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Activities For Every Taste Open To First-Year Men
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Activities For Every Taste
Open To First-Year Men

By Corbin Eissler
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Become a member of "a Grotto
of the National Speleological Society,"
known as the Cave Club. Join
the Virginia Society of Individualists.

Signs urging first-year men to
sign up with these organizations
and many others will be posted
around the Grounds during the
next few weeks. The University
boasts a large number of organizations,
activities and publications
ranged under headings from religious
organizations to sports and

Students may meet representatives
from all University organizations
in Newcomb Hall Ballroom on
Activities Night. September 12 at 8
p.m., to explain their organizations
to interested students. Sign-up
sheets will be available then.

For students who are unable to
attend Activities Night, almost all
of the major organizations have
offices in Newcomb Hall. In most
cases interested students are invited
to drop in.

People with organized political
leanings may join either the Young
Republicans or the Young Democrats.
On the University level there
are four major political parties, the
Sceptre Society. and Keys.
University Party, and the Virginia
Progressive Party. All of these are
open to any member of the College.

Service Groups

The First-Year Committee is of
special interest to first-year men. Its
members, elected by the first-year
men shortly after mid-semester,
represent the first-year men in
student government. First-year men
can also run for Student Council
during the second semester, a
change just begun this year.

Under the heading of music, the
University supports activities for
both those who want to listen and
those who want to participate. The
University Union sponsors an Artist
Series, and the University Glee Club
is open "to all male students."

The University Union sponsors a
whole range of social activities from
concerts to a Blood Drive. Also
under the heading of social organizations
are the German Club and
the PK Society. These organizations
jointly sponsor the major dance
weekend entertainment in addition
to several concerts.

There are also service organizations
open to the first-year student.
These range from the University
Guides, to the Circle K Society.
The latter is a group of students
who "seek annual service projects
throughout the University."

Public Service

The Interfraternity Council is
the organized governing body of
the fraternities. This group contains
several committees, open to first-year
men, that concern themselves
with almost every aspect of University
life. om kitchen to
public service.

The University also has two
radio stations those who wish to
try broadcasting. WUVA
House, plays contemporary music
and has openings for disc jokeys
and sports and news reporters.
in Humphreys, an
station, is known better for its
classical music but generally gives
its DJ's a free hand in running their
programs. The latter also
continuous music shows during
examination periods.

Finally, there are numerous
other organizations under sports and
hobbies that offer activities ranging
from fencing and chess to Rugby.