University of Virginia Library

New Policy

Black Admissions
To Soar Shortly

By Nicki Hokki


Decorated For Service Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty By Chase Stuart Wheatly

For His Shrewdness In Handling The Student Uprising Last Year To Destroy The Image Of The U.

Dean of Admissions and Rejections, Ernest Ernie, announced
yesterday that the University would begin a minimum 75 per cent
quota of black students for the 1979-80 school year.

Mr. Ernie, speaking behind his 25 foot oaken desk under his
autographed pictures of Chase Stuart Wheatley and George C.
Wallace, discussed the problem with
a Daily Cavalier photographer.

Mr. Ernie stated that "The
University of Virginia has for too
long discriminated against black
students of the state and country.
Our past practice of a maximum
quota of 19 black students per year
is too outmoded. No longer can the
University continue this practice
without the federal bureaucracy
interfering. We have no choice."

Edgar Shannitzo, president of the
University, in a telephone interview
with a newspaper secretary, stated
"I am pleased with the decision and
felt it was an Ernest step in the right

President Shannitzo added that
Mr. Ernie is being re-assigned to
another post in the University of
Virginia administration. Mr.
Shannitzo stated that this is an
"administrative purge" and had
nothing to do the decision by the
Admissions and Rejections Office
concerning black students.

Mr. Shannitzo stated that the
decision to replace Mr. Ernie had
been made about "a half a minute
after Mr. Ernie's decision of black
quotas." According to Mr. Shannitzo
Mr. Ernie's replacement would
be someone who could represent
"the whole state of Virginia." Mr.
Shannitzo hinted that either
Stokely Carmichael or Frank
Rogers, former Rector and
antagonist of the Articulate Thugs,
could be appointed.

Charles Murdock, perennial
Student Council representative from
the College, expressed his joy over
the decision quota. "I am overjoyed
with the decision," said Mr.

Mr. Murdock added that "this
decision is something Council has
been working on for a long time and
it's about time the 'pig'

administration got off their ****
and did something."

In other events concerning black
admissions, Mr. Ernie noted that
black recruitment would be "dealt
with increasing importance."

Mr. Ernie noted the success of
the present black recruiter. Mrs.
Virginia Johnson, and stated that he
hopes to get at least five more blacks
to apply for admission next year.

Mr. Ernie noted that the figures
on black enrollment have been very
misleading. He noted that present
figures show that there are 82 black
undergraduates in Charlottesville
out of 463,227 undergraduates.
"But he noted," when we add in all
blacks doing menial labor on the
Grounds, the figures change
drastically. Instead of 82 blacks, we
have 82,000."

By 1984, according to the new

(Continued on page 13)