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Artists, Tuesday Series Provide Culture
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Artists, Tuesday Series Provide Culture


For those who appreciate
serious music, the University Union
presents the Artists Series and the
Department of Music offers the
Tuesday Evening Concert Series.
These two series offer a total of
thirteen evenings of entertainment.

Opening the Artists Series on
October 14 will be the Boston
Ballet. The star of the show is
Edward Villella, who will perform
two numbers. The Apollo ballet is
his most noteworthy performance.
The music was written by
Stravinsky and the choreography is

by George Balanchine. His second
number will be Pas De Doux, with
the musical score by Tchaikovsky.

On November 22, the Budapest
Symphony Orchestra will be in
Charlottesville. Their first number
of the evening will be Schubert's
Symphony Number Three. Another
selection of the evening is a piano
concerto by Mozart or Bartok. The
orchestra features Zolton Kocsis,
the Hungarian pianist.

The twenty-four year old
keyboard giant, Andre Watts, will
perform on February 3. At this
early age he is already considered
among the top four or five pianists
of our time. Internationally
renowned, he has played with
virtually every great symphony and
conductor in almost every major
city in the world. This young
performer's talents are in such
demand that he is engaged three
seasons in advance.

Vienna Symphony

The Vienna Symphony
Orchestra will perform three
selections on the evening of March
27. Gyorgy Lehel will conduct the
orchestra through Richard Strauss's
Don Juan, the Symphonic
Metamorphosis on a Theme by Carl
Maria von Weber composed by Paul
Hindemith, and Beethoven's
Symphony Number Three

"Promises, Promises", the hit
musical based on the movie "The
Apartment," closes out the season.
Neil Simon is the author of the hit
and the Hollywood team of Burt
Bacharach and Hal David wrote the
songs. It will appear at the
University on April 17.

Student ticket prices are $11 for
the season. Student wives pay
non-student prices. Prices for
non-students are $20 and $21, for
the season, depending on the
location of the seat. Advance sales
have taken many of the seats and
only rows N-W remain for
non-students. There are also a few
seats left in the student section. All
performances will be at 8:00 p.m.
in University Hall.

Serious Music

The Music Department presents
a series of serious music, with eight
varied performances planned in the
Tuesday Evening Concert Series
this year.

The New Cleveland Quartet
opens the season on the evening of

October 12 with Donald Weilerstein
and Peter Salaff, violin, Martha
Strongin Katz, viola and Paul Katz,
cello. Agustin Anievas, pianist, will
perform Sonata in G major, K. 283
by Mozart, Sonata in B minor, Opus
58, by Chopin, and conclude with
Etudes d'execution transcendante
d'apres Paganini by Liszt, on
October 26. Janos Starker, cello,
will perform November 9. He will
be accompanied by piano.

November 30 will see the Early
Music Quartet in Charlottesville.
The vocal portion will have a
musical accompaniment. Hans
Stadlmair, conductor, will lead the
Munich Chamber Orchestra on
February 15. Mitchell Andrews,
piano, Gerald Tarack, violin and
Charles McCraken, cello compose
the Marlboro Trio. They will
perform February 29.

Margaret Price, the young
British soprano, will perform March
14. Closing out the season on April
25 will be Zolton Szekely and
Michael Kuttner, violin, Denes
Koromzay viola and Gabriel
Magyar, cello, who together
compose the Hungarian Quarter.

Student memberships for the
season are $9 and regular
memberships are $12. Ad mission is
by Season Membership only. All
concerts are held in Old Cabell Hall
Auditorium and begin at 8:15 p.m.