University of Virginia Library

Open Letter To The Faculty

The Student Council has sent the following open letter
concerning "University Tuesday" to members of the faculty:

The Student Council has called for a series of "actions" next
Monday evening and Tuesday to illustrate specific student
concerns that have arisen as a result of the continued expansion
of the University, without concurrent improvement in necessary
support facilities. Those actions will highlight, in a
non-inflammatory manner, the lack of housing facilities in the
University and adjacent community, the over-crowded,
deteriorating nature of the library, the inability of Newcomb Hall
food concessions to handle the current and future student
population, and the lack of adequate recreational facilities.

We feel that you share in our daily witness to these conditions,
and, as such, have a deep interest in seeing improvements made
before the University assumes the additional burden of
population increase. It is our hope that you will join us next
week, as witnesses. If this is impossible, please recognize the fact
that most of your students will miss their classes on Tuesday
because of their commitment to our program for that day.

In many ways our actions may cause you some measure of
inconvenience. As regrettable as this is, we cannot be too
emphatic in our belief that Tuesday's actions will only begin to
suggest the daily problems that the near future will bring.

Your comments and suggestions on the problem of expansion,
and our actions on University Tuesday are most appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.