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Candidates Debate
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Candidates Debate

He went on to say, "We have
substantial organized crime around
here now and it's going to be
awfully hard to convince me that
bringing racetracks to Virginia is
not going to increase that crime."

In answer to a question on the
candidate's position on a welfare
work requirement, Republican Mr.
Wright stated, he is in favor of
"laws similar to those of California
and New York, which require
able-bodied welfare recipients, both
male and female, who might
normally be expected to work, to
work at some public works

By this means, Mr. Wright said,
the taxpayer would feel that he is
getting something out of the tax
dollars spent on welfare, the local
tax burden would be eased because
of some local services being
assumed by welfare recipient would
have an incentive to find normal

Democrat Thomas Michie
criticized Mr. Wright's statement,
saying, "Virginia's laws are
different than those of California
and New York".

Mr. Michie went on to say that
women with children are the only
persons who could be put on
work-fare and to do so the state
would have to provide and pay for
day care centers for their children.