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PK German
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PK German

as being a part of the total curriculum then they aren't going to
place the emphasis on it that needs to be."

If Mr. Walton is correct on anything it is this that concerts
must become a recognized part of the total student curriculum.
As Mr. Herring says in this respect "we are 20 years behind the

But it is necessary that students remain in control. "I hate to
see the day," says Mr. Francis, "when this place becomes so
efficient that students are just phased out." "In any case, he
continues, "a group like PK is more in touch with students as the
University's professional promoter.

PK has done and continues to do the best job they can with
the facilities they have and with commitment the University has
given to their efforts.

Money is the major problem and money will be the only
answer. "This is simply a bizarre group of New Yorkers," says Mr.
Francis, "who have a lot of weird demands and strange requests."

One of those is money. And unless the University meets this
strange request, complaints will abound because good concerts
will continue to be absent in Charlottesville.