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Likeable Bench Warmer Larry Gerry To Collect Fish Instead Of Splinters
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Likeable Bench Warmer Larry Gerry
To Collect Fish Instead Of Splinters



was 90 minutes before game
time in cavernous Halsey Hall.

The Cavaliers were donning
their burnt-orange costumes in
a nearby locker-room. Some
were waiting to be taped up
and were quietly standing

Barry Parkhill was silent;
just sitting on top of the
trainers' table with his shoeless
legs outstretched and his eyes
staring into space. He seemed
in another time, another place,
another arena. Al Drummond
was slowly putting on his
orange wristlets. All this while
people were marching in and
out of the cramped room. At
last I spied the Bench Warmer
and left with him to the main

Streak, publicly known as
Larry Gerry, is a personable
likable guy. He has a ready

smile, and an even yet
interesting voice.

Veteran Cavalier fans
should recall Bill Gerry, Larry's
older brother, who was a
standout in the pivot just three
short years ago. Ironically,
Larry "didn't want to go to
school where he'd gone." But
he heeded Virginia's call
nevertheless, amidst offers
from Dartmouth, Bridgeport
and the University of Rhode
Island. "I wanted to go
South," he explains.

"No Regrets"

"I have no regrets,"
reflected the Bench Warmer.
"Academically, athletically,
socially; it's been the best four
years of my life."

Gerry is an environmental
science major. "I was always
interested in marine science. I
wanted to study
oceanography... but I decided
to come to U.Va." Taking up
environmental science was the
next best thing as "I've
enjoyed every course I've taken
in it."

Last summer Larry worked
on the Hudson River in upstate
New York taking fish samples,
identifying fish and collecting
eggs. "The Hudson is not as
bad as many people believe it
to be. It's not the open sewer
everyone thinks it is."

Graduate Work In Pollution Control

A moderate on ecological
issues, Gerry wants to do
graduate work in marine
science and pollution control.
Growing up in New York City
has sensitized him to the
outside world. Weekends find
Gerry at the beach, in
Washington or Richmond or
even in the countryside.

"I just enjoy driving around
to places I've never been

Basketball Dominant

Invariably the conversation
goes back to basketball, despite
our efforts to keep it in the
background. But, as Larry
alibis, "It's dominated my high
school and college years. It's
very hard to look back to high
school and college without
thinking of basketball. Any
scholarship player has made a
great sacrifice to get where he

He continued in a low
voice, "A lot of students don't
realize all the effort the team
members put in to achieve
their one goal: success."

Fans Not As Loud

In particular, Gerry finds
some fault with Wahoo fans at
University Hall. "The fans are
not as loud, boisterous or
excited as last year." He added,
"It really gives you a thrill to
run out there in front of a
screaming full-house."

Half-Full House

Due to the new ticket
redistribution "people arrive
just before the game begins.
This year, when we come out
for initial warmups, the house
is only one-half full...the whole
atmosphere in U-Hall is
different this year. I don't
know why. Last year we
thought we were invincible at
home." And this holds true
even though "this year's team
has more potential than any
other team in UVA. history."

"Streak" Shows His Stuff

Then Larry suddenly
noticed the Hoot coming back
towards the locker room. With
celerity that proved his
nickname "Streak", he
disappeared. Five minutes later
he reappeared, dribbling a
basketball, and leading the rest
of the Cavaliers onto the tartan
surface of Halsey Hall.