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Thus matters proceeded with Antar and Prince
Malik; but the anger of Shedad was only augmented:
at last he complained to his brothers
Malik and Zakmet-ool Jewad, saying, O sons of my
father and mother, my soul is greatly vexed, and
my anxiety is redoubled, and I know not what to
do, or what will be the consequence of the actions
of this black slave. I fear that to-morrow he will
destroy some one of rank and power, and some disturbance
will arise throughout the whole tribe, and
our blood will be demanded, and our persons pay
the forfeit. O my brother, said his brother Zakmetool
Jewad, thou hast hit the mark, and if thou dost
not take measures to put this slave to death,
he will certainly endanger our lives. However wise
a man may be, he is no match for him; but after
what has happened, we can never let him take our
camels and cattle to the pasture; we must waylay
him and kill him, and thus relieve ourselves from
this plague. Let us wait till he goes to the meadows,
and there let us destroy him in some secret
spot; and when we have effected our purpose, we
will return. Shedad approved his brother's advice,


Page 46
and resolved to execute it. In the morning, Prince
Malik came to the tent of Shedad, and interceded
for Antar: Shedad acquiesced, and let him tend the
cattle in the meadows; and forgot him for a time.

But one morning Antar went as usual with the
cattle to the pastures, and they followed his steps,
seeking to kill and destroy him. On that day,
Antar was riding about in the wide plains and
deserts, and finding himself alone, he recited some
verses in praise of Ibla; he wandered far from the
habitations, and thought of his misfortunes; fast
flowed his tears, for the night before he had dreamt
of Ibla, and that he had kissed her within her veil.
He then addressed her in these verses:

"Ibla's spirit appeared to me in my sleep, and
thrice I kissed her within her veil. It bade me
adieu, but it deposited in me a flame that I feel
burning through my bones. Were I not left in
solitude alone, and could I not quench the fire
of my passion with tears, my heart would melt.
But I do not complain, though all my fears are
on thy account, O thou perfect full moon! O
daughter of Malik, how can I be consoled, since
my love for thee originated from the time I was
weaned? but how can I ever hope to approach
thee, whilst the lions of the forest guard thy tent!
By the truth of my ove for thee, my heart can
never be cured but by patience. O thou noble
maid! till I exalt myself to the heights of glory


Page 47
with the thrusts of my spear, and the blows of
my sword, I will expose myself to every peril
wherever the spears clash in the battle dust—then
I shall be either tossed upon the spear heads, or
be numbered among the noble."

He went galloping in different directions till he
came to a plain called the plain of lions, and here were
many ferocious animals and wild beasts; here he let
the cattle graze. And Antar only came to this valley,
because he knew there was in it abundance of
grass of the height of a man. Now not a servant of
the whole tribe of Abs would ever enter or approach
this valley, because it was very extensive, and filled
with lions and tigers. As soon as Antar found himself
in it, he said to himself, perhaps I shall now find
a lion, and I will slay him. And whilst the cattle were
feeding, and he from a mound was looking round on
all sides, behold, a lion appeared in the middle of the
valley: he stalked about, and roared aloud: wide
were his nostrils, and fire flashed from his eyes: the
whole valley trembled at every gnash of his fangs—he
was a calamity, and his claws more terrific than the
deadliest catastrophe—thunder pealed as he roared
—vast was his strength, and his force dreadful—
broad were his paws, and his head immense. As
soon as he appeared in the valley, the cattle scented
him and fled away in terror, and the camels were
dispersed to the right and the left. No sooner did
Antar perceive this extraordinary commotion than


Page 48
he descended into the valley, that he might observe
what was the cause, brandishing his sword. He
there saw the lion, terrible in his strength, and
lashing his sides with his tail. Antar cried out to
him, and the mountains re-echoed to the cry.
Welcome, thou father of lions—thou dog of the
plains—thou foulest of the wild beasts of the deserts.
Now, then, thou wilt exert thy power and thy might,
and thou wilt pride thyself in thy roar; for no
doubt thou art the monarch and ruler of the brute
creation, and all obey thy commands—but return
to filth and contempt; thou meetest now no ordinary
man. I deal death to the bravest, and render
children orphans. Dost thou think, foul-mouthed
beast, now about to die, that thou canst frighten
me with thy roar, or alarm me with thy bellow?
I will not condescend to slay thee with an arrow or
a sword, but I will make thee drink of the cup
of death from my single arm; and as he rushed
towards him, he addressed him in verse.

"I am the far-famed lion, the warrior whose exploits
every one fears on the day of wars. I save, I
protect the property of my father Shedad, and I
punish the foe with the edge of my sword. When
my hand wields the scimitar on the day of battle,
every heart of the horsemen throbs with fear.
Now will I meet thee in the waste, and make thee
drink a cup of the vicissitudes of fortune. I heed
not death when I meet him, and I comprehend


Page 49
what every tongue can express. Now then I will
throw my sword out of my hand—away then with
thee—and I will destroy thee, thou dog of the
desert, with these hands alone."

Just at that moment Shedad and his brothers
came up to kill Antar. They saw him address the
lion, and heard what he threatened: he sprang forward,
and fell on him like a hail-storm, and hissed
at him like a black serpent—he met the lion as he
sprang, and outroared his bellow; then, giving a
dreadful shriek, he seized hold of the beast's mouth
with his hand, and wrenched it open to his shoulders,
and he shouted aloud—the valley and the country
round echoed back the roar: he stuck to him until
he was dead, and then dragged him by the legs out
of the valley; and having cut some wood, he took
out his Zanad[4] , struck a light, and made a fire. He
waited until it blazed; then ripped up the lion,
took out the entrails, and cut off his four legs, and
threw them into the flames; and when he perceived
they were roasted, he took them out, and ate thereof
till he finished his meal: he then ran to a fountain,
and drank till he was satisfied; and having washed
his mouth and hands, he went to a shadowy tree,
where he put the lion's head under his own as a pillow,
and wrapping up his head in a part of his sleeve,
he fell asleep. His father and uncles were observing


Page 50
him and his actions, and as they saw what he did
they were quite terrified and scared. Verily this
slave, said Zakmet-ool Jewad, has not his equal; no
one in his senses would engage him. Malik also
trembled. What shall we do with this wretch? said
he. Great indeed has been the deed he has done;
none of us can harm him; he would soon destroy
us, and tear out our entrails, or do as he has done
with the lion. Let us return home, said Shedad,
our honour is still safe; we must find some other
means to kill him and accomplish our wishes.

Thus Shedad and his brothers returned home, all
in astonishment at Antar, and the wonders he had
performed. In the evening, when Antar came with
the flocks and the camels, Shedad smiled upon him,
and gave him a cordial welcome, and made him sit
down with him at dinner, whilst the other slaves
stood up. And whilst they were all talking, there
came a messenger from King Zoheir to Shedad.
King Zoheir demands your presence, O Chief, he
cried; he has sent me to require you to take with
you your warlike weapons, and your brothers, for
he is engaged in a business of importance, and wishes
to attack the tribe of Temeem, and has resolved on
invading their country, and destroying their territory.
Shedad, on hearing this, immediately complied,
and having assembled his brothers and all
their dependents, he turned towards Antar. Tomorrow,
said he, the warriors and horsemen are


Page 51
going to march, and no troops will remain in our
habitations, therefore I consign over to you our
houses and our women; but take care when you go
to the pastures not to wander far in the mountains.
Be perfectly easy, my master, replied Antar, about
whatever you leave in my charge; should the smallest
thing be missing, let me, for the remainder of my
life, be kept in chains and bondage! Shedad thanked
him, and promised, when he returned from the expedition,
to give him a fine horse to ride. In the
morning the warriors mounted and prepared for the
engagement, and slung on their swords and their
javelins; they departed from their habitations, and
among the first shone King Zoheir, like a noble lion.

The horsemen being now absent, the children,
and women, and slaves, male and female, were left
behind. Semeeah, the wife of Shedad, gave a magnificent
entertainment at the lake of Zatool Irsad.
Sheep were slaughtered, and wine flowed, and the
girls carried their instruments. Antar stood amongst
the attendants, and was in transports on seeing Ibla
appear with the other women. She was indeed like
an amorous fawn; she was decorated with parti-coloured
necklaces; and when Antar was attending
her, he was overwhelmed in the ocean of his love,
and became the slave of her sable tresses. They sat
down to eat, and the wine cups went merrily round.
It was the spring of the year, when the whole land
shone in all its glory; the vines hung luxuriantly in


Page 52
the arbours; the flowers shed around ambrosial fra
grance; every hillock sparkled in the beauty of it
colours; the birds in responsive melody sang sweetly
from each bush, and harmony issued from their
throats; every ear was enchanted; the ground was
covered with flowers and herbs; whilst the nightingales
filled the air with their softest notes. Then the
damsels beat the cymbal, and recited the following

"The shades have spread their canopy, and the
flowers spread their pillows; the streams roll along
their shores of flowers, some white, some red, some
yellow, some sweet-scented. See the waters gliding
through the gardens, and the trees and their fruits
resemble bracelets and chaplets: the birds sing
melodiously upon them, in every variety of note;
the nightingale and the dove pour their plaintive
strain, and make every lover weep; the gentle
zephyrs whisper along, and the branches move
in softest measure. The boughs dance in the
groves, among the trees, in the graceful movement;
the dew-drops fall, and the flowers and the
trees are studded with its pearls. The season is
delightful; let it pass in enjoyment, and misfortunes
begone! the opportunity is delicious, let us
grasp in haste its sweets. Be merry, and wild
with joy, and let not a day pass without amusement."

Then another set took the musical instruments,


Page 53
and beating the cymbals with their hands, thus

"The gardens sparkle with all they boast of
lovely damsels; every sportive virgin is possessed
of languishing glances, and enchanting movements;
their beauty is perfection, they are loveliness
itself; their elegant shapes glance like the
well-proportioned spears; their tresses float down
their backs, like branches of the grape-vine; they
are slayers and piercers with their arrows and their
darts; archers and strikers, the enchantresses of

They now formed a dance, and took off their robes:
the damsels danced whilst the servants sang, and
carried round the goblets of wine. Roses were
spread over their cheeks, and their bosoms heaved.
And Ibla joined her associates in the dance, and exhibited
her charms, and laughed. Fire shot from
their eyes, and the cups of wine were united to the
honey of their mouths. The imagination of Antar
was inflamed and overpowered in the sea of anxiety;
he hesitated whether he should violate the modesty
of love by the fingers of passion, when lo! on a
sudden there appeared a cloud of dust; and a vast
clamour arose, and in a moment there came forth a
troop of horses and their riders, about seventy in
number, armed with cuirasses and coats of mail,
and Aadite helmets, crying out, O by Cahtan! and
they rushed towards the women. At the instant joy


Page 54
was converted into grief, and smiles into tears: in a
moment they seized the women and the virgins,
made them prisoners, and placed them on their horses
behind them.

But when Antar saw this disaster, and perceived
that a horseman had carried off Ibla, and observed
her weep, and her cheeks turn from red to a deadly
pale, the world seemed contracted about him, and
as he reflected that he had no arms with which to
fight, he was greatly alarmed, but trusted to his feet.
In a moment he overtook the horseman who had
seized Ibla, for he happened to be in the rear; he
sprang upon him like a wild beast in its utmost fury,
and clung to him, and overpowering him, threw him
upon his head, and broke his neck. Silent was the
warrior's heart, for Antar had annihilated him, and
he took possession of his armour and his steed. He
mounted, and pursued the horsemen, rushing down
upon them like a torrent, and assailing them with
the most abusive and contemptuous language. Hear,
ye dastards! I am Antar, the son of Shedad—
abandon your prisoners and the children, or I will
attack and destroy you. Return to your tribe of
Cahtan in disgrace and despair, or by the Father
of mankind, by him who made man to speak with
lips and tongue, I will make your heads trunkless.
He soon came up with those in the rear, and slew
twenty of them; and when the remaining horsemen
perceived what had happened, fifty more returned


Page 55
at a full gallop, pouncing down like eagles;
they saw their companions stretched upon the sand,
and immediately attacked him, but he met them, fierce
as a devouring lion.

"Here am I in the boisterous battle, and my
power is well known; my sword and my deeds
testify to those that see me, that I pierce my antagonist,
watchful as he may be. My shield, and
then my spear, and my sword of Indian temper,
were with me in my cradle, my two bosom
friends; and the earth where I stand reddens like
crimson leather, and blood flows thereon, its colour
a deep scarlet.—Give me pure wine to drink, or
let it be mixed; give it me old, that I may imagine
it was made before the world. She comes and
offers me to drink in cups mantling like the Judas
flower. Give me to drink, and let me hear the
song that delights me:—The sweetest of sounds
to me is the rattle of the Indian blades, and the
clash of lances in the battle, on the day of spear-thrusts,
when the parties shout, and warriors are
adjudged to death: but the dearest of all my
projects, the darling object of all my desires of
fortune, is, that I may behold Ibla at my disposal
in happiness and security."

He rushed forwards to meet them, and harder
than flint was his heart, and in his attack was their
fate and destiny; he assailed the boldest of his
opponents, and his assault was the assault of the most
obstinate warrior. As soon as he distinguished the


Page 56
chief of the party, he approached him, he plunged
at him—he grappled with him—his shout struck
him with horror. He pierced his bosom with his
spear, and forced it out through his back. When
his companions saw the effect produced, every heart
quaked with fear, and felt convinced that death and
destruction were at hand; and they said one to
another, It is a mere slave that has brought this
confusion upon us, a wretch, mean and worthless;
what will be our condition if the warriors come to
his assistance? Let us fly, or our ruin and annihilation
are certain. So they joined the others, and fled
away in disorder, abandoning the women, and retreating
in disgrace and despair. Antar, as soon as
they were dispersed, collected the scattered horses,
and a vast quantity of arms. He then returned
home, and the women and families being all safe,
thus he exclaimed:

"These are my exploits when I stalk against the
foe, and they abuse me for my black complexion,
which is my glory. I drive away the troops and
the noble warriors, and my colt as he rushes on
plunges into the battle. As to those who envy
me like fools, every one knows that virtue is ever
the object of jealousy. I am the offspring of my
day: the sword is my father; in it is my glory: the
one may be denied, the other is a fact. Never
will I cease to hew down the troops in bodies, till
every opponent be annihilated."

He returned home, taking with him twenty-five


Page 57
horses, and all the women and children. Now the
hatred of Semeeah was converted into love and
tenderness, and he became dearer to her than sleep.
They all came home, but Semeeah enjoined the
women not to disclose this event to any one, lest
their husbands should blame them. Antar also
kept it a profound secret. In a short time King
Zoheir returned from his victory over the tribe of
Temeem, and brought with him an immense booty;
and both those that went and those that staid were
greatly rejoiced.

The next day in the morning, Shedad went out
on horseback, and sought his herds and flocks: he
perceived amongst his horses some strange ones,
and also saw Antar riding upon a black mare.
Whence, cried he, came these animals? and whence
got you this mare, that excites my wonder? Now
the mare Antar was riding belonged to the chief of
the Cahtanians, and the other horses were those the
horsemen rode whom he had slain; the spoil and all
he had collected were concealed at his mother's. O
master, he replied, as I was tending the flocks
yesterday, there came some Cahtanians, and with
them an immense quantity of cattle: they were much
fatigued, and moreover frightened at the Arab
horsemen. I followed them, and finding these
horses separated from the rest, I took them and
brought them back. Thou wicked slave, said Shedad,
these are no horses strayed from their owners;
thou hast carried them off from beneath their riders:


Page 58
it is on this account thou wanderest alone in these
wilds and rocks, and every Arab thou canst meet
thou killest him, and thou carest not whether he be
of the tribe of Cahtan or Adnan. Never wilt thou
leave off this conduct till thou hast excited feuds
among the Arabs, and slain heroes and horsemen!

Now in that age the Arabs were of two classes;
from Yemen to India they were called the tribe of
Cahtan[5] ; and in Mecca and Hijaz they were called
the tribe of Adnan. Shedad laid hold of Antar, and
bound him with a rope. Here, said Shedad, thou
shalt remain tied up. Never again will I let thee
take my cattle to the pasture. And he beat him with
the whip he had in his hand; and as he continued
to lash and thrash him, No good will come of thee,
said he; evil and abominations are rooted in thee;
thou wilt breed dissensions among the Arab tribes,
and thou wilt make us a common tale among nations.
His father still beat him and abused him, and he
bore it all.

At last Semeeah came out, and seeing what was
going on, she wept bitterly. She sprang forwards
and threw herself on his breast, exclaiming, Sooner
shalt thou beat me than him; he does not deserve
such ill treatment, O Shedad. But Shedad became
very angry with her, and shoving her away, threw


Page 59
her down on her back. She rose up and cast herself
into Antar's arms, uncovering her head, and
letting her hair flow down her shoulders. This
excited Shedad's surprise. What has happened to
this wretch, he exclaimed, that you feel so much
affection and tenderness, after having expressed so
much anger and indignation? Loose his bands, said
Semeeah, and I will relate the whole story to you.
Tell me, said he, and I will release him. Then she
told Shedad all that Antar had done; how he alone
had attacked seventy horsemen, and had driven them
back in confusion and despair, and had secured in
safety all their families and children. Then Semeeah
repeated these verses:

"O Shedad, hadst thou seen me, my face uncovered,
and my person carried off behind the
warriors, and the women of Prince Cais in dismay,
no resource at hand, and their veils trailing on the
surface of the earth! Ibla too! they mounted her
behind a warrior, whilst her tears streamed down
her cheeks. The slaves whom I encouraged, fled;
every one fled, all trembling in affright. Our
families surrounded us weeping in anguish and in
misery. Our camels were driven away, and every
heart was distracted. Then Antar plunged into
the midst of them; into the black rolling dust;
the atmosphere was involved in darkness, and the
birds sunk motionless; their horsemen fled through
fear: this one was slain, that made captive; he
protected us. After he had comforted us all, he


Page 60
pursued them, and the honour of them all was
destroyed. O it is right I should respect him;
protect him; my honour he protected, and he
preserved the honour of us all."

Semeeah's account of Antar's actions astonished
Shedad, and he rejoiced and was glad. It is surprising,
said he to himself, he kept all this secret;
and his submission to be bound by me! 'tis most
wonderful! Antar stood unconcerned, and listened
to Semeeah's acknowledgments; he bore no resentment,
and praised her in these verses:

"Oh! is it from Semeeah that these tears flow in
anguish, and from a heart in flames? Shall her
form shadow me? can blows harm me, and shall
tears burst in torrents from her eyelids? When
her tresses hang dishevelled, she is like the rising
full moon, veiled in the darkness of night. The
property is thy property, the slave thy slave:
and life and every sense shall be exerted to save
thee. Oh! when the troopers start forth, harsh-countenanced,
and the black dust rolls over them;
then make use of me. If I do not disperse them
in the clash of contending spears, may I never be
permitted to drink! may the rain-drop never
moisten me! The sword is in my hand, whose
blows fetch blood; but the swords of others have
no power in their edge. Men are of two kinds;
one whose heart is of brittle glass—the other whose
heart is of rock."

When Antar had finished his verses, Shedad came


Page 61
up to him, and released him, and begged his pardon,
for he was convinced that such wit, expressed in
verse and prose, could not proceed but from an exalted
warrior. At that moment came a servant from
King Zoheir, who saluted Shedad. The King, O
Chief, said he, sends his salutation to you, and
requests you will attend a feast he has prepared.
Shedad took Antar with him and went to the feast,
and the slave followed him till he reached Zoheir's
tents, which he found resounding with cymbals, and
other musical instruments, and the victims were
slaughtered: and there were assembled the race of
Abs and Adnan, and all the valiant heroes attached
to them. Shedad seated himself amidst the noblest
chieftains, but Antar sat down among the slaves;
and when they had eaten meat, and drank wine,
they conversed, and related all the circumstances of
the late affair. Antar heard all they said, and Shedad
praised his son Antar, informing the king of all
he had done, and all he had composed in prose and
verse, and related the whole story. All this, cried
the King, greatly rejoiced at the courage and eloquence
of Antar, I anticipated at the time he slew
the slave of my son Shas; I knew he would be the
refuge of every petitioner. Who can execute such
deeds or perform such acts! doubtless he will rise
superior to all his contemporaries. And he called
out to him, and ordered him into his presence.
Antar kissed his hands, and presented him the cup,


Page 62
and his heart was overpowered with joy and delight-O
Antar, exclaimed his friend Malik, the King's
son—At your commands, said Antar, thou moon of
this assembly. I wish, said Malik, thou wouldst
recite to us some of thy verses. Willingly, my lord,
said Antar; and he thus continued:

"Glory is bound to the back of the steeds; victory
on the day of horrors lives in the sword; never
rises the battle dust on the day of fight, but my
pliant spear assists me. How many sand-clouds
have I penetrated, fearless of calamities, when the
faces of black and white swoon in terror! How
many horsemen fly from the encounter of arms
when the war-dust rises; they fly and are repulsed:
then rush I into the clanging war: my heart
and my chest are hewn out of the solid rock. O
thou lion-king, have thine eyes beheld the exploits
of the horsemen of the desert, when the foe
attacked us to spoil us of our cattle? then I cut
down their chief on the desert: I raised him
up on my nobly-serving sword: he was dashed
from his saddle, and his cheeks crushed on the
earth. I am thine, O thou King of the earth, and
thy fame shall be spread over every land. Ye are
the princely sons of Jazeemah, and whoever presumes
to resist ye shall quickly be destroyed and
be dismissed from this world. Come on then—it
is the lion who never drew his sword, but every
hero dreaded its encounter. The lions fear, and


Page 63
in their dens tremble at him; man also dreads
him, and the dæmons of the waste. He shrinks
not from the warriors, numerous as they are. I
plunge into the war-dust, and the warriors charge
against the combatants with swords that pierce
through the throats. I swerve not from my purpose
when I am resolved on it, till I accomplish
every wish of my heart. I am indeed your slave,
named Antar; to him the horrors of battle are
welcome; he never falters. Mayest thou, O
King, live for ever! His like is not among the
kings of the earth or the desert. May God ever
preserve for me my father Shedad, for he is a support
for me—nothing existing could recompense
me for his loss, for he is my lord and chief. His
glory is from the race of Abs, the seat of all
honour and liberality."

When Antar had finished his verses, King Zoheir
and all present expressed the greatest pleasure.
The King called him to him, and giving him a robe,
thanked him. In the evening he returned with his
father Shedad, and his heart bounded with exultation
at the honours with which he had been favoured.
And his passion for Ibla increased.

One day Antar rode out on one of the horses, in
company with his brothers; they drove the herds till
they came to the pastures, and there Antar remained
to protect and tend them. Now Shiboob was an active
sagacious fellow, and had a persuasive tongue, but


Page 64
he was the devil in the form of a man. In running
he would outstrip a deer, and when he ran after a
horse, he soon left it behind among the rocks.

Antar had great confidence in him at all times,
and feared him more than any human being. Now
it happened that the sons of Zoheir were assembled
together at the invitation of their uncle Asyed the
son of Jazeemah, for in those days, people that loved
each other frequently met, and shunned those they
disliked. The princes were riding out, and made
choice of an eminence, where they halted and pitched
their tents, and conversed till dinner was ready.
They ate, drank, and laughed and sung, and joked
away the time, whilst some of the damsels sang the
following strain:

"Mix thy water in the cup of thy wine, and give
me to drink, for truly I have mixed my tears
with my blood. Let me drink of wine in the
flower-gardens to drive away sorrow, and quicken
my joys. Every charm is combined in her form
that lives like the soul that flows through my limbs;
and whilst she bears the cup in her hand, she appears
kindling the flame of my love. In the
noon-tide sun she dances, and her face is spotted
like the full moon of night with the star of the

They were seated and drinking, and all were
much amused and pleased, and the old wine had its
sway. Just then, Malik turned round his head and


Page 65
saw Antar and his brothers feeding the flocks and
camels on a rising ground. Behold my friend Antar,
honoured amongst the inhabitants of deserts and
cities, said he to his brother: and he called to one
of his slaves; Go to Antar, said he, and invite him
to our party, that we may hear his discourse, and
our enjoyment be complete. How can you look
upon this savage? exclaimed Shas, and think of
such an ungracious wretch, and thus raise him
amongst the chieftains of the tribe? On account of
his verses, his consequence and power are extolled,
and you bestow on him the highest dignity. But
indeed, I feel inclined to rush at him, and tear his
life out of his body, were I not afraid of the reproaches
and anger of my tribe; and moreover, I
should be sorry to interrupt the amusement of my
brothers and companions: but indeed, my brother,
your repeated admiration of him augments my
aversion to him.

Thus were they talking together, when on a sudden,
a dust like a cloud arose among them, and
there appeared three hundred valiant horsemen, like
lions of the forest; and under them were steeds
swifter than death. They were of the tribe of
Cahtan, on a marauding party, to plunder the tribe
of Adnan. And when they found these princes
seated and drinking among the hills, they said one
to another, Let us attack this party, that we may
capture them in an instant, and convey them away


Page 66
to our country, for it is a wealthy tribe. Then
bending their heads over their saddle-bows, they
galloped among them, shouting and hallooing—
O by Cahtan!

When the sons of Zoheir saw this, they were surprised;
they hastened to mount their horses and to
gird on their swords. The foe poured down from
the summit of the hill; they all at once shouted
aloud—they rushed forward and plunged through
the dust, assailing the horsemen of Yemen, like the
ocean when it bursts and retreats. And when
Antar heard their yells and screams, he feared lest
the enemy would destroy them with their spears;
and greatly was he alarmed for Malik and his
brothers. He called out towards his own brothers,
and went towards the party, among whom was a
horseman whose name was Zatik, son of Maboob.
Antar pounced down upon him, and piercing him,
left him weltering in his gore. He then assailed his
companions, and gave a shout like thunder when it
roars. And there was not one that could see or
hear; fear and trembling seized them; they beheld
only Antar the lion! They fled, and the whole
troop was dispersed and routed, till they all disappeared
over the extended plains.

Antar returned to the princes, and shouted out
to the horsemen that still remained assailing them;
and as soon as they looked on Antar, an universal
terror shook their frames, and their colour instantly


Page 67
changed; for they had seen him scatter heroes like
seeds of rue, and trample carcasses under his feet,
leaving numbers dashed to the earth; and none
could oppose but those accustomed to plunge into
the battle dust. And as he engaged them he roared
out these verses:

"The heights of glory are not attained but at
the point of the spear, and patience in the day of
battle through the heaviest difficulties, and the
challenge of every lion-hero, and long-bearded
warrior. Ask my horse of me, when flashes of
fire fly from his hoofs. I have a spear-thrust
that deals the most excruciating pain, and raises
me above all competitors; and my Indian blade
cuts through the nocturnal calamities whenever I
draw it. I am the son of the black-faced Zebeeba
that tends the camels. I am a slave, but my
fury o'erwhelms the lordly chiefs in the battle.
As to death, should I meet him, I will not shrink
from him when he appears to me—it is a draught
I must inevitably take when the day of my dissolution

Then, diving through the dust, he overthrew
the horsemen singly, and in pairs, and infused the
most violent commotions into the hearts of the
combatants. Thus, having driven away by his
assaults the fury of war, the sons of Zoheir felt
relieved from their distresses. In the mean time a
slave had informed the King, who instantly mounted


Page 68
and departed with his horsemen and troops; but the
news did not reach him till Antar had completed
the business, and had put his enemies to flight to
the right and left; and many were the brave that
remained on the field. The princes returned to their
tents, Antar preceding them like a lion, repeating
these verses:

"I will not cease to exalt myself by my deeds,
till I reach Orion in my ambitious projects. Here
I care not for those who abuse me, fearful of death
and separation from life. But I will reduce my
foes and my railers by force, and I will be patient
under sufferings and in praise. I will strive to
attain what I desire, till death snatch me away.
I will arm my mind against worldly lusts, that I
may be considered noble-minded and faithful.
Whoever would check me, let him look to himself,
where'er he may be concealed. My complexion
is no injury to me, nor the name of Zebeeba,
when I exercise my courage amongst the foe. I
will work wonders and marvels; and I will protect
myself from the tongues of the wicked."

When Zoheir heard Antar's verses, he thanked
him for his noble conduct, and joyed in the safety
of his sons and his people, expressing the warmest
attachment and affection for Antar. He then demanded
of the prisoners, of what country they were:
they replied that they belonged to the furthest lands
of Yemen.


Page 69

King Zoheir soon after gave an entertainment in
his tents, rejoicing in the escape of his sons. He
sent for Antar, and set him down by his side, and
gave him to drink of his most delicious wines, and
placed him high amongst all his comrades, investing
him with a superb robe, worked in gold, girding
on him a trusty sword, and mounting him on one
of his finest Arab horses. He took pleasure in
seeing him, and called him the Champion of the
Absians. From this day forward, said he to Shedad,
I will not permit him to attend your flocks;
now that he has thus distinguished himself by such
glorious deeds; let him now run the career of victory
with the warriors of his country. And in this
manner was Antar separated from the servants,
and he attacked the tribes and made predatory
excursions against them. And his brother Shiboob
pointed out to him the hordes, and places of resort,
and the fountains; and he never went on any expedition
but he succeeded, and returned full of joy
and content; so that his father Shedad became enriched,
and all the noblest chieftains delighted in him.

He had now many friends, and many jealous
enemies; amongst the latter were Prince Shas, and
Rebia. And when they saw what great things
Antar had done, their indignation against him
increased, and they resolved on his destruction. In
every society, the people, assembled round their
wine, repeated Antar's verses, mentioned his actions,


Page 70
and talked of his love for Ibla, and his discourses.
This continued some time, till at length it reached
the ears of Ibla's father and mother, and when they
heard Antar's amorous poetry repeated, they ridiculed
it, and would not receive him on friendly
terms; but showed their aversion to him, in every
way, and made him perform every menial office;
for Antar, in their eyes, was only considered as a
slave. But when the talk about Ibla gained ground,
her mother ordered Ibla into the presence of her
father, and sent also for Antar. So, you love my
daughter Ibla, said she, and make verses upon her,
and cannot conceal your feelings. Ibla was standing
by her mother, and when she heard her speak
to Antar, she smiled. This increased Antar's confusion,
and he was much disordered, as it called
forth all his love.

O mistress, said he, did you ever see any one who
hated his mistress, particularly when his life and
death were in her hands! verily, I do love her, and
my only wish in this world is to be near her: her
form is ever before me, her name is ever in my
heart and soul; and I exalt in my verses, all that
God has granted her of beauty and loveliness.

When Ibla heard Antar speak in her praise,
her surprise increased, and Antar made great
progress in her heart. If, said her mother to
Antar, you are in earnest in what you say, let
us hear some of your verses in praise of her


Page 71
charms. Upon this, Antar hung down his head,
and thus spoke:

"I love thee with the love of a noble-born hero;
and I am content with thy imaginary phantom.
Thou art my sovereign in my very blood, and my
mistress; and in thee is all my confidence. O Ibla,
my description cannot portray thee, for thou
comprehendest every perfection. Were I to say
thy face is like the full moon of heaven, where
in that full moon is the eye of the antelope? Were
I to say thy shape is like the branch of the Erak
tree; O thou shamest it in the grace of thy form.
In thy forehead is my guide to truth; and in thy
night of thy tresses I wander astray. Thy teeth
resemble stringed jewels; but how can I liken
them to lifeless pearls? Thy bosom is created
as an enchantment. O may God protect it ever in
that perfection! To be connected with thee is to
be connected with every joy, but separated from
all my world is the bond of thy connexion. Under
thy veil is the rosebud of my life, and thine eyes
are guarded with a multitude of arrows; round
thy tent is a lion warrior, the sword's edge, and
the spear's point. O thy face is like the full moon
of heaven, allied to light, but far from my hopes."

When Antar ceased, Ibla and her mother were
astonished, and their dislike towards him diminished;
and Ibla regarded him with affection. And Ibla's
mother said to Antar—I had no idea that you could


Page 72
talk after this style, and speak with so much elegance
and propriety: by the faith of a noble Arab, you
are endowed with high and noble qualities. I intend
to-night to speak to my husband, that he may
marry you to Khemisa, Ibla's servant; who is the
prettiest of all the girls of the place. Never, said
Antar, will I be united to a woman who is a slave,
and not free born; and never but with her my soul
adores. May God, said Ibla, accomplish thy wishes;
and may he grant thee the woman thou lovest, and
mayest thou live in peace and happiness! Amen,
Amen, Amen, replied Antar.

These verses were soon made known amongst the
whole tribe, and men and women sang and repeated
them. It happened about this time that Rebia
gave an entertainment, to which he invited Shas, and
Malik, Ibla's father, and his son Amroo, to come
and eat, and drink wine; and when they became
merry, the girls began to sing these verses. Do you
not see how that slave is talked of? exclaimed Shas,
how his name is renowned, and his character and
fame are celebrated?

Thus they went on talking till Amroo became
exceedingly angry. Death, O Chief, said he to Rebia,
would be more tolerable to us than such proceedings.
I have frequently spoken to my father to
cast off this slave; but he says, the fellow is a slave,
and the son of a slave, he is of no consequence; and
were we to drive him out of our tents, King Zoheir


Page 73
would take him, and encourage him against us, and
then his avidity would only increase, and we should
injure ourselves; for how can we presume to oppose
King Zoheir? And then again, he enrages us by
his verses. I have longed to kill him from the moment
I heard that he mentioned my sister in his
rhymes, let happen what may.

We have not invited you, said Rebia, to do any
thing of this kind: who is this slave, that you should
stain your sword with his blood? Let us consult on
other means of killing him. I will to-morrow conceal
twenty of the stoutest of my slaves, and will
order them to kill him in the rocky precipices. My
slave Basam is the brother of Zajir, and he has long
wished to kill him: but I would not let him do it,
for fear of the reproaches of King Zoheir; but now
that his son Shas is with us, and takes a part in the
affair, we shall be secure from blame. Then said
Shas, I will assist you in word or deed, were even
my father and brother and cousins to oppose me;
and I will persevere in this enterprise, even if I
were obliged to take a personal part in it; and I too
will engage twenty of my slaves in it, to kill him by
the cruellest death, and make an example of him.
They did not break up the entertainment till Shas,
Rebia, and Amroo had all three bound themselves
by oath; and they arranged the forty slaves, all
strong as lions, twenty from Shas, and twenty from


Page 74

Now Shedad had a daughter, and her name was
Merweh, but not by Semeeah; and she was married
to a man called Jahjah, one of the tribe of Ghiftan,
and he was a celebrated warrior. It happened that
Jahjah had married his sister to one Magid, son of
Leith, also one of the Ghiftan tribe; and when
the bridal festival was preparing amongst the Ghiftanians,
Merweh came to the tribe of Abs and Adnan,
with a party of women, to invite the females
belonging to her father, and her uncles Malik and
Zakmet-ool Jewad, and their relations amongst the
tribe of Carad, to the feast. They accordingly obtained
their husbands' permission to make the visit,
and their husbands went with them. In front of
the howdahs they sounded the cymbals, and the
servants brandished their swords; and Antar was
among them, in attendance on Ibla and Semeeah,
and the wives of his uncles. And when he assisted
Ibla to alight and mount the howdah, he used to gratify
himself in talking to her, and was mad in gazing
on her charms; and he was in hopes the journey
would be long. Ibla's mother laughed at him, when
she saw him assiduously attending on her daughter.
Verily, said she, you love my daughter so much as
to compose verses on her, and in description of her
beauties. Yes, said Antar, by the God that has decorated
the heavens, and raised them on high, and
has adorned them with stars, were I able, I would
make my eye her resting-place. They journeyed


Page 75
on, and Antar walked before the howdah of Ibla,
repeating these verses:

"March the way of security. O thou, all my
hope, proceed; for he who encompasses thee is an
intrepid warrior, that smites with his sword when
the battle clashes. O Ibla, one look from the veil
of thy eyelids is sufficient. Should I never attain
my object in this world, the extended plains and
mountains must press upon me."

Thus they proceeded on their journey; signing
and playing, till the day was spent and darkness
came on, when they dismounted in a spacious plain,
near a pool of water. They ate and drank, and remained
in that spot till it was day; and just as Antar
was ordering the slaves to raise the howdahs on the
camels' backs, lo! a great dust arose, spreading rapidly
over the valleys and the mountains. In an instant
there came forth a hundred slaves on horseback,
and Arabs; at their head was a horseman like an
eagle, crying out,

"This day will I be revenged; verily I am the conqueror,
and I will settle the business with my sword
and my spear, on a slave of a tribe whom the Absians
regard not, but who listens not to one that
chides him. How many men have I trampled down
in the dust! I am a valiant one, like whom there
is no hero."

As was before stated, Shas and Rebia had sworn
to destroy Antar, and having placed their spies and
scouts for that purpose, they stationed the forty


Page 76
slaves, putting Basam at their head, just at the time
that Merweh, the daughter of Shedad, happened to
come by, and was returning home. The slave, with
his comrades of the tribe of Ham, followed the party
until they came to the valley of Ghifal, where they
resolved to lie in ambush for Antar: when lo! the
sound of horses' hoofs alarmed them, and heroes
rushed upon them, crying out—Stop where ye are,
or your skulls shall fly. Tell us who ye are, and of
what tribe of Arabs, before we pour down destruction
upon ye. On hearing this, Basam prepared
his people for the attack: O Arabs, he replied,
we are of the tribe of Abs, inhabitants of this
country; but who are you, and why are ye halting
in this place? Slaves of a coward race, cried
the chief, we are in search of you, for amongst you
is that accursed slave Antar, the son of Shedad.

Now these were Arabs and horsemen of the tribe
of Moostalik, and their chief was called Vethab: he
happened to be out of the way when Antar slew his
brother, some time before; but when he returned,
they informed him of it. He went forth to be revenged,
exclaiming, Verily, a slave of the tribe
of Abs has slain my brother, but I will destroy
none but their King, and not return but with
Antar's head. He thus met Basam, and all this
occurred. And after some explanation; Know, O
noble Sir, said Basam, our masters have sent us in
search of you, that we may together hasten to kill
this slave, and waylay him: here he has halted this


Page 77
night. If ye wish, we will slay him, said Vethab,
and we will give you his head; but if you prefer it,
do you kill him, and give us his head. But swear
you will not betray us.

Upon that, they promised and swore, and took
engagements from one another. But Basam turned
towards his comrades. Let us hide ourselves here,
said he; but if ye perceive that they commit any injury
to the property and families, we must then
assail them too, till some people come to our aid,
and thus we obtain our end in the death of Antar.
However, we must in the attack remain in the rear,
so that the women may not distinguish us, and know
that we are amongst the enemy. Do what you please,
said the slaves: and when the shades of night were
dissolving, the party under Vethab poured down
upon Antar like a cloud of waves, shouting out, To
arms! to arms!

Then began the women to scream and weep. Antar
cast his eyes towards Ibla, and she was bathed
in tears: he looked at her mother, and her grief was
great. Antar smiled, and presented himself before
Ibla's mother. O mistress, said he, what think you
of these our enemies? verily, they are eager for their
prey. O Antar, said she, my force and spirits are
exhausted; in a moment we shall be the prisoners
of our enemies, and they will scatter us over this
desert. O my mistress, said Antar, promise Ibla to
me in marriage, and I will disperse your enemies at


Page 78
a single onset. I will reduce them to annihilation;
and I will give you their horses and their armour as
a dower. This is no time for merriment, said she.
No, cried Antar, by the God of day, and the animater
of souls: he that is God the merciful, and
the Lord of victory, if you promise to marry her to
me, I will make over to you these horses, and slay
their masters. Defend her, said she, and she is
yours. At the instant he turned round to Shiboob
—Protect my rear, he cried, this day. Be of good
cheer, thou black-born, exclaimed Shiboob, for I
will bear two-thirds of thy troubles. Antar rushed
forward, and assaulted them, roaring and shouting
aloud; and again he attacked them, and roared out.
He encountered the first ranks, and met them with
all-potent thrusts; he struck them in their chests,
and in their eyes. He slew the first, second, third,
fourth, and fifth; and behold, a horseman came down
upon Antar from behind. As he was blustering over
the plain, and just as he was about to transfix Antar
with his spear, lo! an arrow pierced his heart, and
threw him from his horse. The terrible Shiboob
dealt the fatal blow. When the party saw the state
of the battle, they retreated from before him; but
he marking how the enemy were dispersed, came up
to the women, and said to Ibla, Check thy tears, thou
light of my eyes; the man lives not that has harmed
thee! and thus he continued:


Page 79

"Check thy tears, for if thy heart is distressed,
the noble lion of the den will protect thee. O Ibla,
fear not, indulge no alarms, for my whole frame
is labouring under the burden of its love; and I
am a lion, to whom the warriors in the day of contention
bow in submission, and whom the cowards
dread. O Ibla, if persecution and absence must
kill me, O that the bonds of meeting were loosened
for ever. Verily, I will defend thee this day, O
thou my only hope, for I have a sword whose blade
cleaves the skulls. O Ibla, arise—behold my
actions, and my deeds under the battle dust, when
every warrior is hewn in pieces. Behold my exploits
when they attack and come on, and the supports
of their tribe are destroyed. The foe wishes
to take thee captive, O thou my only hope. O Ibla,
palsied is the hand that would take thee prisoner.
I will steep my sword in their blood, and I will
glut the birds, and the wolves, and the ghouls, with
their carcasses. Here let all the world know that
every foe of mine shall be overthrown under the
dust of the battle."

When Ibla heard Antar address her, she smiled
with teeth more brilliant, and whiter than pearls, for
she felt assured of his victory and conquest. Again
he returned towards the foe, like a lion, and attacked
them on the field of battle, scattering them to the
right and to the left. Shiboob assisted him in the
rear with his arrows, and the dust rose, and filled


Page 80
the plain on all sides. The women were praying
for Antar, and invoking the God of heaven. He was
eagerly assailing the foe, like a lion, and slew thirty
of their horsemen. His horse being completely exhausted,
he dismounted, and vaulted on another
charger; and whilst all this was passing, the slaves
of the tribe of Abs looked on, and gazed in wild dismay
and astonishment; but the chief Vethab, when
he perceived his companions, and those that were
overthrown, cried out to the survivors, I alone am
his match; and he rode away to the field of battle,
clothed in brilliant armour, a splendid sword on his
loins, and a spear in his hand, and he thus exclaimed:

"The vicissitudes of fortune, from the height of
their mutability, are lanched against me, and every
companion has abandoned me. The death of my
tribe is at hand, from the arm of a slave who disregards
his fate. It is no wonder when fortune
raises up a poor wretch, that she should leave him
in his infirmities a prey to the lions. O thou vile
slave, that hast outstepped thy sphere, a warrior,
one whom no words can describe, is come against
thee. Away then with thy blind follies, thou son
of Zebeeba; for how many heroes have I destroyed
at the moment of their attack!"

He had scarcely finished his verses when Antar
answered him:

"Thou wouldst abuse me, vile wretch, for that
I am the colour of that night, whose dangers I


Page 81
dare. If I am a slave, I have slain thy chiefs, and
I have overwhelmed them with the vicissitudes of
fortune. I am the assaulting lion: in the field of
battle I rush impetuously when the coward turns
away in flight. The firm-rooted mountains are
uprooted at my vehemence, and let every one who
dares to resist me be assured of death. How many
heroes are punished as soon as the lustre of my
horse's front shines in the plain of war! their hands
instantly relinquish their arms, and they tumble
on the surface of the earth, struggling with their
limbs. How many warriors have I left stretched
dead, gored with the spear-thrusts! If thou art
desirous to fight me, come on boldly to the hero
who will make thee taste the food of death even
from the tip of his fingers."

He instantly assailed him, and struck him on the
breast, and driving out his spear between his shoulders,
he rushed among his comrades like a valiant
lion, and gored their sides and their bosoms: and
when they perceived that his assault was like a vivid
flame of fire, they fled over the plains and the rocks.
In the mean time, the slaves of Shas and Rebia
seeing what Antar had done to the tribe of Moostalik,
and how he was coming down upon them with
a loud shout, and also Shiboob, quick as the flash
of lightning, in his rear, they turned their backs
and fled. Antar returned, the blood streaming from
his spear. The women joined him, thanking and


Page 82
praising him: and Ibla also came up to him, and
smiled upon him. God protect thee, said she, thou
black in face, but fair in deeds—thou ornament of
men. He expressed his gratitude, and having replaced
her on the howdah, and ordered the slaves to
collect the scattered horses and dispersed cattle, and
the spoils of the slain, he travelled on with the women
till they reached the tribe of Ghiftan, and informed
Shedad of all that had occurred with the enemy.
Shedad gave him thanks, and kissed him between
the eyes; he took him by the hand, and his anger
was soothed. And when they were at the feast, Shedad
wished to place him among the chiefs, but Antar
would not consent; and he went away and joined
the slaves; and all the chiefs were astonished at his
modesty. They stood in awe of him, and raised his
dignity; however, the elders and the youths came
up to him, and made him sit down with them to
drink wine, and terated him with all manner of kindness;
and, in return, he recited various pieces of
poetry, and they were greatly delighted; and for
seven days they continued this civility and honour,
and not a day passed but the families made their
acknowledgments to Antar.

And the feast being concluded, the tribe of Abs
sought their homes and their own habitations, and
travelled till they reached the land of Shoorebah and
Mount Saadi. When lo! loud cries and increasing
shouts, and shrill screams, and clouds of dust, from


Page 83
all directions assailed them. What misfortune, cried
Shedad, what disasters have befallen us? They
hastened away on their Arab steeds, and found their
wives prisoners, and their daughters dishonoured.
Loud and confused were their shrieks, and through
the dust glared the dazzling brightness of swords:
and the uproar of men was like the crash of thunder:
and there was no one in the tents but a few men,
and the sons of King Zoheir, all covered with
wounds; and though they were still defending the
property, they felt certain of drinking the cup of

Now the cause of this terrible event was, that
King Zoheir had gone forth, accompanied by his
warriors, against the land of Cahtan; for he was informed
that Mooteghetris was coming down upon
him with all his tribe; and it was Zoheir's intention
to meet him at some distance, out of his own territories,
and thus to prevent him from invading his
country, and laying waste his lands. So he left his
brother Zambaa with a small body of men, and departed;
but chancing to miss the enemy on the road,
Mooteghetris reached the country of Zoheir in safety,
where he found the tents unprotected by warriors.
He rushed against them, and the noble Absians rose
to arms; and violent was the contention between
them, and many brave men were left dead upon the
plain, and the brightness of the day became black.
Numbers thickened upon the Absians; loud and


Page 84
piercing were the shrieks of the women, and slavery
seemed their undoubted fate. Temadhur was taken
prisoner, and also Modebilah, and Mekdada, and
Jemana, and they were overwhelmed in misery and
disgrace. At that hour arrived Antar and Shedad,
and the horsemen of Carad, and they amounted in
all to forty warriors.

Cousins, cried Shedad, come on to these dastards!
And they rushed forward, leaving the slaves with
the women and children. O son of Zebeeba, cried
Shedad to Antar, I wish to-day to see thee fight,
that I may express my gratitude for thy noble deeds.
O master, soon shalt thou observe what I do: he replied,
Doubtless the chief of the tribe is here. Thou
art right, said Shedad. They sought the enemy,
and the whole plain trembled at their shouts: they
shook their lances, and the women and servants
shouted aloud, when they knew they were Absians
coming to protect them. They attacked the right,
and drove their left, and Antar assaulted the centre,
plunging through confusion and horrors; and thus
he exclaimed:

"This day will I raise a battle that shall humble
the warriors of ages long past. I will make the
blood to stream from their joints, when the skulls
of the warriors leap from the blow of my sword.
How many chiefs, when they see me eager in
the fight, throw away their arms, and save themselves
by flight! I am the bold one. As to the


Page 85
fire of war, I kindle it, and hurl the tribes into
punishments and death. Death, in the direful
combat, fears me, when the battle-dust rises; and
the sand-cloud is like a blazing fire. My joy is in
the encounter of heroes, when spears and swords
clash in my grasp. How many battle-dusts have
I dived into, fearless of calamities! The joy of
contests is my object; it is all my desire. Verily,
deeds will I perform unrivalled; deeds that shall
be recorded on leaves and books. I will raise the
tumultuous din, and seas of blood: 'tis in their
crimson billows that my gladness abounds. I
will make the atmosphere like the sable night,
when the dust clouds roll over the regions like a
veil. No companion have I in battle but my horse
and my sword; and they complain of my fury;
they exalt me; they subject death to me; and I
am exalted above all mankind in my father. My
ambition soars above Pisces; and my determination
raises me above the Arab and the Persian."

When Antar had ended, he shouted aloud to the
combatants, and rushed madly into the midst of the
enemy, and overthrew them; he drove them before
him over the plain: and the same did Shedad and
his brothers on the left, and made them retreat in a
shameful manner. After the flight, the Absians
returned, and among the first was Zembaa, the son
of Jazeemah: they raised their terrible shout, and
they gladdened in the destruction of souls; they


Page 86
pointed their lances, they cried out to their noble
steeds—spears clashed against spears. Antar alone
broke through the right, whilst Shedad and the
Absians destroyed the left; then the horsemen again
retired in disgrace, and the plain seemed too confined
for them. Mooteghetris beheld his horsemen in
confusion and discomfited, and the left wing intermixed
with the right; that they were driven by
Antar like a herd of grazing camels, and that he
was roaring in their ear like the crash of thunder.
Alarmed at the approach of danger, he rushed down
from an eminence with the people that remained
with him, assaulting Antar with his warriors; and
they all awaited patiently the attack.

Now Basam, the servant of Rebia, who had followed
Antar that he might destroy him on his way
to the tribe of Ghiftan, perceiving how he had slain
the tribe of Moostalik, and also their chief, returned
with his companions upon the day of this battle;
and as he marked Antar's prowess on that occasion,
he envied him in his heart, and, secretly designing
to murder him, he assailed him, together with the
party of Mooteghetris.

Antar encountered the enemy, and flinched not;
and soon the storm of dust thickened, so that a father
could not distinguish his son. Just then, Basam
aimed his spear, and violently attacked Antar; for
his accursed spirit was thinking of the renown he
should gain by slaying him. He approached him,


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and was eagerly watching his opportunity, when lo!
an arrow shot through the back of Basam, and passed
out by his chest; and he who slew Basam, and made
him drink the cup of death, was the dreadful Shiboob.
Now Antar had recommended Shiboob to
protect Ibla: nor did he ever quit her till he perceived
Basam issuing from the tents, followed by
some Absians, whilst his brother was labouring to
attain the standards. Shiboob was alarmed, and
quitted Ibla, and ran after him. But Antar knew
nothing of all this, and when he saw Basam, he was
just about to do the deed, at the moment the arrow
struck him dead.

Now Antar was occupied in destroying the enemy,
and he stopped not till he came up to Mooteghetris
in the fury of the fight; and he saw him driving
back the troops, and beckoning with his lance to
those who were flying from Antar like a flock of
sheep: for his soul would not submit to flight; and
he shouted, and rushed forward like the sea when it
roars. And Antar received him as the parched up
ground receives the first of the rain: he challenged
him in a tremendous voice, and addressed him in the
harshest terms; he pressed upon Mooteghetris, and
closed upon him, and blocking up all means of
escape, he thrust his spear through his bowels, and
tore out his entrails; and when the horsemen saw
that he was dead, they were disordered, and took to
flight; and the spears of the Absians played upon


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the fugitives till the evening, when they returned
and collected the spoil of the cattle. Every where
the victory was celebrated with triumph, and all
united in praising Antar, and describing his heroic
deeds; how he had slain Mooteghetris, and had
annihilated his troops.


Wood used for the purpose of striking a light.


Cahtan, i. e. Yoctan, a lineal descendant from Noah. The Cahtanians
were esteemed pure and original Arabs; whilst the descendants
of Ishmael, under the name Adnan, were called engrafted Arabs; his
progenitors being Jews.