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White Tops Stumblers In Field Of 300 Plus
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White Tops Stumblers
In Field Of 300 Plus

Law Student Max White led
a horde of about 360 men and
two women across the finish
line yesterday in the annual
Stumblefoot Derby, winning in
a time of 9:59.

The course, just two
hundred yards under two miles
in length, began and ended in
the Dell. White, an
independent, finished ahead of
John Stacey of Zete, the
runner-up by four seconds.

Third was Charles Decamps
of PiKa Followed by Bob
Burson of Watson, an
independent Steve Stein, Sigma
Nu's Billy Williams, Randy
Bayliss of Phi Sig, Page's
Pipkin, Theta Chi's Louis
Mackall and Ted Putziger of
ZBT in the tenth position.
Putziger, better known as the
women's tennis coach, thought
the race was "the hardest race
I've ever run."

Rounding out the top ten
Hi-Point competitors were frat
men Steve Rice of Delta Sig,
PiKa's George Richardson, Paul
Masters of Phi Gam and
Phi Sigma Kappa's Rich Brd.

This year at least two
women officially entered. Jean
McCarthy of Watson finished
approximately two hundredth
to pace thwe women.

Next year, would-be Kip
Keino will have to chug up
Observatory Hill to compete in
the Stumblefoot Derby. This
course, which used to be the
regular one, will provide more
safety to the runners