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The Cavalier Daily Has Openings For New Staffers
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The Cavalier Daily
Has Openings
For New Staffers

The Cavalier Daily will
allow an unlimited number of
first-year students on its staff
this year.

Positions are open in
virtually every department of
the student newspaper and new
ones are being created now to
handle the expanded coverage
The Cavalier Daily plans for this

All full-time students at the
University are eligible to work for
the newspaper. The only
qualification necessary is
aggressiveness. The editors teach
the rest.

The success of the News
Department depends upon its
first-year reporters. They-search out
stories everyday for the
newspaper's 10,000 readers.

Writers with a knack for
invention, a flair for reviewing, or
the ability to analyze are in
constant demand by the Features

And many sports enthusiasts
stay with the action as reporters for
the Sports Department.

To keep The Cavalier Daily
going, the business staff solicits
advertisements assiduously. Aside
from the invaluable business
experience this provides, admen
earn commissions from their sales.

Finally, those with an artistic
eye and a flair for the unusual can
find a spot with the Photography

An entirely student-run
organization, The Cavalier Daily is
published five times a week,

Monday through This
some issues will depart from the
customary four pages and expand
to six to allow greater coverage of
significant events and deeper
investigation into local issue

Staff members have discovered
many benefits to working on the
newspaper. Being there when the
news breaks and meeting the people
who make the news adds
excitement to many staff
free time.

Within a year first-year games
may become eligible for paid staff

positions. Some students have
expanded upon their work for the
newspaper and received academic
credit for it.

Several Cavalier Daily Staff
Writers have received awards for
stories they wrote for the

To many reporters, working for
The Cavalier Daily has proven to be
the key for obtaining jobs on
national newspapers following
graduation or even just for a

In addition to well-paying
salaries, two former staff writers
received $500 scholarships for
summer work in journalism.

Within the last two years staff
members have written for such
newspapers as the New York Times,
the Richmond Times Dispatch, and
the Roanoke Times. For two years
now a staff writer has covered
events for a national magazine -

All next week there will be a
staff member available to answer
questions and show new students
around the offices on the fifth floor

of Newcomb Hall.

Throughout the year the offices
will be open Monday through
Thursday, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Some work is necessarily done at

Around 9 p.m. The Cavalier
Daily is sent to Culpeper where it is
printed and returned. Early in the
morning the circulation staff
distributes the newspapers
throughout the Grounds for
students to pick up on their way to

Each member of the staff
schedules the days he or she works.
This gives the individual the
greatest freedom in determining
when to work and how long to
work. In this way working for the
newspaper cannot distract from
one's academic obligations.