University of Virginia Library

Sport Shorts


Softball...Noon on Monday,
June 25 is the entry deadline
for intramural summer softball
teams. League games will begin
Wednesday, June 27. Games
will begin promptly at 4,5,6,
and 7 p.m. on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and

League play will follow the
Round Robin format followed
by a single elimination
tournament. All teams will be
eligible for this season-ending

Putt-Putt...League teams
will be round robin type with a
team having to win 2 out of 3
games to win a match. Matches
will be held at Rio Road
Putt-Putt on Tuesdays through
Fridays. The cost is 50 cents
per game rather than the usual
75 cents per game. Students
with ID and IM check out
cards are eligible for these
reduced rates. On Mondays
students presenting these cards
may golf all day for one dollar.

Bowling (Duck
Pins)...League games in duck
pins will also be round robin in
nature. A team must win two
out of three games to win a
match. Students with an IM
check out card are permitted
three games and shoes for one
dollar before 7 p.m. at Terrace

Summer Intramural Programs

Type of
Entry Deadline  Meet., Place & Time  Starting
Swimming  Wed. June 6th  Mem. Gym Pool – Mon-Fri
2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 
Mon. June 18th  U. Hall Pool–Mon-Fri
8:00 – 10:00 p.m. 
Karate  Mon. June 18th  Mem. Gym – Mon. & Wed.
6:30 – 9:30 p.m. 
Judo  Mon. June 18th  Mem. Gym – M Tue. & Thur.
6:30 – 9:30 p.m. 
Softball  Wed. June 27th  Mem. Gym Field – Mon.-Thur.  June 25th 
Squash  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym & U. Hall  July 16th 
Horseshoes  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 
Badminton  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 
Handball  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 
Tennis  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 
-Man Bball  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 
Put-Put Golf  Fri. July 13th  Mem Gym  July 16th 
Bowling  Fri. July 13th  Mem. Gym  July 16th 

Memorial Gymnasium Basketball Area –

Monday thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Modern Dance – To be announced

For further information on any of the above activities,

please call the Intramural Office at 924-3791