and the rent of the dormitories occupied; to prescribe and
control the duties and proceedings of all officers, servants, and others, with
respect to the buildings, lands, appurtenances, and other property, and
interests of the University; to draw from the literary funds such monies as

do all matters and things which, not being inconsistent with the laws of
the land, to them shall seem most expedient for promoting the purposes
of said institution; which several functions they shall be free to exercise
in the form of by-laws, resolutions, orders, instructions, or otherwise,
as they shall deem proper.
"7. They shall have two stated meetings in every year, to-wit, on the
first Mondays of April and October; and occasional meetings at such other
times as they shall appoint, or on a special call, with such notice as themselves
shall prescribe by a general rule; which meetings shall be at the
University; a majority of them constituting a quorum for business, and on
the death, resignation of a member, or failure to act for the space of one
year, or on his removal out of the Commonwealth, or by the Governor,
with the advice of Council, the Governor with like advice shall appoint a
"8. The said rector and visitors shall be a body corporate, under the
style and title of `The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.'
with the right, as such, to use a common seal; they shall have capacity to
plead and be impleaded in all courts of justice, and in all cases interesting
to the University, which may be subjects of legal cognizance and jurisdiction;
which pleas shall not abate by the determination of their office,
but shall stand revived in the name of their successors; and they shall be
capable in law, and in trust for the University, of receiving subscriptions
and donations, real and personal, as well as from bodies corporate or persons
associated, as from private individuals.
"9. And the said rector and visitors shall, at all times, conform to
such laws as the legislature may, from time to time, think proper to enact
for their government; and the said University shall in all things, and at all
times, be subject to the control of the legislature. And the said rector
and visitors of the University of Virginia shall be, and they are hereby
required to make report annually to the president and directors of the
literary fund (to be laid before the legislature at the next succeeding session),
embracing a full account of the disbursements, the funds on hand,
and a general statement of the condition of said University.
"10. The said board of visitors, or a majority thereof, by nomination
of the board, shall, once in every year at least, visit the said University;
enquire into the proceedings and practices thereat; examine the progress
of the students, and give to those who excel in every branch of science,
there taught, such honorary marks and testimonials of approbation as may
encourage and incite to industry and emulation.
"11. On every twenty-ninth day of February, or, if that be Sunday, then

the Governor and Council shall be in session, and shall appoint visitors of
the said University, either the same or others at their discretion, to serve
until the twenty-ninth day of February next ensuing, duly and timely
notifying to them their appointment, and prescribing a day for their first
meeting at the University; after which, their meetings, stated and occasional,
shall be as hereinbefore provided: Provided, that nothing in this
act contained shall suspend the proceedings of the visitors of the said
Central College of Albemarle; but for the purpose of expediting any
objects of said institution, they shall be authorized, under the control of the
Governor and Council, to continue the exercise of their functions, and
fulfill those of their successors, until the first actual meeting of their said
"12. And be it further enacted, That the additional sum of twenty
thousand dollars shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to the education
of the poor, out of the revenue of the literary fund, in the aid of
the sum heretofore appropriated to that object, and to be paid in the same
manner and upon the same conditions in all respects as is prescribed by
the fourth section of the act, entitled `An act appropriating part of the
revenue of the literary fund, and for other purposes, passed the twenty-first
day of February, eighteen hundred and eighteen.'
"13. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the
passing thereof." (Revised Code, 1819, ch. 34, p. 90.)
The first Board of Visitors consisted of four members of the old
board of Central College—namely, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
Joseph Carrington Cabell, and John H. Cocke; the additional appointees
were James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson, and Robert Taylor. The
board met for the first time on March 29, 1819, and elected Thomas
Jefferson Rector. Henceforth, until his death in 1826, Jefferson was the
dominating and directing power of the University, not only evolving the
entire system of education introduced, but actually devising, to the minutest
detail, every feature of construction and administration.
The organization of the University, its government, discipline, and
methods of instruction, were virtually prescribed by Jefferson alone; and
in many respects they still retain the impression derived from him. By
virtue of its charter, the supreme government of the institution, under the
General Assembly, is invested in the Rector and Visitors. Under the
general direction of this board, and subject to its regulations, the affairs

by the Faculty and its Chairman, the latter being a member of the
Faculty, who occupied temporarily the position of chief executive officer
of the institution.
As the University grew, it became more and more difficult for a member
of the teaching staff to fill the position of chairman, and attend to the
manifold executive duties attached to that office. In October, 1903, the
Visitors decided that modern conditions rendered necessary the creation
of the office of president; and in June, 1904, Dr. Edwin Anderson Alderman
was elected first president of the University of Virginia.
The scheme of instruction organized by Jefferson contemplated no fixed
uniform curriculum of studies to be pursued by every student alike, without
discrimination. Each distinct branch of knowledge was, as far as was
practicable, assigned to an individual "School" with its own instructors;
and the University was to consist of a collection of independent Schools.
The origin of the elective system at the University of Virginia is found in
the fact that students were permitted to matriculate in any School or
Schools of the University for which they were prepared.
The original organization consisted of eight independent Schools—
namely, Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Natural
Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Medicine, and Law. The first
seven Schools mentioned were opened to matriculates on March 7, 1825,—
with an aggregate attendance, during the first session, of 123 students.
The School of Law was not opened until 1826.
This original organization was, of course, gradually enlarged and
modified. As early as 1837 the School of Medicine was elevated to a
Department, consisting of three individual Schools; while in 1850 the
School of Law was enlarged to a Department consisting of two Schools.
Other Departments and Schools have been added from time to time, until
the University organization arrived at its present condition, as described
elsewhere in this catalogue.
It was provided by the first Board of Visitors, in accordance with
Jefferson's wishes, that but two degrees should be conferred by the University.
The lower degree, characteristic of the institution for many years,
was conferred upon a student who had completed all the work offered in
any one School; to such a candidate the untitled degree of "Graduate"
in the School in question should be given. The other, the higher degree,
was to be the Doctor's degree, and was to be given to the graduate in two
or more Schools who had, in addition, exhibited well-developed powers of
There is abundant evidence that, in planning the organization of the

of university. The first faculty were, however, with one or two exceptions,
Oxford or Cambridge men. Naturally they had in mind the English
type of university: the result of which was that they soon substituted (in
1831) for the Doctor's degree proposed by Jefferson, the Master's degree,
common in England. The degree of "Master of Arts of the University of
Virginia" was accordingly, for more than half a century, the leading
degree conferred by this institution.
As at present organized, the University comprises twenty-five distinct
and independent Schools. The courses of instruction given in these are so
coördinated as to form six Departments, two of which are academic, and
four professional (or technical); viz.:
The College, with the degrees of:
Bachelor of Arts;
Cultural Bachelor of Science;
Vocational Bachelor of Science.
The Department of Graduate Studies, with the degrees of:
Graduate in a School;
Master of Arts;
Master of Science;
Doctor of Philosophy.
The Department of Law, with the degree of
Bachelor of Laws.
The Department of Medicine, with the degree of
Doctor of Medicine.
The Department of Engineering, with the degrees of:
Civil Engineer;
Mechanical Engineer;
Electrical Engineer;
Mining Engineer;
Chemical Engineer.
The Department of Agriculture, with the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.

Legal Title:
DANIEL HARMON, | Charlottesville. |
ROBERT TATE IRVINE, | Big Stone Gap. |
Richmond. |
THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, ex officio, | University. |

JOHN MALACHI WHITE, President, | Charlottesville. |
GEORGE PERKINS, | Charlottesville. |
JOHN BARCLAY MOON, | Charlottesville. |
JOSEPH WILMER, | Rapidan. |
CHANNING MOORE BOLTON, | Charlottesville. |
EDWARD ECHOLS, | Staunton. |
RICHARD THOMAS WALKER DUKE, JR., | Charlottesville. |

EDWIN ANDERSON ALDERMAN, D. C. L., LL. D., | University Heights |
President of the University. | |
FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M. A., LL. D., | West Lawn |
Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy. | |
NOAH KNOWLES DAVIS, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D., | Albany, Ga. |
Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy. | |
JOHN WILLIAM MALLET, Ph. D., M.D., LL. D., F.R.S., | Monroe Hill |
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry. | |
WILLIAM MORRIS FONTAINE, M. A., | University Terrace |
Professor of Natural History and Geology. | |
ORMOND STONE, M. A., | Mount Jefferson |
Professor of Practical Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory. |
Professor of Applied Mathematics. | |
FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, B. S., C. E., | University Heights |
Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry. | |
MILTON WYLIE HUMPHREYS, M. A., Ph.D., LL.D., | Wertland Street |
Professor of Greek. | |
Professor of Biology and Agriculture. | |
CHARLES WILLIAM KENT, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D. | West Lawn |
Professor of English Literature. | |
WILLIAM MINOR LILE, B. L., LL. D., | East Lawn |
Professor of the Law of Persons, Mercantile Law, Corporations and Equity. |
JAMES ALBERT HARRISON, L. H. D., LL. D., | East Lawn |
Professor of Teutonic Languages. | |
Professor of Mathematics. | |
RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, M. A., Ph. D., | Preston Heights |
Professor of History. | |
Professor of the Law of Contracts, Torts and Civil | |
JOHN STAIGE DAVIS, M. A., M. D., | Preston Heights |
Professor of the Practice of Medicine and Pediatrics. | |
RALEIGH COLSTON MINOR, M. A., B. L., | West Lawn |
Professor of the Law of Real Property and Public Law. | |
RICHARD HENRY WILSON, M. A., Ph. D., | West Main Street |
Professor of Romanic Languages. | |
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M. A., Ph. D., | University Terrace |
Professor of Mathematics. | |
THOMAS FITZHUGH, M. A., | West Lawn |
Professor of Latin. | |
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M. A., Ph. D., M. D., | Carr's Hill |
Professor of Hygiene. | |
RICHARD HENRY WHITEHEAD, A. B., M. D., | McCormick Road |
Professor of Anatomy. | |
ALBERT LEFEVRE, Ph. D., LL. D., | West Range |
Professor of Philosophy. | |
WILLIAM HARRY HECK, M. A., | Wertland Street |
Professor of Education. | |
BRUCE RYBURN PAYNE, M. A., Ph. D., | University Place |
Professor of Secondary Education and Psychology. | |
THOMAS WALKER PAGE, Ph. D., LL. D., | Preston Heights |
Professor of Economics. | |
WILLIAM DOUGLAS MACON, M. D., | East Market Street |
Professor of Obstetrics. | |
THEODORE HOUGH, Ph. D., | University Heights |
Professor of Physiology. | |
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M. A., M. D., | University Heights |
Professor of Surgery and Gynecology. | |
THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, M. S., Ph. D., | University Place |
Professor of Economic Geology. | |
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B. S., Ph. D., | University Place |
Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Director of Laboratory Instruction in Chemistry. |
HALSTEAD SHIPMAN HEDGES, M. A., M. D., | High Street |
Professor of Diseases of the Eye. | |
Professor of Pharmacology, Materia Medica, and Toxicology. | |
HARRY OR MARSHALL, M. A., M. D., | East Lawn |
Professor of Pathology. | |
ROBE RENCH COMPTON, M. D., | Fourteenth Street |
Professor of Diseases of Ear, Throat and Nose. | |
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B. A., | Preston Heights |
Associate Professor of Biblical History and Literature. | |
Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering. | |
WILLIAM HARRISON FAULKNER, M. A., Ph. D., | Preston Heights |
Adjunct Professor of Teutonic Languages. | |
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M. D., | West Main Street |
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Medicine. | |
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, C. E., | Wertland Street |
Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering. | |
CHARLES METCALF BYRNES, B. S., M. D., | Wertland Street |
Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. | |
Adjunct Professor of Physics. | |
EDWIN PRESTON DARGAN, Ph. D., | Preston Heights |
Adjunct Professor of Romanic Languages. | |
HARVEY BRINTON STONE, A. B., M. D., | University Place |
Adjunct Professor of Surgery and Gynecology. | |
Adjunct Professor of the Law of Persons, Mercantile Law, Corporations and Equity. |
HARVEY ERNEST JORDAN, M. A., Ph. D., | University Heights |
Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. | |
CHARLES HANCOCK, B. S., | Preston Heights |
Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering. | |
CARL RIDGE MELOY, A. B., M. D., | Rugby Road |
Adjunct Professor of Pathology. | |
WILLIAM ALLISON KEPNER, M. A., Ph. D., | Randall Building |
Adjunct Professor of Biology. | |
Adjunct Professor of Economic Geology. | |
MATTHEW HUME BEDFORD, Ph. D., | West Range |
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. | |
Adjunct Professor of Public Speaking. |

EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M. D., | West High Street |
Clinical Instructor in Physical Diagnosis. | |
HUGH THOMAS NELSON, M. D., | High Street |
Clinical Instructor in Medicine. | |
MONTE LEWIS REA, M. D., | Fifth Street |
Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics. | |
Clinical Instructor in Dermatology. | |
JOHN WALTER WAYLAND, M. A., Ph. D., | Preston Heights |
Instructor in History. | |
LEON RUTLEDGE WHIPPLE, M. A., | Preston Heights |
Instructor in Journalism. | |
ALBERT STUART BOLLING, M. A., | Preston Heights |
Instructor in Latin. | |
JOHN WINFREE WEST, M. E., E. E., | East Range |
Instructor in Drawing and Assistant in Physics. | |
Instructor in Field Work. | |
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M. A., Ph. D., | West Lawn |
Instructor in Mathematics. | |
Instructor in Mathematics. | |
THOMAS DWIGHT SLOAN, B. A., | Madison Hall |
Instructor in Chemistry. | |
WELDON THOMAS MYERS, M. A., | West Main Street |
Instructor in Latin. | |
JAMES SUGARS McLEMORE, B. A., | Ridge Street |
Instructor in Latin. | |
Instructor in Law. | |
Instructor in Philosophy. | |
MALCOLM HARTWELL ARNOLD, M. A., | Preston Heights |
Instructor in English Literature. | |
Instructor in Mathematics. | |
Instructor in Greek. | |
JOHN CLARENCE HIPP, M. A., | West Main Street |
Instructor in Economics. | |
JOHN MORIN GALLALEE, | Randall Building |
Instructor in Shop Work. | |
DAVID VANCE GUTHRIE, Ph. D., | Wertland Street |
Instructor in Physics. | |
EMMETT YOUNG BURTON, | Preston Heights |
Instructor in Mathematics. | |
WILLIAM BROCKENBROUGH LAMB, M. A., LL. B., | Fourteenth Street |
Instructor in Law. | |
CHARLES POLLARD OLIVIER, M. A., | West Main Street |
Assistant in Astronomy. | |
Assistant in Physics. | |
STANLEY REEVES, A. B., | West Main Street |
Assistant in Physics. | |
TURNER MOREHEAD HARRIS, A. B., | University Heights |
Assistant in Chemistry. | |
Assistant in Chemistry. | |
JAMES COOK BARDIN, | West Main Street |
Assistant in Pathology. | |
Assistant in Physiology. | |
JOEL HILL WATKINS, | Madison Hall |
Assistant in Economic Geology. | |
JOHN BACHMAN SETZLER, A. B., | West Main Street |
Assistant in Physiology. | |
Assistant in Physiology. | |
ALFRED POWER JONES, A. B., | Fourteenth Street |
Assistant in Pathology. | |
Assistant in Philosophy. | |
WILSON PENDLETON, M. D., | Hospital |
Assistant in Surgery. | |
JAMES VASS BROOKE, | Dawson's Row |
Assistant in Mechanics. | |
Assistant in Pharmacology. | |
Assistant in Histology. | |
HENRY BOYD ANDREWS, | West Main Street |
Assistant in Field Work. | |
ALBERT RONALD MERZ, | Charlottesville |
Assistant in Chemistry. | |
WILLIAM NEWTON NEFF, B. A., | Mount Jefferson |
Assistant in Astronomy. | |
JAMES BROWN GREEN, B. L., | Dawson's Row |
Licentiate in Law. | |
JOHN SHELTON PATTON, | West Main Street |
Librarian. | |
Registrar. | |
ISAAC KIMBER MORAN, | McCormick Road |
Bursar. | |
Secretary. | |
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds and Director of Fayerweather Gymnasium. |
SAMUEL BAKER WOODS, | East Market Street |
Commissioner of Accounts. | |
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M. D., | West Main Street |
University Physician. | |
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M. A., M. D., | University Heights |
Director of University Hospital. | |
HARRY TAYLOR MARSHALL, M. A., M. D., | East Lawn |
Pathologist to University Hospital. | |
ANNA SEELEY TUTTLE, B. A., | West Lawn |
Assistant Librarian. | |
Associate Director of Athletics. | |
Law Librarian. | |
Instructor in Physical Culture. | |
Assistant to Bursar. | |
WILSON PENDLETON, M. D., | Hospital |
Interne University Hospital. | |
WILLIAM HALL GOODWIN, A. B., M. D., | Hospital |
Interne University Hospital. | |
HARRY MOSES, M. D., | Hospital |
Interne University Hospital. | |
JULIUS SHEPPARD MOORE, A. B., | Dispensary |
Resident Dispensary Pharmacist. | |
Assistant Dispensary Pharmacist. | |
Assistant to Bursar. | |
Assistant in Physical Culture. | |
Assistant in Library. | |
Assistant in Library |
James Morris Page, M. A., Ph. D., | Dean of the University. |
Richard Heath Dabney, M. A., Ph. D., | Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies. |
William Minor Lile, LL. D., | Dean of the Department of Law. |
Richard Henry Whitehead, M. D., | Dean of the Department of Medicine. |
William Mynn Thornton, LL. D., | Dean of the Department of Engineering. |
The President; the Dean of the University; and the Deans of
The Departments of Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, and

ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY: | The President is "ex officio" a member of all Committees. |
Bulletin: | Messrs. Stone, O., Wayland, Whipple, Forrest, Heck, Stone, H. B., Winston. |
Athletics: | Messrs. Echols, Lambeth, Minor, Lefevre, Whitehead. |
Catalogue: | Messrs. Faulkner, Hoxton, Newcomb, Hough, Kepner, Minor. |
Cemetery: | Messrs. Dunnington, Lambeth, Faulkner. |
Buildings and Grounds: | Messrs. Lambeth, Echols, Dunnington. |
Entrance Requirements: | Messrs. Thornton, Humphreys, Payne. |
Library: | Messrs. Kent, Thornton, Page, T. W., Marshall, Lile. |
Literary Societies: | Messrs. Paul, Forrest, Laird, Chichester. |
Teachers' Bureau: | Messrs. Heck, Page, J. M., Stone, O., Payne. |
Accredited Secondary Schools: | Messrs. Payne, Fitzhugh, Watson. |
Public Celebrations: | Messrs. Dobie, Davis, J. S., Lefevre, Bird, Price. |
Religious Exercises: | Messrs. Kent, Graves, Dunnington, Davis, Forrest. |
Student Organizations: | Deans Page, Dabney, Lile, Whitehead, Thornton. |
Fire Protection: | Messrs. Hancock, Newcomb, Lambeth. |
Student Self-Help: | Messrs. Brockman, Sloan, Holladay, Hancock. |
Clocks and Bells: | Messrs. Hoxton, Dunnington, Holladay. |
Commons Hall: | Messrs. Lambeth, Lile, Payne, Jordan, Laird, Luck, Neff, Jr. |
Graduate School: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Dabney, Echols, Stone, O., Tuttle, Kent, Page, T. W., Humphreys, Wilson. |
Summer School: | Messrs. Payne, Fitzhugh, Kent, Echols, Page, T. W. |
Founders Day: | Messrs. Wayland, Page, J. M., Stone, O., Payne. |
College: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Page, J. M., Dabney, Echols, Heck, Kent, Lefevre, Page, T. W., Thornton, Tuttle, FitzHugh. |
Medical School: Rules and Courses: | Messrs. Whitehead, Hough, Davis, Stone. |

Rev. W. M. Forrest, D. D., | University of Va., | January 5. |
Rev. Carter Helm Jones, D. D., | Lynchburg, Va., | January 12. |
Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer, D. D., | Arabia, | January 19. |
Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Southern Virginia, |
Norfolk, Va. | January 26. |
Rev. R. D. Smart, D. D., | Charlottesville, Va., | February 2. |
Rev. Egbert W. Smith, D. D., | Louisville, Ky., | February 9. |
Rev. Henry Emmerson Fosdick, D. D., |
Montclair, N. J., | February 16. |
Rev. J. H. Howerton, D. D., | Washington and Lee University, | February 23. |
Rev. Hugh M. McIlhany, Jr., Ph. D., | University of Va., | March 1. |
Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D. D., LL.D., | Princeton, N. J., | March 8. |
Rev. Charles Hastings Dodd, D. D., | Baltimore, Md., | March 15. |
Rev. Robert W. Barnwell, D. D., | Petersburg, Va., | March 22. |
Prof. Collins Denny, Ph. D., | Vanderbilt University, | March 29. |
Pres. D. L. Anderson, D. D., | Soochow University, China, | April 5. |
Prof. Samuel Chiles Mitchell, Ph. D., |
Richmond College, | April 12. |
Rev. William Alexander Barr, D. D., |
Lynchburg, Va., | April 19. |
Rev. Harry B. Lee, | Charlottesville, Va. | April 26. |
Rev. J. T. Whitley, D. D., | Charlottesville, Va., | May 3. |
Rev. Beverley Warner, D. D., LL.D., | New Orleans, La., | May 10. |
Rev. John Timothy Stone, D. D., | Baltimore, Md., | May 17. |
Rev. George S. Duncan, Ph. D., B. D., |
Washington, D. C., | May 24. |
Rev. Oliver Huckel, S. T. D., | Baltimore, Md. | May 31. |
Rev. Henry Stiles Bradley, D. D., | St. Louis, Mo., | June 14. |
Rev. Theron H. Rice, D. D., | Richmond, Va., | September 13. |
Rev. A. S. Lloyd, D. D., | New York City, | September 20. |
Rev. H. P. Hamill, D. D., | Staunton, Va., | September 27. |
Rev. G. L. Petrie, D. D., | Charlottesville, Va., | October 4. |
Rt. Rev. Geo. W. Peterkin, D. D., Bishop of West Virginia, |
West Virginia, | October 11. |
Rev. Edward S. Alderman, D. D., | Louisville, Ky., | October 18. |
Rev. W. T. Palmer, D. D., | Lynchburg, Va., | October 25. |
Rev. Harry B. Lee, | Charlottesville, Va. | November 1. |
Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., LL. D., |
Washington, D. C., | November 8. |
Rev. A. T. Robertson, D. D., | Louisville, Ky., | November 15. |
Rev. R. H. Bennett, D. D., | Lynchburg, Va., | November 22. |
Rev. Charles Erdman, D. D., | Princeton, N. J., | November 29. |
Rev. H. D. Flemming, | Charlottesville, Va., | December 6. |
Mr. W. T. Grenfell, M. D., | Labrador, | December 13. |

John Y. Mason Fellowship: | |
John Jennings Luck, M. A., Ph. D., | Roanoke, Va. |
Vanderbilt Fellowships: | |
Charles Pollard Olivier, M. A., | Charlottesville, Va. |
Ralph Elmer Wilson, B. A., | Northfield, Minn. |
William Newton Neff, B. A., | Chilhowie, Va. |
Board of Visitors Fellowship: | |
Malcolm, Hartwell Arnold, M. A., | Newton, N. C. |
William Cabell Rives Fellowship: | |
Paul Micou, | Alexandria, Va. |
Miller Scholarships: | |
Charles Laval Williams, | Baltimore, Md. |
Fountain Allen Wells, | Charlottesville, Va. |
William Bowcock Blakey, | Charlottesville, Va. |
J. Thompson Brown Scholarship: | |
Charles Sharp Grant, | Charlottesville, Va. |
Isaac Carey Scholarship: | |
Randolph Fitzhugh Mason, B. A., | Richmond, Va. |
Valentine Birely Scholarship: | |
Upton Sharretts Reich, | Frederick, Md. |
Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship: | |
Leonidas Rutledge Whipple, M. A., | St. Louis, Mo. |
McCormick Scholarship: | |
Horace Victor Cornett, | Spring Valley, Va. |
College Scholarships: | |
John Howze, Jr., B. A., | Marion, Ala. |
Marion Military Institute | |
Virginia Public High School Scholarships: | |
Clarence Ogden, Amonette, | Lynchburg, Va. |
Louis Arthur Johnson, | Roanoke, Va. |
Morton Ludwig Wallerstein, | Richmond, Va. |
Linwood Hughes Warwick, | Charlottesville, Va. |
Accredited School Scholarships: | |
Robert Brooke Albertson, | Portsmouth, Va. |
Norfolk Academy. | |
Ansel Geoffrey Arapian, | Key West, Fla. |
Georgia Military Academy. | |
Oscar Norvell Barney, | Mobile, Ala. |
Wright's University School. | |
Robert Edmund Beard, | New Hope, Va. |
Augusta Military Academy. | |
Samuel Roth Connelly, | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Baylor's University School. | |
Samuel Pendleton Cowardin, Jr., | Richmond, Va. |
McGuire's School. | |
James Norman Hamilton, | Hazelhurst, Miss. |
Bingham's School. | |
James Horace Lacy, | Winchester, Va. |
Shenandoah Academy. | |
Samuel Overton McCue, | Charlottesville, Va. |
Jefferson School for Boys. | |
John Morel, | Savannah, Ga. |
Morton's School. | |
Lewis Abraham Tyree, | Salem, Va. |
Fork Union Academy. | |
Clarence William Wagener, | Manassas, Va. |
Manassas Institute. | |
James Guthrie Wheeler, | Paducah, Ky. |
Episcopal High School. |
Eugene Woodford Alrich; | Spottsylvania, Va. |
John Aull, | Lexington, Mo. |
Peaslee Gaulbert Booker, | Louisville, Ky. |
Stanley Joseph Dyer, | Washington, D. C. |
Horace Edwin Hayden, | Wilkesbarre, Penna. |
Frank Nelson Lewis, | Cismont, Va. |
Loyal Chism Morrow, | White Hall, Mo. |
Charles Howard Parsons, | Cape Charles, Va. |
Lester Shields Parsons, | Big Stone Gap, Va. |
Seabright, John Elbert, | Bellaire, O. |
Laurence Simpson, | Avon, Ky. |
Lant Rader Slaven, | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Clark Estill Sloan, | Alderson, W. Va. |
Robert Lily Spragins, | Huntsville, Ala. |
Julian Brewer Tutwiler, | Troy, Ala. |
William Randolph Ward, | Lyells, Va. |
Earle Neil Wester, | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Turner Hill Wiltshire, | Baltimore, Md. |

Figures in parentheses refer to the number of sessions in attendance.
Adams, John Reese | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Aiken, Archibald Murphey, Jr. | (3) | Danville, Va. |
Albertson, Robert Brooke | (2) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Allen, Robert McClanahan, | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Amonette, Clarence Ogden | (1) | James River, Va. |
Anderson, Howard Leake | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Annis, Burleigh Fulton | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Arapian, Ansel Geoffrey | (1) | Key West, Fla. |
Aull, John | (1) | Lexington, Mo. |
Bailey, Weldon Murray | (3) | Gainesville, Tex. |
Barney, Oscar Norvell | (1) | Mobile, Ala. |
Barr, Capers Gamewell | (1) | Georgetown, S. C. |
Barton, Robert Thomas | (1) | Winchester, Va. |
Beach, Joseph Watson | (1) | Hartford, Conn. |
Beard, Robert Edmund | (1) | New Slope, Va. |
Beaty, John Owen | (1) | Ruckersville, Va. |
Behrendt, Thomas Barker | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Beirne, Francis Foulke | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Bertram, Walter St. Clair | (1) | Keezletown, Va. |
Blackburn, Frederic William | (3) | Grottoes, Va. |
Blakeney, James Palmer | (1) | Cleburne, Tex. |
Blakey, William Bowcock | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Booker, Peaslee Gaulbert | (2) | Louisville, Ky. |
Bowers, Eaton Jackson | (1) | Bay St. Louis, Miss |
Boyd, John William | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Bradt, Morris | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Brooks, Louis Joshua, Jr., | (2) | Webster Groves, Mo. |
Brown, Innes Akin | (2) | Louisville, Ky. |
Bruns, Thomas Muldrup Logan | (2) | New Orleans, La. |
Burke, Robert Wesley | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Buskey, Lylle Repiton | (1) | London Bridge, Va. |
Butler, Edwin Ruthwin, Jr. | (2) | Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Byrd, Thomas Bolling | (2) | Winchester, Va. |
Caldwell, George Aiken | (2) | Bristol, Tenn. |
Caldwell, Hollis Marion | (3) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Caldwell, James Gibson | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Camblos, James Lyle | (1) | Shadwell P. O., Va. |
Cameron, Ewan Donald | (4) | Gordonsville, Va. |
Cannell, Humbertson Skipwith | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Carter, Gardner Lloyd | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
Carter, Thomas Clay, Jr. | (1) | Meridian, Miss. |
B. A. Marion Institute. | ||
Carver, Alphonso Payne | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Chambers, Julian Sidney | (1) | Columbus, Ga. |
B. S. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. | ||
Christian, Frank Palmer | (4) | Richmond, Va. |
Claiborne, Hamilton Cabell | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Claiborne, Robert Watson | (3) | Petersburg, Va. |
Clapp, Kennedy N. | (3) | Memphis, Tenn. |
Clarke, Peyton Neale, Jr. | (2) | Louisville, Ky. |
Clark, William Holloway | (2) | Louisville, Ky. |
Cleveland, Stanley Matthews | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Cocke, Lucian Howard, Jr. | (3) | Roanoke, Va. |
Cone, John Woffard | (1) | White Springs, Fla. |
Connelly, Samuel Roth | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Cooley, Elmer Jackson | (1) | Woodlawn, Va. |
Cooley, James Paschal | (1) | Baywood, Va. |
Cooper, Jackson Stewart | (1) | Abilene, Tex. |
Cosby, Halcourt Townes | (2) | Danville, Va. |
Cowardin, Samuel Pendleton, Jr. | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Coyner, Martin Boyd | (1) | Waynesboro, Va. |
B. A. Concordia College. | ||
Culbertson, Alexander Craig | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Curry, Robert Granville | (2) | Staunton, Va. |
Dabney, Basil Gordon | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Dale, Robert Rodney | (4) | Texarkana, Ark. |
Daniel, Channing Williams | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Dashiell, Randolph Grayson | (3) | Richmond, Va. |
Davenport, Alexander Rutherfoord | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Davis, Ansley George | (2) | New York, N. Y. |
Davis, John Marvin | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Dearing, William Grimsley | (5) | Sandy, Va. |
M. Th. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. | ||
Decker, Walter Philips | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Didlake, Thomas Elvin | (2) | Shacklefords, Va. |
Dinwiddie, Joseph Gray | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Diuguid, Garnett Bertrand | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Donnan, DeWitt Talmage | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Douglas, Malcolm Townsend | (2) | Rossville, Md. |
Dudley, Aldrich | (5) | Louisville, Ky. |
Duke, John Flavel Slaughter | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Dulany, Henry Rozier, Jr. | (2) | Upperville, Va. |
Dyer, Stanley Joseph | (3) | Washington, D. C. |
Earnest, Joseph Brummell, Jr. | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Easley, Owen Randolph | (2) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Edwards, Eugene Taylor | (2) | Gainesville, Tex. |
Ellington, John James | (1) | Atlanta, Tex. |
Elliott, John Speed | (2) | Boonville, Mo. |
Emmert, Allen Rogers | (2) | Martinsburg, W. Va. |
Ferebee, Oscar Benson | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Fife, Shelton Strickler | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Fitchett, Marion Stevenson | (1) | Cape Charles, Va. |
Fleming, Carl | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Fletcher, William Hoyt | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Flournoy, Leon Stanley | (1) | Hampton, Va. |
Floyd, Earle Norris | (5) | Meridian, Miss. |
Foster, William Prescott | (1) | Franklin, La. |
Frazier, James Beriah, Jr. | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Frazier, William | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
French, Ballard Dunbar | (1) | Clintwood, Va. |
French, Charles Eltinge | (1) | St. Paul, Minn. |
French, William Ephraim | (5) | Clintwood, Va. |
Friberg, Andrew Winston | (2) | Helena, Ark. |
Fulton, Reid Stanger | (2) | Carsonville, Va. |
Galt, Walter Allan | (1) | Washington, D. C. |
Gannaway, Malcolm Woodson | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Garner, Charles Edwin, Jr. | (1) | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Garnett, William Edward | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Gaskin, Palemon Hilsman | (2) | Orlando, Fla. |
Gemeny, Albin Leroy | (2) | Alexandria, Va. |
Glascock, Thomas Bedford | (1) | Upperville, Va. |
Gleason, Michael Sidney | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Gloth, William Conrad | (3) | University, Va. |
LL. B. University of Virginia. | ||
Gooch, Stapleton Dabney | (2) | University, Va. |
Goode, Benjamin Douglas | (2) | Boydton, Va. |
Gover, Charles Hundley | (2) | Hendersonville, N. C. |
Grant, Charles Sharp | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Greaves, Gennad Alban | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Greaves, Thomas Guy | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Gwin, Stanford | (2) | San Rafael, Cal. |
Haden, Chesley Allen | (3) | Crozet, Va. |
Haden, Russell Landram | (3) | Crozet, Va. |
Hall, Spotswood Braxton | (1) | Fredericksburg, Va. |
Hamilton, James Norman | (1) | Hazlehurst, Miss. |
Hancock, Coalter Cabell | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Harding, Lebbeus Loomis, Jr. | (1) | Canon City, Colo. |
Harmon, Harry Murphy | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Harnsberger, Thomas Kennerly | (1) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Harrison, Matthew | (1) | Winchester, Va. |
Harvey, Allen Payne | (4) | Louisville, Ky. |
Harwood, Franklin Andrews | (4) | University, Va. |
Hays, James Mackintosh | (2) | Petersburg, Va. |
Hendricks, Ray Lee | (1) | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Hensch, Claud Asa | (2) | Mobile, Ala. |
B. S. Marion Institute. | ||
Hiett, William Fred | (1) | Winchester, Va. |
Hirsch, Maurice | (3) | Houston, Tex. |
Hite, William Whiting | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Holland, Hugh Latane | (2) | Windsor, Va. |
Holliday, Malcolm Alexander | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Honaker, Samuel William | (3) | Richmond, Va. |
Hopkins, John Parker Lee, Jr. | (1) | Onancock, Va. |
Howze, John, Jr. | (1) | Marion, Ala. |
B. A. Marion Institute. | ||
Hughes, David Ashford | (1) | Dallas, Tex. |
Hutcheson, Samuel Carter | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Hyde, John Bachman | (1) | Little Rock, Ark. |
Ingram, John Littlepage | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Jacob, Cary Franklin | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Jarman, Bernard Lipscomb | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Jenkins, John Benson, Jr. | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Johns, Lemuel Jefferson | (1) | Edwardsville, Ala. |
Johnson, Louis Arthur | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Jones, Bernard Moore | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Jones, Harry New | (1) | Newport News, Va. |
Jones, Kenneth Swank | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Jones, Olin Conrad | (5) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Jordan, Robert Arthur | (3) | Lexington, Miss. |
Kable, John Lobban | (3) | Staunton, Va. |
Karr, William Lisle | (2) | Hickory Withe, Tenn. |
Kearfott, Robert Ryland | (1) | Martinsville, Va. |
Kerr, James | (2) | Petersburg, Va. |
Kidder, George Everard | (3) | Wilmington, N. C. |
King, James Joshua | (1) | Chicago, Ill. |
King, Ogden Doremus, Jr. | (2) | Albemarle, N. C. |
Kinsey, Benjamin Thomas | (1) | Petersburg, Va. |
Kohlhousen, Roy S. | (3) | Winchester, Va. |
Lacy, James Horace | (1) | Winchester, Va. |
Lancaster, Dabney Stewart | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Latady, Francis Bacon | (2) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Leary, Robert Baldwin | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Lee, Edwin Gray | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Leitch, Nelson Carver | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Levy, Maxwell Lewis | (1) | Petersburg, Va. |
Lile, Minor Carson | (1) | University, Va. |
Lipper, Lawrence | (1) | Houston, Tex. |
Little, William Ray | (1) | Camden, S. C. |
Lyons, Thomas Barton, Jr. | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
McAllister, William Allen | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
McClelland, James Bruce, Jr. | (1) | Clarendon, Tex. |
McComb, Thomas Malcolm | (3) | Waynesboro, Va. |
McConnell, James Rogers | (2) | New York, N. Y. |
McCormick, Cutler Orliffe | (3) | Java, Va. |
McCue, Samuel Overton | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
McDonald, John Yates | (3) | Charles Town, W. Va. |
McElroy, James Merle | (1) | Orlando, Fla. |
McIntyre, Robert Charles, Jr. | (1) | Warrenton, Va. |
McNair, Sherman Martin | (1) | Brookhaven, Miss. |
Macdonald, Alexander | (1) | Albion, Cal. |
Mann, Hunter Reese | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Marchant, Gouverneur Whitehead | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Martin, James Green | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Martin, Laurence Janney | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Manpin, William Gabriel | (3) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Mendenhall, Fred Dunlap | (1) | Lakeland, Fla. |
Meng, Walter Stephenson | (1) | North Middletown, Ky. |
Meredith, Harry James | (2) | Forest Depot, Va. |
Meriwether, William Western | (3) | Kansas City, Mo. |
Merz, Albert Ronald | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Micou, Paul | (4) | Theological Seminary, Va. |
Miller, Harry Compton | (1) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Miller, Welman | (1) | Louisville, Ky. |
Miller, William Judson | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Minor, Farrell Dabney, Jr. | (2) | Beaumont, Tex. |
Moomaw, Daniel Clovis, Jr. | (4) | Roanoke, Va. |
Moon, Edward Harris | (1) | College Park, Va. |
Moore, Edwin Norton | (3) | University, Va. |
Moran, Charles Edward | (6) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Morel, John | (1) | Savannah, Ga. |
Morgan, Samuel Tate, Jr. | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Morrow, Loyal Chism | (2) | White Hall, Ill. |
Myers, John Anderson | (1) | Savannah, Ga. |
Neff, Mitchell Tabb | (3) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Nelson, Hugh Mortimer | (1) | Millwood, Va. |
Ouerbacker, George Van Cleave | (2) | Louisville, Ky. |
Parramore, Thomas Custis | (2) | Cape Charles, Va. |
Parsons, Charles Howard | (2) | Townsend, Va. |
Patton, James Buchanan | (1) | Brownsville, Tenn. |
Patton, Lester | (7) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Payne, Kirk Otey | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Payne, Lynwood | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Peacock, Charles Elbert | (1) | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Pearson, Willis Houstoun | (2) | Trenton, N. J. |
Penn, William Jefferson | (2) | Reidsville, N. C. |
Perkins, Robert Walker, Jr. | (3) | Newport News, Va. |
Philpotts, Alphonso Curran | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A., M. A. Randolph Macon College. | ||
Phipps, Hibbard Williamson | (3) | Clintwood, Va. |
Phipps, Walter Blaine | (2) | Clintwood, Va. |
Pinnell, William Ormal | (1) | Indianapolis, Ind. |
Plummer, Willis Jordan | (2) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Porcher, Arthur Gignilliat | (1) | Cocoa, Fla. |
Quackenbos, Harrie Maxwell | (3) | So. Nyack, New York. |
Ramey, Russell Alpheus | (1) | Warrenton, Va. |
Raper, Daniel Webster, Jr. | (1) | Norfolk, Va. |
Ricks, James Hoge | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Guilford College. | ||
LL. B. Richmond College. | ||
Rixey, John Strode | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Roberts, Edgar William | (1) | Newark, N. J. |
Robertson, Archibald Gerard | (1) | Staunton, Va. |
Robertson, Alexander Hanson, Jr. | (1) | Baltimore, Md. |
Robertson, James Farish, Jr. | (3) | Charlotte, N. C. |
Sandidge, Roy Preston | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Saunders, Samuel, Jr. | (4) | University, Va. |
Scholz, Walter August | (1) | Roanoke, Va. |
Scott, John | (2) | Gordonsville, Va. |
Seabright, John Elbert | (3) | Bellaire, O. |
Seaman, Charles Keen, Jr. | (1) | Perth Amboy, N. J. |
Shedd, Whitten Dexter | (1) | Carthage, N. C. |
Shepherd, Benjamin Armistead | (4) | Palmyra, Va. |
Shepherd, George Benjamin | (1) | Petersburg, Va. |
Simpson, Laurance | (2) | Avon, Ky. |
Slade, Russell Clark | (1) | San Francisco, Cal. |
Slaven, Lant Rader | (2) | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Sloan, Clark Estill | (2) | Alderson, W. Va. |
Sloan, John Trimmier, Jr. | (2) | Columbia, S. C. |
Spencer, Henry Hollingsworth | (1) | Newport News, Va. |
Spragins, Robert Lily | (1) | Huntsville, Ala. |
Steele, Kyle Bear | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Stratton, Richard Henry | (1) | Gordonsville, Va. |
Sutton, Corydon Hubert, Jr. | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Swank, Ward Clinton | (1) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Taylor, Robert, Jr. | (1) | Catonsville, Md. |
Toulmin, Harry Aubrey, Jr. | (2) | Warrenton, Va. |
Triplett, Arthur Fairfax | (2) | Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Truitt, George William, Jr. | (2) | Suffolk, Va. |
Tutwiler, Julian Brewer | (2) | Troy, Ala. |
Twyman, John Taylor | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Tynes, Buford Cleveland | (2) | Tazewell, Va. |
B. S., M. E. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | ||
Tyree, Lewis Abrahams | (1) | Salem, Va. |
Vetterlein, Frederic Dudley | (1) | Radnor, Penna. |
Walker, Thomas Frank | (2) | Abingdon, Va. |
Waller, George Platt, Jr. | (2) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Wallerstein, Morton Ludwig | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Wallerstein, Robert Leon | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Warner, John Chester | (1) | Wethersfield, Conn. |
Warwick, Linwood Hughes | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Watkins, Charles | (5) | Richmond, Va. |
Watson, John Wilbur | (2) | Chatham, Va. |
Webb, Fred Woolford Conway | (1) | Vienna, Md. |
Weems, Wharton Ewell | (1) | Houston, Tex. |
Wellford, John Harrison | (2) | Warsaw, Va. |
Wellford, Landon Carter | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Wells, Fountain Allen | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wells, Joseph Kleiber | (4) | Brownsville, Tex. |
Welsh, Robert Higgins | (1) | Rockville, Md. |
Wheeler, James Guthrie | (1) | Paducah, Ky. |
Whittle, Francis Fortescue | (2) | Petersburg, Va. |
Whittle, Robert Llewellyn | (3) | Petersburg, Va. |
Williams, Carrington | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Williams, Charles Laval | (3) | Boston, Mass. |
Wilson, Joseph Thomas, Jr. | (4) | Henderson, Ky. |
Wilson, Robert Edward Lee, Jr. | (1) | Memphis, Tenn. |
Wood, Charles Meigs | (1) | Ivy, Va. |
Wood, Lyttleton Waddell | (2) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wood, Robert Warner | (3) | Birdwood, Va. |
Wood, William Woodhull | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Woods, Addison Gilmore | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Woods, Robert Harris, Jr. | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Woods, William Whitfield | (1) | Meridian, Miss. |
Woodson, Daniel Perkins, Jr. | (3) | North Garden, Va. |
Wortham, Charles Elliott, 3rd. | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Wright, Charles William | (1) | Alexandria, Va. |
Yarbrough, Henry Charles | (1) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Zeisberg, Frederick Clemens | (1) | Abingdon, Va. |
Alabama | 12 |
Arkansas | 4 |
California | 3 |
Colorado | 1 |
Connecticut | 2 |
District of Columbia | 2 |
Florida | 9 |
Georgia | 3 |
Illinois | 2 |
Indiana | 1 |
Kentucky | 15 |
Louisiana | 2 |
Maryland | 5 |
Massachusetts | 1 |
Minnesota | 1 |
Mississippi | 7 |
Missouri | 4 |
New Jersey | 3 |
New York | 4 |
North Carolina | 6 |
Ohio | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 1 |
South Carolina | 3 |
Tennessee | 11 |
Texas | 12 |
Virginia | 178 |
West Virginia | 4 |
Total | 297 |

Courses in Roman type are undergraduate courses.
Arnold, Malcolm Hartwell | (2) | University, Va. |
B. A. and M. A. Washington and Lee University. | ||
Latin, English Language, English Literature. | ||
Balz, Albert George Adam | (4) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | ||
English Literature, German, Philosophy. | ||
Birckhead, Edward Francis, Jr. | (1) | Proffit, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | ||
Education. | ||
Bishop, Arthur Vaughan | (1) | Riner, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | ||
English Literature, German, Latin, Mathematics. | ||
Burton, Emmette Young | (4) | Parnassus, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Mathematics, Physics. | ||
Canfield, Robert Wallace | (2) | Bracket, Va. |
B. Pd. Idaho State Normal School. | ||
English Literature, German, History. | ||
Coggin, William Benjamin | (1) | Windsor, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | ||
Education, Philosophy. | ||
Crenshaw, Lewis Dabney | (6) | Orange, Va. |
B. A., B. L. University of Virginia. | ||
German. | ||
Dingus, Leonidas Reuben | (5) | Wood, Va. |
B. A. Milligan College. | ||
German. | ||
Eastman, John S. | (1) | Stormont, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College | ||
Education. | ||
Ewell, Jesse, Jr. | (1) | Ruckersville, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | ||
Education. | ||
Findlay, Harris Markham | (1) | Abingdon, Va. |
A. B. Emory and Henry College. | ||
English Literature, English Language, German. | ||
Givens, Craig Byrd | (3) | Newport, Va. |
Ph. B. Milligan College. | ||
Biblical History and Literature, Education, Philosophy. | ||
Givens, Charles Watson | (4) | Sinking Creek, Va. |
B. A. Milligan College. | ||
Astronomy, German, Mathematics. | ||
Goodwin, Conrad Harrison | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College. | ||
Biblical History and Literature, English Literature, Greek, Philosophy. | ||
Harris, Turner Morehead | (2) | Danville, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College. | ||
German, History. | ||
Hayden, Horace Edwin, Jr. | (3) | Wilkes-Barre, Pa. |
A. B. Princeton University—M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Biology. | ||
Hays, Heber Michael | (5) | Broadway, Va. |
B. A. Mount Morris College. | ||
Greek, Latin. | ||
Hodge, Frederick Arthur | (5) | University, Va. |
A. B. Va. Christian College—M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
French, German, Philosophy. | ||
Johnson, James Gibson | (5) | Rockdell, Va. |
M. A. Milligan College—M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
English Literature, German. | ||
Lipscomb, Virgil Wood | (1) | Spartanburg, Va. |
B. A. Furman University. | ||
Economics, English Literature. | ||
McLemore, James Sugars | (7) | Memphis, Tenn. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Latin, German. | ||
Mason, Randolph Fitzhugh | (7) | Richmond, Va. |
M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
History. | ||
Michie, James Newton | (6) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S. University of Virginia. | ||
Mathematics. | ||
Myers, Weldon Thomas | (4) | Broadway, Va. |
B. A. Bridgewater College—M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
English Literature, English Language. | ||
Neff, William Newton | (2) | Chilhowie, Va. |
B. A. Emory and Henry College. | ||
Astronomy, Physics. | ||
Olivier, Charles Pollard | (8) | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A.—M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Astronomy, Physics. | ||
Powell, William Ptolemy | (2) | Belmont, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College. | ||
Astronomy, English Literature, Philosophy. | ||
Sawyer, John Granbery | (1) | Crozet, Va. |
B. A. Randolph-Macon College. | ||
Education. | ||
Somers, Grover Thomas | (1) | Williamsburg, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | ||
Education. | ||
Whitmore, Harry Gregory | (5) | Parnassus, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Chemistry, Physics. | ||
Wilson, Ralph Elmer | (3) | Northfield, Minn. |
B. A. Carleton College. | ||
Astronomy. | ||
Wright, Frank James | (1) | Bridgewater, Va. |
B. A. Bridgewater College. | ||
Geology, Economic Geology. |
Minnesota | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 1 |
Tennessee | 1 |
Virginia | 30 |
Total | 33 |

Allen, George Edward | Mannboro, Va. |
Anderson, Laurence Alexander | Lynchburg, Va. |
Aull, William, Jr. | Lexington, Mo. |
Barclay, Robert Clifford, Jr. | Portsmouth, Va. |
Barker, Vernon Crumley | Mendota, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Bedford, Hugh Lawson, Jr. | Bailey, Tenn. |
Biggs, Arthur Herbert | Canon City, Colo. |
Bond, Robert Harold | Jackson, Tenn. |
Booker, Bodley | Louisville, Ky. |
Bouldin, Wood, Jr. | Houston, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | |
Bridges, Richard Kenyon | Slater, Mo. |
Brooks, Louis Joshua, Jr. | Webster Groves, Mo. |
Bryant, William Cullen | Raynor, Va. |
Buchanan, John Preston | Marion, Va. |
Cameron, Ewan Donald | Gordonsville, Va. |
Campbell, Stuart Bland | Wytheville, Va. |
B. A. Hampden-Sidney College. | |
Carrington, Richard Watkins | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Hampden-Sidney College. | |
Chalmers, Algernon Coleman | Alexandria, Va. |
Chambers, Julian Sidney | Columbus, Ga. |
B. S. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. | |
Cocke, Charles Francis | Roanoke, Va. |
Combs, Donald Wheeler | Troy, O. |
Connolly, Francis Alton | Baltimore, Md. |
Cooper, Frank Spradlyn | Paintsville, Ky. |
Crawford, John Oliver | Jackson, Ky. |
B. A. Central University. | |
Crump, William Wood | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Currie, James Wharey | Davidson, N. C. |
B. S., M. A. Davidson College. | |
Dashiell, Randolph Grayson | Richmond, Va. |
Devaney, Walter Leslie, Jr. | Dendron, Va. |
A. B. Randolph-Macon College. | |
Doty, William Kavanaugh | Richmond, Ky. |
Doughty, George Lloyd, Jr. | Accomac, Va. |
A. B. Richmond College. | |
Douglas, William Walter | Baltimore, Md. |
Dovell, Grover Ashton | Uno, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | |
Dovell, Guy Ansell Bond | Uno, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | |
Eager, George Boardman, Jr. | Louisville, Ky. |
Easley, George Gilmer | Houston, Va. |
Elam, Chambers | Richmond, Va. |
Ferrell, William Warren | Danville, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | |
Floyd, Earle Norris | Meridian, Miss. |
French, William Ephraim | Clintwood, Va. |
Gaines, Paul Church | Frankfort, Ky. |
Gilmer, George | Charlottesville, Va. |
Gilpin, Kenneth Newcomer | Boyce, Va. |
Goode, Morton Graham | Skipwith, Va. |
Greis, George Rehmann | Hammonton, N. J. |
Hall, Channing Moore | Williamsburg, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | |
Hampton, Andrew Hood, Jr. | Winchester, Ky. |
A. B. Kentucky Wesleyan College. | |
Hannon, William Morgan | New Orleans, La. |
Harris, Malcolm Kerr | Danville, Va. |
Harris, William Overton | Louisville, Ky. |
Harrison, William Benjamin | Louisville, Ky. |
Heller, Edwin Max | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College. | |
Helm, James Pendleton, Jr. | Louisville, Ky. |
B. A. Yale University. | |
Herring, William Dempsey | Brunswick, Mo. |
Herrmann, Amos Wallick | Red Lion, Pa. |
B. A. Lebanon Valley College. | |
Heywood, John Guthrie | Ogden, Utah. |
Hitchins, Paul Le Van | Frostburg, Md. |
Holland, Hugh Latane | Windsor, Va. |
Holland, Reuben Miller | Whitesville, Ky. |
B. A. State University of Kentucky. | |
Holt, Robert Earle | Stuttgart, Ark. |
B. A. University of Arkansas. | |
Howell, Charles Cook | Hatch's Bend, Fla. |
B. A. Elon College. | |
Hughes, Forrest Lee | Gainesville, Tex. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Jamison, John Cary | Roanoke, Va. |
Jones, Kenneth Swank | Norfolk, Va. |
Jones, William Robert | Brydie, Va. |
Lewis, Mason Avery | Denver, Col. |
A. B. Dartmouth College. | |
Lyons, Thomas Barton, Jr. | Charlottesville, Va. |
McCaffrey, William Thomas | Jacksonville, Fla. |
B. S. University of Georgia. | |
McClelland, James Bruce, Jr. | Clarendon, Tex. |
McConnell, James Rogers | New York, N. Y. |
McGarry, Francis Belding | South Jacksonville, Fla. |
McQueen, Isaac Rhea | Vaughtsville, Tenn. |
B. A. Carson and Newman College. | |
Marshall, Hunter, Jr. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Martin, James Green | Norfolk, Va. |
Maxwell, Stuart Denman | Tyler, Tex. |
May, James Harry, Jr. | Staunton, Va. |
Miller, Alanson Austin | Gainesville, Fla. |
Minor, Farrell Dabney, Jr. | Beaumont, Tex. |
Mitchell, Otey Burnham | Atlanta, Ga. |
Moran, Charles Edward | University, Va. |
Neff, Mitchell Tabb | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Nelson, Logan McKee | Charlottesville, Va. |
Nichols, William Elmer | Georgetown, Ky. |
B. A. Kentucky Wesleyan College. | |
Pace, Siedler Nelson | Culpeper, Va. |
Paul, George Herman | Manchester, Va. |
Philpotts, Alphonso Curran | Norfolk, Va. |
A. M. Randolph-Macon College. | |
Phipps, Hibbard Williamson | Clintwood, Va. |
Pigott, John Thomas | Helena, Mon. |
B. A. Yale University. | |
Polk, Lucius Junius, Jr. | Sherman, Tex. |
Settle, Thomas Slator | Flint Hill, Va. |
Shannon, George Gannaway | Saltville, Va. |
Slawter, Bernard Edward | Greenville, Miss. |
Smith, Henry Laurie | Fauquier Springs, Va. |
Smith, Leo J. | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Smith, William Worth, Jr. | Broad Run, Va. |
Snell, Walstein Miller | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Souder, William Frederick, Jr. | Charlottesville, Va. |
Stanton, Forrest Q. | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Stevens, Cecil Wade | Richmond, Va. |
Stras, Beverley William, Jr. | Tazewell, Va. |
B. A. Hampden-Sidney College. | |
Strawn, William MacComb | Dawson, Pa. |
Sutherland, George Cleveland | Stratton, Va. |
Taliaferro, Carol Davis | Charlotte, N. C. |
Taylor, William Buck | Mobile, Ala. |
Thomasson, Frank Lewis | Charlottesville, Va. |
Thraves, Oscar Robert | Lodore, Va. |
Trimble, John White | Mt. Sterling, Ky. |
B. A. Kentucky Wesleyan College. | |
Tunstall, Richard | Norfolk, Va. |
Turner, Edmund Pendleton | Richmond, Va. |
LL. B. University of the South. | |
Tynes, Buford Cleveland | Tazewell, Va. |
B. S. and M. E. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Walker, George | Heathsville, Va. |
Wall, Emmette Warren | Farmville, Va. |
B. A. Hampden-Sidney College. | |
Warthen, Gibson Roy | Front Royal, Va. |
Wells, Joseph Kleiber | Brownsville, Tex. |
White, Joseph Stuart | Warrenton, Va. |
White, John Warwick Daniel | Staunton, Va. |
Wilkinson, John Benjamin, Jr. | Logan, W. Va. |
Wilson, Joseph Thomas, Jr. | Henderson, Ky. |
Wilson, Richard Taylor | Petersburg, Va. |
A. M. Randolph-Macon College. | |
Wood, Alban Morley | Frederick, Md. |
Wood, William James | Lebanon, Ind. |
Woody, Kirkwood Lester | Crewe, Va. |
Wyllie, Alfred Scales | Danville, Va. |
Wyly, William Gillespie | Lake Providence, La. |
Yancey, Kemper Winsborough | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Alexander, Gary Witherspoon | Jacksonville, Fla. |
B. S. University of Florida; B. A. University of the South. | |
All, Earnest Langdon | Allendale, S. C. |
B. A. Wofford College. | |
Anderson, Howard Leake | Charlottesville, Va. |
Andrews, Julian Botts, Jr. | Charlottesville, Va. |
Bain, Claude Murdaugh | Norfolk, Va. |
Barrett, William Stuart | Abingdon, Va. |
Bell, William Franklin, Jr. | Elizabethtown, Ky. |
B. A. University of the South. | |
Bickers, Roger Aylor | Crooked Run, Va. |
Bolling, Albert Stuart | University, Va. |
B. A., M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Bowman, Alpheus Michael, Jr. | Salem, Va. |
B. A., M. A. Roanoke College. | |
Brooks, John Callan | Washington, Ga. |
Brown, Forrest Augustus | Charles Town, W. Va. |
Buford, Warren Bruce | Roanoke, Va. |
A. B. Hampden-Sidney College. | |
Campbell, Charles, Jr. | St. Louis, Mo. |
Cartwright, Monroe E. | Bailey, Tenn. |
Chalmers, David Twiggs | Alexandria, Va. |
Charters, George Price | Gainesville, Ga. |
Cobb, Vivian Johnson | Asheville, N. C. |
Cocke, William Ruffin Coleman | Bremo Bluff, Va. |
Conrad, Robert Young | Winchester, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | |
Craig, Benjamin Hogan, Jr. | Selma, Ala. |
B. A. Davidson College. | |
Crawford, George Edgar | Mobile, Ala. |
Culver, Harry Thompson | Marquette, Mich. |
Dabney, Walter Spottswood | Thorp Spring, Tex. |
B. S. Jarvis College. | |
Daingerfield, James Keene | Lexington, Ky. |
Davis, Robert Beale | Petersburg, Va. |
B. A. Randolph Macon College. | |
Dekle, Lebbeus | Thomasville, Ga. |
Duvall, Frederick Garner | Easton, Md. |
Edgar, Charles Tyson | Birdwood, Va. |
Flory, Ira Samuel | Nokesville, Va. |
B. A. Mt. Morris College. | |
Fonville, De Roy Ransom | Burlington, N. C. |
Ph. B. and M. A. Elon College. | |
Fourl, Charles Wilson | Lehighton, Penna. |
Fry, George Washington | Granville, Wis. |
B. A. Lawrence University. | |
Fulton, William Huston | Bardstown, Ky. |
Gaines, William Harris | Warrenton, Va. |
Gaither, Henry Granger | Baltimore, Md. |
Gilmer, Albert Grayson | Pulaski, Va. |
Gloth, William Conrad | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. L. University of Virginia. | |
Goodwin, Donald Phinney | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Goodwin, Henry Pooley | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Graves, Henry Lewis | Decatur, Ga. |
Hall, Beverley Fenton | Louisville, Ky. |
Hamilton, George Sullivan | Jackson, Miss. |
Harty, Leo Emmet | Greenville, Miss. |
Harvey, Benjamin Benson, Jr. | Memphis, Tenn. |
Harvey, Thomas Ellis | Baltimore, Md. |
Hitchins, Adam Eaton | Frostburg, Md. |
Hobbs, Thomas Gibson | Saltville, Va. |
B. A. Virginia Christian College. | |
Hoff, John Francis | Baltimore, Md. |
Holt, James Seaborn | Harrison, Ark. |
B. A. University of Arkansas. | |
Hubbard, James Nimmo | Wilcox Wharf, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | |
Hudson, McKnight Tingle | Greenbackville, Va. |
Hutzler, Alvin Bryant | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Jarrett, Mark Lawrence, | Alderson, W. Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Jeffress, Robert Miller | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Jesse, Charles Thomas | Bowling Green, Va. |
Jester, Royston, Jr. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Johnston, Henry Alan | Norfolk, Va. |
B. A. Davidson College. M. A. Princeton University. | |
Kelton, Atlee Sanford | Norfolk, Va. |
King, James Berry | Muskogee, Okla. |
Kinsey, Henry Clay, Jr. | Petersburg, Va. |
Lee, Richard Dozier, Jr. | Sumter, S. C. |
B. A. University of South Carolina. | |
Lewis, George Washington | Berryville, Va. |
Long, Crawford Jones | Birmingham, Ala. |
Lowry, Harold Lewis | Richmond, Va. |
A. B. Randolph-Macon College. | |
McCulloch, Doddridge | Marianna, Ark. |
B. A. University of Arkansas. | |
Martin, Stephen DuVal | Lynchburg, Va. |
Mason, Charles Edward | Jett, Ky. |
B. A. Roanoke College; M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Meeks, William Edward | Massies Mills, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute; B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Miller, Henry Campbell | Pendleton, S. C. |
Morancy, Louis Molinre | Versailles, Ky. |
Nash, John | Portsmouth, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | |
Painter, Graham Crockett | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Payne, Norman Guy | Madison, Va. |
Pender, Herbert Haward | Norfolk, Va. |
Peyton, William Snyder, Jr. | Charlottesville, Va. |
Phillips, John Raymond, Jr. | Trenton, N. J. |
Pickett. Harry Elliott | Tombstone, Ariz. |
A. B. Leland Stanford Junior University. | |
Pickford, Roy Harry | Washington, D. C. |
Pinckard, William Peyton, Jr. | Birmingham, Ala. |
Pinner, John Franklin | Suffolk, Va. |
Pollard, Frederick Gresham | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College; M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Pretlow, Barclay | Franklin, Va. |
Pyle, Thomas Myron | University, Va. |
Rector, James Alcorn | Hot Springs, Ark. |
Reller, William W. | Richmond, Ind. |
Rice, Frazer Lea | Summit, Miss. |
B. S. Tulane University. | |
Riley, Albert Guild | Memphis, Tenn. |
Robinette, Lloyd Mileham | Blackwater, Va. |
B. A. Roanoke College. | |
Robinson, Morgan Poitiaux | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Runyon, Charles Vineyard | Clarksville, Tenn. |
A. B. Southwestern Presbyterian University. | |
Sadler, William Huggins, Jr. | Sheffield, Ala. |
A. B. Southern University. | |
Sherman, Bernard Lacy | Marquette, Mich. |
Shewmake, Oscar Lane | Newport News, Va. |
B. A. William and Mary College. | |
Snapp, James Phagan | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Snidow, Brackett Henry | Pembroke, Va. |
B. A. Roanoke College. | |
Strachan, Donald Cheyne | Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Surber, Edward Marshall | Newcastle, Va. |
Taliaferro, Anthony Barclay | Orange, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | |
Taliaferro, Charles Champe, Jr. | Orange, Va. |
B. S. Princeton University. | |
Taylor, Edward Leland | Murfreesboro, Tenn. |
Thom, Alfred Pembroke, Jr. | Washington, D. C. |
B. A. Yale University. | |
Thorp, Roland Fitz-Robert | Norfolk, Va. |
Thurlow, Harry Hadley | Buffalo, N. Y. |
Ph. B. and A. M. Brown University. | |
Tiffany, Walter Jordan | Middleburg, Va. |
Turnbull, Irby | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Warren, George Marvin | Emory, Va. |
B. A. Emory and Henry College. | |
Welch, Charles Clark, Jr. | Denver, Colo. |
Wellford, James McDonald | Richmond, Va. |
West, John William | Onancock, Va. |
Widener, Hiram Emory | Abingdon, Va. |
B. A. Emory and Henry College. | |
Willcox, Thomas Hamlin, Jr. | Norfolk, Va. |
Williams, Robert | Philadelphia, Pa. |
Wilson, Milton D. | Bartow, Fla. |
Graduate South Florida Military College. | |
Wingo, John Trevilian | Richmond, Va. |
B. A., M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Wise, Jennings Cropper | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Military Institute. |
Anderson, Alfred | Ringgold, Va. |
Bickers, Lucian | Culpeper, Va. |
Bowen, Hedley McNeer | Bramwell, W. Va. |
Carter, John Wesley, Jr. | Danville, Va. |
Correll, Randolph Tucker | Ochiltree, Tex. |
Donaldson, Giltner Andrew | Carrollton, Ky. |
B. S. Center College. | |
Flagg, Thomas George, Jr. | Martinsburg, W. Va. |
Fornaris, Fernando | Ponce, Porto Rico |
Gaskin, Palemon Hilsman | Orlando, Fla. |
Geyer, Horace, Jr. | Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Grant, Walter Miller | Norfolk, Va. |
Harding, Lebbeus Loomis | Canon City, Colo. |
Hite, William Whiting | Louisville, Ky. |
Irvine, Jean Ross | Cheyenne, Wyoming |
Jordan, Louis Fenimore | Washington, D. C. |
Kenna, Joseph Norris | Charleston, W. Va. |
King, Roswell | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Kopp, Roger Schall | York, Pa. |
Lindsay, Winston Southgate | Berryville, Va. |
Lockett, Edgar Nathaniel | Bristol, Va. |
McCartney, Frederick Winfield | Los Angeles, Cal. |
McCorkle, Claiborne Ross | Richlands, Va. |
McNutt, William Barnes | Princeton, W. Va. |
Miller, Harry Compton | Birmingham, Ala. |
Morrow, Charles J. | Pierce, Fla. |
Murphy, Matthew Hobson | Greensboro, Ala. |
Peeples, Thornwell Kelly | Savannah, Ga. |
Pence, Hensell Emanuel | Mt. Crawford, Va. |
Poventud, Alberto Sergio | Ponce, Porto Rico |
Ricks, James Hoge | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Guilford College; LL. B. Richmond College. | |
Riddle, Simon Peter | Pound, Va. |
Sargeant, Francis Sheldon | Norfolk, Va. |
Straton, Joseph Butcher | Williamson, W. Va. |
Stuart, Albert | Stratford, Va. |
Taylor, George Carroll | Portsmouth, Va. |
Tsang, Lui-Ngau | Shanghai, China |
Turnbull, Nathaniel | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Vial, Charles Seymour | Richmond, Va. |
Walker, Charles Cunliffe, Jr. | Richmond, Va. |
Warren, George Effinger | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Webster, Charles | Norfolk, Va. |
Graduate U. S. Naval Academy. | |
Williams, Philip | Winchester, Va. |
Wilson, Robert Archer | Norfolk, Va. |
Wilson, Thomas Jesse | Easton, Md. |
Zimmer, George Francis | Wilmington, Va. |
Alabama | 8 |
Arkansas | 4 |
Arizona | 1 |
California | 5 |
Colorado | 4 |
China | 1 |
District of Columbia | 3 |
Florida | 10 |
Georgia | 6 |
Indiana | 2 |
Kentucky | 22 |
Louisiana | 2 |
Maryland | 10 |
Michigan | 2 |
Mississippi | 6 |
Missouri | 5 |
Montana | 1 |
New Jersey | 2 |
New York | 4 |
North Carolina | 4 |
Ohio | 1 |
Oklahoma | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 5 |
Puerto Rico | 2 |
South Carolina | 3 |
Tennessee | 8 |
Texas | 7 |
Utah | 1 |
Virginia | 145 |
West Virginia | 8 |
Wisconsin | 1 |
Wyoming | 1 |
Total | 285 |

Bibb, James Lewis Leitch | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Bird, Thomas Buffington | Baton Rouge, La. |
B. Sc. Louisiana State University. | |
Bray, William Edward | Winona, Miss. |
B. A. University of Mississippi. | |
Crider, Joseph Otterbein | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Hamner, Henry Rawlings | Lynchburg, Va. |
Holmes, James B. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Hume, Joseph Stuart | Portsmouth, Va. |
Irvin, Samuel Sullivan | Mt. Airy, N. C. |
Jones, Olin Conrad | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Latané, Henry Augustine | Oak Grove, Va. |
Laughlin, James Burnett | Huntsville, Ala. |
B. S. University of Alabama. | |
Mundy, James Oscar, Jr. | Burnley, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Niell, Arthur Harry | Clover, S. C. |
Porter, Charles Terrell | Sylacauga, Ala. |
B. S. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. | |
Stone, John Boyd | Tressel, W. Va. |
Williams, Louis Laval, Jr. | Boston, Mass. |
Wilson, Oscar B. | Rockhill, S. C. |
Woodhouse, Robert Woodside, Jr. | London Bridge, Va. |
Cabaniss, William Harvey | Maxey's Ga. |
B. S. Newberry College. | |
Cornett, Horace Victor | Spring Valley, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Holladay, Edwin Wilson | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Kable, John Lobban | Staunton, Va. |
King, Aubin Tilden | Richmond, Va. |
M. A. Richmond College. | |
Kinsey, Oliver, Jr. | Kinsey, N. C. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Kyle, Bernard Hewitt | Buffalo Station, Va. |
B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. | |
Murchison, Dan Royall, Jr. | El Paso, Tex. |
B. A. University of Texas. | |
Page, Henry Mann | Charles Town, W. Va. |
A. B. Washington and Lee University. | |
Payne, Edmund Cape | Birmingham, Ala. |
B. A. Howard College. | |
Payne, Frank Marion | Birmingham, Ala. |
B. A. Howard College. | |
Reid, Rufus Tinsley | Davidson, N. C. |
B. A. Davidson College. | |
Rinker, Frederick Casper | Upperville, Va. |
B. A. Roanoke College. | |
Smart, Francis Pelzer | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. S. Vanderbilt University. | |
Waddell, James Alexander | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Williams, Charles Laval | Boston, Mass. |
Witmer, Chester Anderson | Quarryville, Pa. |
Woodbery, Hunter Samuel | Chaires, Fla. |
B. A. University of Florida. |
Baughman, William Henry | Richmond, Va. |
Blackford, John Minor | Alexandria, Va. |
Booker, Lewis | University, Va. |
Braden, Albert Van Devanter | Paeonian Springs, Va. |
Calfee, William Raby | Allisonia, Va. |
Caylor, Claude Carlisle | Washington, D. C. |
Costenbader, Clinton Franklin | Mauch Chunk, Pa. |
Crawford, Charles Brown | Theological Seminary, Va. |
Cross, Chaillos | Montpelier, Miss. |
Dabney, Cecil | Charlottesville, Va. |
Faulkner, Garland Eggleston, Jr. | South Boston, Va. |
Faville, Mark Roy | Dolgeville, N. Y. |
Haden, William Dandridge | Charlottesville, Va. |
Hiden, Martin Barbour | Newport News, Va. |
Hughes, Thomas Edmond | Laurel Mills, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College. | |
Jackson, Henry Wirt, Jr. | Keswick, Va. |
Jones, Alfred Power | Fredericksburg, Va. |
B. A. Fredericksburg College. | |
Jones, Arthur Shade | Richmond, Va. |
Lang, George Herrmann | Savannah, Ga. |
Neff, John Henry, Jr. | Harrisonburg, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Purdum, Ernest Alexander | Providence Forge, Va. |
Scroggin, James Henry | Morrilton, Ark. |
Setzler, John Bachman | Pomaria, S. C. |
A. B. Newberry College. | |
Smith, Rockwell Emerson | Charlottesville, Va. |
Taylor, Richard Vipon, Jr. | Mobile, Ala. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Todd, Gordon Livingston | Mt. Solon, Va. |
Vaiden, Algernon Stubblefield | Newport News, Va. |
Waples, Joseph Benjamin | Georgetown, Del. |
Wilde, Adna Godfrey | Vicksburg, Miss. |
Wilson, Robert Emmett | Charlottesville, Va. |
Bardin, James Cook | Charlottesville, Va. |
Butler, Wm. Wilson Samuel, Jr. | Roanoke, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Caldwell, Andrew Harper | Senatobia, Miss. |
Coryell, John Ralph | Junction City, Kas. |
Dabney, William Cecil | Charlottesville, Va. |
Davis, Robert Allan | Newport News, Va. |
Davis, Reuben Frank | Waynesboro, Va. |
Davis, Thomas Newman, Jr. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Iden, Benjamin Franklin, Jr. | Manassas, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Jones, Lee | Greensboro, Ala. |
A. B. Southern University. | |
Jones, Robert Francis | Petersburg, Va. |
Jones, Thomas Edward | Charlottesville, Va. |
McMurdo, Archibald Douglas | Charlottesville, Va. |
Marbury, William Berry | Marlboro, Md. |
Moore, Julius Sheppard | Arkadelphia, Ark. |
B. A. Ouachita College. | |
Murphy, William Alexander | Morganton, N. C. |
B. A. University of North Carolina. | |
Murray, George Massalon | Tuskegee, Ala. |
Randolph, Archibald Cary | Millwood, Va. |
Reich, Upton Sharetts | Frederick City, Md. |
Shackelford, Robert Baylor Sampson | Cismont, Va. |
Sloan, Thomas Dwight | Alderson, W. Va. |
Williams, Robert Arthur | Portland, Oregon |
Alabama | 7 |
Arkansas | 2 |
Delaware | 1 |
District of Columbia | 1 |
Florida | 1 |
Georgia | 2 |
Kansas | 1 |
Louisiana | 1 |
Maryland | 2 |
Massachusetts | 2 |
Mississippi | 4 |
New York | 1 |
North Carolina | 4 |
Oregon | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 2 |
South Carolina | 3 |
Texas | 1 |
Virginia | 49 |
West Virginia | 3 |
Total | 88 |

Alrich, Eugene Woodford | (3) | Spottsylvania, Va. |
Anderson, Hansford, Jr. | (1) | West Point, Va. |
Andrews, Henry Boyd | (2) | Roseland P. O., Va. |
Armentrout, Carl Le Roy | (2) | Staunton, Va. |
Ashby, Percy Rudolph | (4) | Hampton, Va. |
Bennett, John Campbell | (3) | Brandy, Va. |
de Borja, Luis Alberto | (1) | Riobamba, Ecuador, S. A. |
Botts, Andrew Tutt, Jr. | (3) | Woodville, Va. |
Bowe, Wythe Davis | (2) | Richmond, Va. |
Bowen, Joseph Hopkinson | (3) | Bramwell, W. Va. |
Bradt, Morris | (1) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Brooke, James Vass | (4) | Norfolk, Va. |
Brown, Robinson Swearingen | (3) | Louisville, Ky. |
Burnley, Seth | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Carr, Lucien 3rd. | (4) | Winchester, Va. |
Cather, Harry Lupton | (2) | Clearbrook, Va. |
Cecil, Byron Russell | (2) | Kansas City, Mo. |
Chichester, Peyton Moncure | (1) | Fredericksburg, Va. |
Cochrane, Alpheus Beall | (2) | Cumberland, Md. |
Cross, Clifton Vincent | (1) | Naugatuck, Conn. |
Culwell, Doc Graham | (1) | Gainesville, Tex. |
Davies, Elliott La Grange | (3) | Montrose, Pa. |
Diggs, Sterling Henry | (1) | Angola, Va. |
Dotson, Bernard Earl | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Eason, Marion Alonzo | (4) | Stantonsburg, N. C. |
Eastman, Gerard Lester | (1) | Roslyn, N. Y. |
Edel, Albert Frederick | (3) | Richmond, Va. |
Ewing, Fayette Clay, Jr. | (4) | Kirkwood, Mo. |
Faber, Joseph Frederick | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Fruin, William Frank | (3) | Manhattan, N. Y. |
Gallalee, John Morin | (3) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Gemeny, Albin Leroy | (2) | Alexandria, Va. |
Gostin, Earnest Lamar | (3) | Macon, Ga. |
Gravatt, Marshall | (2) | Port Royal, Va. |
Griffith, Hugh O'Donovan | (5) | Hampton, Va. |
Hannay, George Francis, Jr. | (1) | Leavenworth, Kas. |
Hannon, Paul Lucius | (3) | Montgomery, Ala. |
Harnsberger, Thomas Kennerly, Jr. | (1) | Harrisonburg, Va. |
Harrison, Frederick Nash | (3) | Danville, Va. |
Harrison, John Houston | (4) | Broadway, Va. |
Hartmann, Frank Everett | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Hipp, John Clarence | (3) | Newberry, S. C. |
A. B. Newberry College; M. A. University of Virginia. | ||
Howell, Beaudric Lafitte | (3) | Alexandria, Va. |
Hulley, Levi Woodbury | (3) | West Hoboken, N. J. |
Jackson, George Frederick Radcliffe | (4) | Wuchang, China |
Johnson, Richard Potts | (4) | Frederick, Md. |
Keys, Francis Raymond | (2) | Norfolk, Va. |
Kinsolving, Herbert Benton, Jr. | (1) | Mt. Sterling, Ky. |
Laird, Walter Jones | (4) | Warrenton, Va. |
Lane, Harry Martin | (1) | Esmont, Va. |
Lapham, Jared Stout | (5) | Northville, Mich. |
Lewis, Frank Nelson | (1) | Cismont, Va. |
Lipscomb, William Harold | (3) | Manassas, Va. |
Lothrop, Howard | (1) | Detroit, Mich. |
McLure, Park | (1) | St. Louis, Mo. |
McLure, Timothy Bloomfield Edgar | (1) | St. Louis, Mo. |
Mackall, Colin Mackenzie | (5) | Baltimore, Md. |
Mann, William Jackson, Jr. | (3) | Upperville, Va. |
Massie, Patrick Cabell | (1) | Pulaski, Va. |
Mendenhall, Fred Dunlap | (1) | Lakeland, Fla. |
Mentrum, Frederick Andrew | (5) | Spokane, Wash. |
Merrick, Thomas Belsham | (1) | Glendower, Va. |
Mitzel, Adam Jacob | (2) | Tremont City, O. |
Motz, William Carson | (1) | Lincolnton, N. C. |
Moulton, Mace, Jr. | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Packard, Joseph, Jr. | (1) | Rockville, Md. |
Parsons, Lester Shields | (1) | Big Stone Gap, Va. |
Patterson, John Eri | (1) | Kansas City, Mo. |
Powers, Edward Allen | (3) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Ratrie, Harry | (3) | Brandy Station, Va. |
B. S. Eastern College. | ||
Rawls, Eric Montague | (2) | Asheville, N. C. |
Reeves, Stanley | (3) | Johnson City, Tenn. |
B. A. Emory and Henry College. | ||
Rowe, James Walter | (1) | Hampton, Va. |
Schweickert, Thomas Clifford | (5) | Portsmouth, Va. |
Scott, George Ryland, Jr. | (1) | Tappahanock, Va. |
Shedd, Thomas Clark | (1) | Carthage, N. C. |
Shepherd, Irving Jones | (1) | Petersburg, Va. |
Shuey, Olyn Rhinehart | (3) | Piedmont, W. Va. |
Smart, Henry Gaillard | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Smith, Henry Boutwell | (4) | Broad Run Station, Va. |
Tabb, Warner Thorckmorton | (2) | Gloucester, Va. |
Tandy, Charles Willis, Jr. | (8) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Tazewell, Calvert Walke | (3) | Norfolk, Va. |
Tazewell, Littleton Waller, Jr. | (5) | Norfolk, Va. |
Tucker, Lawrence Fontaine | (1) | Lynchburg, Va. |
Turner, Fancher Lucas | (2) | Ruxton, Md. |
Underwood, John Lewis | (2) | Birmingham, Ala. |
Viele, Walter Stephen | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Wagener, Clarence William | (1) | Manassas, Va. |
Walker, Albert Stuart | (5) | Orange, Va. |
Ward, William Randolph | (1) | Lyells P. O., Va. |
Wells, George Hammond | (3) | Chicago, Ill. |
Wester, Earle Neil | (2) | Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Whitmore, Roy Emerson | (2) | Staunton, Va. |
Wickham, George Barksdale | (1) | Richmond, Va. |
Graduate Virginia Military Institute. | ||
Willcox, Albert Miles | (2) | Savannah, Ga. |
Wiltshire, Turner Hill | (1) | Baltimore, Md. |
Winn, John | (3) | Berryville, Va. |
Wood, Charles Meigs | (1) | Ivy, Va. |
Wood, William Woodhull | (3) | Meridian, Miss. |
Wortham, Edwin, | (5) | Richmond, Va. |
Alabama | 2 |
China | 1 |
Connecticut | 1 |
Ecuador, S. A. | 1 |
Florida | 1 |
Georgia | 2 |
Illinois | 1 |
Kansas | 1 |
Kentucky | 2 |
Maryland | 6 |
Michigan | 2 |
Mississippi | 1 |
Missouri | 5 |
New Jersey | 1 |
New York | 4 |
North Carolina | 4 |
Ohio | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 1 |
South Carolina | 1 |
Tennessee | 3 |
Texas | 1 |
Virginia | 56 |
Washington | 1 |
West Virginia | 2 |
Total | 101 |

Alabama | 28 |
Arizona | 1 |
Arkansas | 10 |
California | 8 |
China | 2 |
Colorado | 4 |
Connecticut | 3 |
Delaware | 1 |
District of Columbia | 7 |
Ecuador | 1 |
Florida | 19 |
Georgia | 13 |
Illinois | 3 |
Indiana | 3 |
Kansas | 2 |
Kentucky | 37 |
Louisiana | 6 |
Maryland | 23 |
Massachusetts | 2 |
Michigan | 4 |
Minnesota | 2 |
Mississippi | 14 |
Missouri | 13 |
Montana | 1 |
New Jersey | 7 |
New York | 11 |
North Carolina | 18 |
Ohio | 3 |
Oklahoma | 2 |
Oregon | 1 |
Pennsylvania | 10 |
Porto Rico | 2 |
South Carolina | 11 |
Tennessee | 22 |
Texas | 18 |
Utah | 1 |
Virginia | 435 |
Washington | 1 |
West Virginia | 17 |
Wisconsin | 1 |
Wyoming | 1 |
Total | 768[1] |
This summary is of date December 1, 1908. The normal increase in enrollment
to be expected after this date would increase the grand total by 25.

Allston, John Earl | (2) | Georgetown, S. C. |
College. | ||
Calisch, Edward Nathan | (4) | Richmond, Va. |
Graduate Department. | ||
Campbell, John Mosby | (5) | Warrenton, Va. |
Engineering. | ||
Cleveland, Stanley Matthews | (1) | Charlottesville, Va. |
College. | ||
Cornett, Ovis Preston | (1) | Spring Valley, Va. |
College. | ||
Coster, Norman Beckett | (1) | New York, N. Y. |
Engineering. | ||
Coxe, Whitwell Wentworth | (7) | Roanoke, Va. |
College. | ||
Dabney, William Cecil | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Medicine. | ||
Fry, George Washington | (1) | Granville, Wis. |
Law. | ||
Homes, Marshall Goode | (4) | Boydton, Va. |
Engineering. | ||
Johnson, Lyman, Jr. | (4) | New York, N. Y. |
Law. | ||
Lyons, Thomas Barton, Jr. | (5) | Charlottesville, Va. |
Law. | ||
Morancy, Louis Molinry | (2) | Versailles, Ky. |
Law. | ||
Rader, Franklin Kearns | (1) | Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Engineering. | ||
Rhett, Andrew Burnet | (5) | Charleston, S. C. |
Graduate Department. | ||
Strachan, Donald Cheyne | (1) | Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Engineering. | ||
Taylor, George Carroll | (1) | Portsmouth, Va. |
College. | ||
Warmack, Henry Sherrard | (1) | Yazoo City, Miss. |
Law. |
Corrected Total for 1907-'08 | 788 |

Conferred on Final Day, Wednesday, June 17, 1908.
Balz, Albert George Adam | Charlottesville, Va. |
Bell, Harrie Alonzo | Wilmington, Del. |
Bibb, James Lewis Leitch | Charlottesville, Va. |
Buford, William Erskine | Richmond, Va. |
Cornett, Horace Victor | Spring Valley, Va. |
Coxe, Whitwell Wentworth | Roanoke, Va. |
Crenshaw, Lewis Dabney | Orange, Va. |
Crump, William Wood | Richmond, Va. |
Curry, Duncan | Staunton, Va. |
Gibson, Churchill Jones | Richmond, Va. |
Glenn William Louis | New York City |
Hughes, Forrest Lee | Gainesville, Tex. |
Hutzler. Alvin Bryant | Richmond, Va. |
Jeffress, Robert Miller | Drewry's Bluff, Va. |
Kinsey, Oliver, Jr. | Kinsey, N. C. |
Kollock, William Gregg | Charleston, S. C. |
Meeks, William Edward | Massie's Mill, Va. |
Moomaw, Benjamin Franklin | Roanoke, Va. |
Robertson, Walter Henderson | Warrenton, Va. |
Scott, Ernest Winfield | Eudora, Ark. |
Smither, Richard Ellis | Saluda, Va. |
Strider, Robert Edward Lee | Lee Town, W. Va. |
Van Horne, John | University, Va. |
Wallace, Maxwell Gordon | Richmond, Va. |
Wingo, John Trevilian | Richmond, Va. |
Cahoon, George Wesley | Clifton Forge, Va. |
B. A. Virginia Christian College. | |
Hipp, John Clarence | Newberry, S. C. |
B. A. Newberry College. | |
McCaul, Thomas Vaden | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. Richmond College. | |
Mason, Charles Edward | Frankfort, Ky. |
B. A. Roanoke College. | |
Mason, Randolph Fitzhugh | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Olivier, Charles Pollard | University, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Robinson, Morgan Poitiaux | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Ryburn, William Oscar | Bristol, Va. |
B. A. King College. | |
Sine, Charles Rush | Charlottesville, Va. |
B. A. Hiram College. | |
Strider, Robert Edward Lee | Lee Town, W. Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Whipple, Leon Rutledge | University, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Williams, Richard Pardee, Jr. | Washington, D. C. |
B. A. University of Virginia. | |
Wingo, John Trevilian | Richmond, Va. |
B. A. University of Virginia. |
Michie, James Newton | Charlottesville, Va. |
Calisch, Edward Nathan | Richmond, Va. |
B. Lit., University of Cincinnati. | |
M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Dissertation: The Jew in English Literature as Author and as Subject. |
Kepner, William Allison | Gettysburg, Va. |
A. B. and A. M. Franklin and Marshall College. | |
Dissertation: The Nutrition of the Ovum of Scolia Dubia. | |
Leighton, Walter Larabee | Roxbury, Mass. |
A. M. Harvard University. | |
Dissertation: French Philosophers and New England Transcendentalism. | |
Luck, John Jennings | Roanoke, Va. |
M. A. University of Virginia. | |
Dissertation: The Structures of the Non-Integrable Groups of Seven Parameters. |

Bouldin, James Easley | Houston, Va. |
Bradford, Russell Lee | Norfolk, Va. |
Caldwell, Joseph Anderson | Bristol, Tenn. |
Calhoun, John Morford | Maysville, Ky. |
Campbell, Alexander Spottswood | Warrenton, Va. |
Chapman Laurens Max | Los Angeles, Cal. |
Clark, Clifford Friend | Lexington, Ky. |
Coleman, John Tinsley, Jr. | Lynchburg, Va. |
Cox, Francis Augustus | Penelo, N. C. |
Crenshaw, Lewis Dabney | Orange, Va. |
Croom, Cleveland White | West Point, Miss. |
Crounse, Amos Cameron | Herndon, Va. |
Curry, Duncan | Staunton, Va. |
Davidson, William Lee | Jonesville, Va. |
Davis, Hugh | Norfolk, Va. |
Engle, John Raymond | Palmyra, Pa. |
Fife, William Ormond | Charlottesville, Va. |
Findlay, James Ferguson | Greenville, S. C. |
Foote, John Drayton, Jr. | Pearisburg, Va. |
Forsyth, George Lawrence | Esmont, Va. |
Francis, James Draper | Pikeville, Ky. |
Giles, LeRoy Bartlett | Orlando, Fla. |
Gloth, William Conrad | Erie, Pa. |
Goerdeler, Julius August | Yonkers, N. Y. |
Henley, Robert Edward | Williamsburg, Va. |
Horne, Hoke Irvine | Tacoma, Va. |
Hughson, Albert Lynn | Greenwood, Va. |
Irving, Joseph Kincaid | Amelia, Va. |
Jackson, William Kenneth, Jr. | Jacksonville, Fla. |
Jefferson, John Garland, Jr. | Amelia, Va. |
Jones, James Paris (1906-'07) | Newcastle, Va. |
Jordan, William Harrison | Lynchburg, Va. |
Kear, Paul Winfred | Norfolk, Va. |
Kelly, Emerson Wyntoun | Wise, Va. |
Kelly, Frank Marion | Portsmouth, Va. |
Lamb, William Brockenbrough | Richmond, Va. |
Levi, Emanuel | Louisville, Ky. |
Mapp, John Edwin Brooks | Keller, Va. |
Mauck, Ralph Willis | Bentonville, Ark. |
Miller, George, Jr. | Miccosukee, Fla. |
Monserrat, Damian, Jr. | San Juan, P. R. |
Mudd, William S. | Birmingham, Ala. |
Peck, Herbert Massey | Beaver Dam, Wis. |
Pugh, Francis Nicholls | Donaldsonville, La. |
Ravenel, Gaillard Fitz-Simon | Washington, D. C. |
Rees, William Henry | Maysville, Ky. |
St. Clair, Otis Eugene | Tazewell, Va. |
Sawrie, Nathaniel Jones | Memphis, Tenn. |
Seabright, Charles Frederick | Bellaire, O. |
Smith, Hiram Moore | Richmond, Va. |
Steinhauer, Ernest Phillip | Denver, Colo. |
Sutherland, Thurman Lawrence | Stratton, Va. |
Tapscott, Clayton Allen | Churchville, Va. |
Tincher, Harry Elbert | Amo, Ind. |
Turnbull, Needham Stuart | Meredithville, Va. |
Waters, Winfield Lawrence | Louisville, Ky. |
White, Emmet Nelson | Haymarket, Va. |
Wilkin, Robert Nugen | New Philadelphia, O. |
Williams, Samuel Clay | Mooresville, N. C. |
Woods, Samuel Baker, Jr. | Charlottesville, Va. |
Barr, Frank Ellis | Starkville, Miss. |
Dear, Samuel Brock McGeorge | Washington, Va. |
DeFiganiere, Pedro Alcantara | North East, Md. |
Fleisher, John Adam | Meadow Dale, Va. |
Fletcher, John Pierpont | Portage, Wis. |
Goodwill, John Jones | Shamokin, Pa. |
Goodwin, William Hall | Cynthiana, Ky. |
Jones, John Peachy | Morrison, Va. |
Kaprielian, Haigazoon Kruger | Cesarea, Turkey |
Lake, Norman Powell | Rectortown, Va. |
Maddux, Henry Cabell | Orange, Va. |
Marks, William Garrison | Naylors, Va. |
Maynard, Edwin Brooks | Portsmouth, Va. |
Moses, Harry | Mount Vernon, Ga. |
Musgrave, George Harrison | Drewryville, Va. |
Pendleton, Wilson | Portsmouth, Va. |
Perkins, Percy Augustus | Collierville, Tenn. |
Phillips, Samuel Hewes | Chester, Pa. |
Sparks, William Clark | Charlottesville, Va. |
Stroud, John Dilworth | Norfolk, Va. |
Taylor, Eugene Arthur | Miller School, Va. |
Williamson, Thomas Valentine | Mount Jackson, Va. |

Brown, David Waller | Arrington, Va. |
Claiborne, Herbert Augustine, Jr. | Richmond, Va. |
Hawkins, William Edward | Charlottesville, Va. |
Wayland, Edwin Massie | Covesville, Va. |
Saville, Allen Jeter | Richmond, Va. |
Bibb, Julian Lee | New Decatur, Ala. |
Campbell, John Mosby | Warrenton, Va. |
Fruth, Elbert Abraham | Charleston, W. Va. |
Fretwell, Warren Hudson | Crimora, Va. |
Taylor, Eugene Clarence | Barboursville, Va. |
West, John Winfee | Lynchburg, Va. |

![]() | The University of Virginia record February, 1909 | ![]() |