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Longstanding Honor System Earns University Students Nationwide Acclaim
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Longstanding Honor System Earns
University Students Nationwide Acclaim

Among the many traditions
which have earned her nationwide
fame, the University's Honor
System stands foremost in the
minds of all who have been a part
of it.

Although the system has been
revised somewhat down through
the years, all University community
members, past and present, have
shared in this unique and successful
experiment in mutual trust and

In the early years of the
University, quizzes and examinations
were conducted under strict
surveillance by members of the
faculty. The naturally awkward and
unpleasant atmosphere developing
under such a proctor system caused
general feeling of uneasiness and

This undesirable condition led
one of the new professors of the
University, Henry St. George
Tucker, to initiate an honor code to
be applied only to written examinations.

Since that time the now familiar
pledge has been extended to include
all work submitted for credit,
statements made to members of the
University community and any
declaration of good faith or intent.
Today the Honor System covers
lying, cheating or stealing.

During orientation, the first-year
man will be thoroughly introduced
to all aspects of this system by his
counselor and other University
authorities. Nevertheless, it will be
difficult for the new student to
realize exactly how deeply the
Honor System is ingrained into
University life.

Student Autonomy

A fact of which the new student
will soon become aware is that the
Honor System is completely student
run. Every student upon matriculation
accepts personal responsibility
for the maintenance of a
strong and operable system. Not
only is each person expected to live
under the spirit of honor but he is
also obliged to report any fellow
student who commits an honor

No Appeal

When the Honor System is
breached, the Honor Committee, an
all-student group composed of the
presidents of the ten schools of the
University, must decide the fate of
the accused student. There exists
no higher body of appeal to the
Committee's decision, although the
Committee may grant a re-trial in
the event that new evidence is
uncovered in the case.