University of Virginia Library

Rugger Loses Head
Over Philadelphia Win

By The Nach
Daily Cavalier Staff Stooge


U Rugger Putney Scrum Went To Pieces Over Loss To Philadelphia

Shaken But Undaunted Cavalier Roughnecks Went On To Lose 17-5

Tragedy struck the Virginia
Rugby Football Club this weekend
when star wingback Putney
Scrum, was killed in a match
with Philadelphia.

Mr. Scrum, a third-year man
from Newport, Rhode Island,
was a member of Saint Antonio's
Corridor, coming to the
University from Potrezebie Prep
in New England, Voted "Gutsiest
Player of 1966-67" for his
performance in a game with St.
Snot's School, he played rugby
here for three years.

The accident occurred
midway through the second half,
with the Cavaliers down 13-5. In
a desperation attempt to move
the ball over the Philadelphia
goal line, Mr. Scrum threw
himself into the air, only to have
his head yanked off by the
opposing fullback, who was
going for the ball. It was only
after the dust had settled and
both teams had run downfield
after the lumbering fullback that
Scrum's body was discovered.
Willy Behemoth, the
Philadelphia fullback, soon after
scored a try with what proved
later to be Mr. Scrum's head.

Badly shaken by the
accident, but not disheartened,
the gutsy Virginians mounted
the attack with an "it happens
all the time" attitude, but were
unable to score. Going down in
defeat 17-5, the Cavaliers now
stand 3-2 in intercollegiate play,
4-4 overall.

The B team "Turkeys,"
however, fared much better than
their sister team, whipping
hapless Hollins College 7-0.
Harry Hooligan was the high
scorer of the day with 5 points.

Next weekend the Virginia
ruggers travel to Boston for
matches with Hahvahd.