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College Topics, 1939

By John L. Lobingier, Jr.

"CLOSE - but no cigar. Beaten - but not humbled. Outrushed and
outpassed in a statistical sense, but by no means outclassed.
Outweighed and outnumbered, yet certainly not outfought. Score: 14
to 12. Trite observers termed it a 'moral triumph' for the Old

"There's no doubt about it: the Middies realized they were in for a
battle all the way. That little phrase 'all the way' tells the story. Navy -
always famous for overpowering tactics - met what is for recent years,
a totally new type of Virginia eleven. One which refused to wilt - one
which wouldn't be worn down.

"In our opinion no one man stood above the rest on either side. The
Cavaliers played as a team, and to that they owe their fine showing. Jim
Gillette was effectively bottled up, yet that didn't halt the Virginia
attack. Little Bill Dudley exhibited some of the fanciest stepping ever
seen at Thompson field...Also the line-cracking of another sophomore,
LeRoy Neustedter, was a pleasure to watch. And cracking the Navy line
is closely akin to bucking granite blocks.

"Defensively Virginia demonstrated surprising strength. Everybody
tackled with a vim and a precision...

"Considerable too much attention has been made in certain
accounts of Saturday's game with regard to one of the penalties called
against Virginia. It's not worth dwelling on - barely worth mentioning
- save for the fact that Gillette's slight flaring-up, a most unusual thing
for Jim, is rather indicative of the new spirit of scrapping for every inch
- the very factor that pulled the Cavaliers within 2 points of Navy
when a year ago the point difference was 33. When men play to win,
occasional temper displays are not unnatural. And such displays as are
unfortunate to occur should be understood rather than condemned.

"Aside from the heroic exhibition staged and presented by Coach
Murray's valiants, the second best feature of the afternoon was the
excellent showing of Virginia's University Band. Our fellow editor, with
all his figures for game attendance, overlooked the 65-odd band men at
Annapolis - though due to a lack of uniforms, not all of them could
march between halves. This is a misfortune we earnestly hope can be
remedied in the future. When we look at band appropriations at other
colleges and universities, and view the wonderful marching units
thereupon turned out, e.g., at Illinois, Michigan, So. Methodist, - it
seems a shame that here at the University of Virginia there is not even
sufficient money forthcoming to uniform 75 would-be band members.

"Some interesting 'prep schools' were noted in the statistics of the
Navy football squad...for instance...Purdue University, Kenyon College,
mouth College (N.Y.), Minnesota University, Georgia Tech, and

"Now that the Yankees have completed their annual autumnal fun,
we wish to subscribe to the theory that neither the Cards nor the
Dodgers could have done any better than the luckless Reds. Of course
any club might salvage a game here or there, but we doubt whether any
National League outfit could stay in a series with the Bombers for more
than five games."