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'Love' Leads To 'Perpetual Hate'
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Letters To The Editor

'Love' Leads To 'Perpetual Hate'

Perhaps more in accordance
with my type, I completely
failed to see the redeeming
value of Callett Dickerson's
endeavor into literature. If her
poetical "But Whitey, by the
thousand, can ship your asses
overseas to hide behind sparse
jungle growth, to shoot a gook
between the trees. And you say
SHIT," is what you hold up as
culture, Mr. Saunders, then
you may say I'm the worst
kind of insensitive lout.

How can you propose love
when you continually preach
hate and extermination ("Pity
to the twisted should of our
soon to-be removed
'non-people' ")? How can you
condemn anyone for a
supposedly "depraved and
superficial existence" when
you sit behind a typewriter and
spew out blind, vindictive trash?

And finally, how can you
condemn Whitey for sending
blacks into a "racist" military
organization when you yourself.
Mr. Saunders, are receiving
full-tuition and $100 a month
from an Army ROTC

Believe it or not, Ed, there
are still a few whites around
the Grounds who uphold that
"brotherly love" transcends
the barrier of race, as you seem
to have forgotten. One might
even conjecture that some of
these obviously naive Wahoos
prefer girls to a bottle of
bourbon and self-flagellation.

A lack of hate does not
imply turning the other cheek.
An aggressive but rational
approach to race, or any
problem for that matter, is
much to be preferred over one
of blind rage.

Tom Neale
College 2

Classy Team

Dear Sir:

The Maryland-Virginia
basketball game of last
Wednesday night was a thrill
for all. Most evident to
everyone was the CLASS of
the Virginia team. They won
the respect of friend and foe.

Why then, should part of
the crowd shouting an
out-of-place obscenity send
visitors away wondering about
the University of Virginia. Not
just visitors are displeased, but
alumni, parents and friends as

The cheers for the "Amazin'
Cavaliers" were what helped
beat Maryland. Let's just make
them louder and longer and
forget the other stuff. 8,200
people gathered together to
enjoy being a part of a
wonderful team, is a great

Let's all be Number One.

Eugene F. Corrigan
Director of University
Athletic Programs

Virginia's Superstar

Dear Sir:

Referring to John Markon's
article of December 13,
concerning our Wahoos'
victory over Baldwin-Wallace, I
would like to make one
STRONG!! ... criticism. The
"Pistol" is not Barry Parkhill,
it is Pete Maravich, mediocre
guard for the Atlanta Hawks of
the N.B.A.

Barry Parkhill, Virginia's
own superstar and
All-American to be, plays great
defense (something the
"Pistol" never did) and has a
far superior shot (Maravich
only shot forty-four per cent in

I really think it would be
nice if you gave Mr. Parkhill a
name of his own, so try to
strain your brains and tax your
imaginations. HE DESERVES
IT!! If you can't find anything
original, Mr. B.P. will do just

Alex White
Engr. 2
Robert A. Hilliard
Coll. 2