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Variety Of Shows Offered
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Variety Of Shows Offered


If the stage is your meter or
hobby, or if you simply enjoy
an evening at the theater now
and then, you'll probably find
something of interest in and
around Charlottesville.

The city's main drama
groups each year offer an
interesting variety of
productions, designed to suit
the tastes of practically any

While the Virginia Players,
headquartered in Minor Hall, is
primarily a student drama
organization, all local residents
are welcome to try out for

The Players' fall schedule
includes Ben Jonson's
"Volpone," October 23-29;
Tennessee Williams's "A
Streetcar Named Desire,"
November 13-19; and William
Gibson's "A Cry of Players,"
December 11-17.

This spring, the Players will
continue with Mart Crowley's
"The Boys in the Band,"
February 26-March 4; and
Shakespeare's "Macbeth,"
March 19-25. The Players will
announce their final
production, scheduled for May
7-13, later in the year.

Each Virginia Players
production customarily runs
for seven days, Monday
through Sunday, in Minor Hall
Auditorium. Performances are
at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Monday
through Wednesday, student
tickets sell for $1.50 each;
otherwise, admission is $2.50
per person.

Tryouts for "Volpone," the
Players' first production of the
season, are lted for 7:45 p.m.
on Sunday and Monday,
September 17 and 18. For
further information, contact
either the Virginia Players or
the Department of Speech and
Drama, Dawson's Row.

The Albemarle Playhouse is
located on Route 250 West,
about a five minute drive from
the University. Now under new
management, the Playhouse is
currently presenting "Annie
Get Your Gun," with Agatha
Christie's "Ten Little Indians"
opening September 29. For
November, the Playhouse has
scheduled the musical
"Anything Goes."