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Sports Notes
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In the first match of the
Intercollegiate chess season last
Sunday, the University of Virginia
chess team defeated Virginia Commonwealth
University 7. Virginia's
Alan Altschuler yielded the
only draw, while Pedro Saavedra,
Justus Cooke, James Buxton, Don
Connors, Tom Pricipe, Mike Wells,
and Walter Kerns each defeated
their VCU opponents.

Mr. Pricipe complained that he
was forced to act in a manner not
typical of the chivalrous Virginia
gentleman, as he struggled for four
hours to beat VCU's Helen Schiffman,
the only female intercollegiate
chess player in the state.


Coach Gordon Burris' Cavalier
soccer team takes to the University
Hall field tomorrow afternoon at 3,
hoping to prove upon their 4-5-1
Atlantic Coast Conference record
of last year. Cavalier tri-captains
Danny Abrams, Mike Sorrensen,
and John Taylor lead the squad of
upperclassmen, supported by a fine
group of first-year men, who are
looking forward to achieving
Virginia's best record since the
origin of the ACC.