University of Virginia Library

French Literary Contest Announced

The Department of
French Literature will award $600
for first place in a short essay

The competition is open to
undergraduate only, and the
deadline for entering is April 14,

Essays are to be written in
French on some aspect of
Franco-American relations. They
may deal with history, politics, art,
literature, or the cinema, and
should be less than 2500 words.

Interested applicants for the
essay contest should consult Robert
Artinian, Assistant Professor of
French, between noon and 1 p.m.
on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. His office is located in
Cabell Hall, room 355.


Opening their 1971-72 debate
season, the Virginia Debaters have
won competitions on both the
national and regional levels.

At the M.I.T. Invitational
Tournament at Cambridge. Mass.,
University, one of the two-man
teams qualified for elimination
round competition, and Greg
Bittner, a fourth-year student,
placed tenth in the tournament.
The M.I.T. tournament, the first
major tournament of the year,
attracted about 50 teams.

The debaters will continue the
fall season with regional
tournaments at the University of
North Carolina, Wake Forest,
Madison, and Pittsburgh.