University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Lawn Vagrancy

Dear Sir:

I should like to urge those
of us who have been cutting
diagonally across the
southernmost section of the
Lawn (as we leave the walkway
that runs between Garrett Hall
and the amphitheater, and
head toward our classes in
Wilson and Cabell Halls) to
consider taking a minute or so
longer in our trek to class, and
walk around this particular
section of grass.

Certainly, this expanse of
green is there for all of us to
enjoy as we see fit, but the
combined effect of so many
feet upon this relatively limited
diagonal stretch of the Lawn
has already killed some of the
grass–and it is barely March. I
leave to your imaginations
what the result could be by
late May!

I am by no means
suggesting that we should keep
off the Lawn altogether–such
an idea is absurd. I just feel
that, by giving up five minutes
or so a day and using the
walkways at the south end of
the Lawn, one particularly
vulnerable (and prominent)
grassy area won't be turned to
packed dirt.


Jack Koester
College IV