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Student Health Clinic Aids University Sick
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Student Health Clinic
Aids University Sick

By Rick Pearson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Student Fakes It During Last Year's Influenza Epidemic

Number Of Students Who Really Were Sick Forced School To Close Early For Christmas Vacation

In case you are feeling sick, or
you are planning to get sick in the
near future, it might be helpful to
become familiar with the Student
Health Service.

Located on University Avenue at
the end of the Medical School
across the street from the Corner
shops, this establishment is
designed to take care of and treat
the minor and major ailments
afflicting students at the University.

Dr. James Camp is the director
of Student Health, a service run by
the Medical School. All first-year
men will soon have their first
encounter with Student Health and
its ager young doctors when they
take their required physical examinations.

The examinations are quite
thorough, but they are also helpful
in telling the men at Student Health
exactly what kind of headaches
they are in for during the year. The
examinations will begin immediately
after school begins and they
will continue for several weeks.

Of course, no examination could
have prepared Dr. Camp and his
medics for last winter's Hong Kong
Flu Epidemic, Right before the
Christmas vacation began, the
entire East Coast broke out with
the flu, and the University was no
exception, Suddenly, students were
crawling in droves to the Student
Health offices, and nurses and
doctors were busier than they had
been in years. The line stretched
along University Avenue back to
Anderson's Book Store, and the
office was open all day.

Normally, though, the Student
Health Service keeps more regular
hours. They are open from 9 to 12
in the morning and 1:30 to 4 in the
afternoon Monday through Friday.
On Saturday they are open from 9
to 12 only. Under normal procedure,
a student reports to the
desk nurse when he enters the
Student Health office. He then
waits his turn to be seen by a
doctor. If a student ever needs the
service when Student Health is not
open, he should go directly to the
emergency room at the University

The hospital is also located on
University Avenue, adjacent to the
Medical School. If for any reason
an injured person cannot be moved,
he or someone else should call the
Rescue Squad at 296-1600.