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Pep Rally Commences Openings Spirit Soars As Rain Pours
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Pep Rally Commences Openings
Spirit Soars As Rain Pours

By Juan Valdez
College Topics Staff Writer

Before hundreds of enthusiastic
students and townspeople, the annual
Openings pep rally was held last night
at the Greek Amphitheater. Lasting
only three hours due to the sudden
downpour, the drenched crowd refused
to let the weather interrupt an
occasion as important as this one.

For many fourth year-men this was
their last pep rally of their collegiate
career. Alumni, who had returned for
the football contest and a renewal of
camaraderie with their fraternity
brothers, cheered and hollered along
with everyone else.

Led by the enthusiastic example of
the varsity cheerleaders, everyone
present sang the Good Old Song over
and over. Mixing up this ever-popular
number were selections from the Glee
Club, who appeared attired in their
traditional grab of tuxedos,
cummerbunds, and black patent shoes.

Providing spirited music was the
chore of the 65 piece University
Marching Band. Selection included
numerous marches and an occasional
show tune direct from the great strand
of theaters in New York known as

The Nach is Back

Torchlights were used in giving
"atmosphere" to the evening's
festivities. The throngs easily filled up
all available seats and flowed over into
adjacent sidewalks, balconies, and (for
the very brave) rooftops.

As usual in our "village of scholars"
the liquor flowed freely throughout
the rally and for many hours
thereafter. Townspeople, who have
become accustomed to the sight of
flasks after all these years, were seen
eagerly indulging in liquid refreshment
themselves. Even children were seen
begging little samples from the
ebullient collegians.

The Nach Is Really Back!

In between all of this effervescence,
pep talks were given. Henry Bowden,
head of our spunky cheering squad,
opened the evening with various
exhortations of today's projected win
over the Red Raiders from Colgate,
who arrived in the midst of the rally.
Then Bowden, who was slightly
inebriated, proceeded to degrade the
Colgate team with an assortment of
unhealthy four letter words (dirty