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with regard to sexuality, people
should be allowed to engage in
any behavior that does not
directly harm others. Of
course, many European
countries have already enacted
legislation to this effect. but
this is America, and while legal
reform and social acceptability
are inevitable, changes will not
come for many years.

Tragically, the appeal was
upheld by the Board of
Visitors just as I determined
that it was unjustifiable and
that my participation in it had
been a mistake. This sorry state
of affairs was brought still
closer to home when I
observed an otherwise entirely
acceptable young man denied
probationary membership in
the much touted Jefferson
Society simply because he
belonged to the Gay Student
Union. Although I should have
expected it, I was still
infuriated by such blatant and
contemptible discrimination in
an organization envisioned as
an open forum for the free
interchange of ideas.

Finally, I must indict the
decision of the Board of
Visitors as both foolish and
dangerous. Most of the
organizations presently funded
by the Student Activities Fund
are, as the Cavalier Daily
editorialized, no more related
to the educational purposes of
the University than is the Gay
Student Union. Furthermore,
most of these same groups
cannot claim to offer de facto
access to all students.

Therefore, if the decision of
the Board of Visitors is applied
equitably to all concerned
parties, we could well witness
the collapse of many worthy
associations and at least a
temporary cultural ice age here
at what was once Mr.
Jefferson's academical village.
Men of integrity must not
stand aside while one group is
plucked from the many and
singled out for special duress.
To oversimplify, it is a case of
all or nothing.

Well, there is little left for
me to do save apologize to the
Gay Student Union and the
University community. Alas,
the harm has already been
done and apologies will achieve