University of Virginia Library

'University Tuesday' Schedule Of Activities

Monday, October 18

I. THE MARCH Monday Evening, about 7-8 p.m.

A march will commence in the Alderman Road Dorm area
for the purpose of gathering students interested in sleeping in on
the Lawn. The column of students will be headed by members of
the University Pep Band, students carrying banners. Students
have been encouraged to provide any musical instruments

The parade will be illuminated by torches, lanterns, candles
and flashlights. The march will proceed to the McCormick Road
area where they will be joined by First-year men bearing similar
equipment and supplies for the night.

From there the columns will proceed down to the Dell, across
to Emmet Street, and down to the Mary Munford-Roberta
Gwathmey dorm complex, where additional students will join the
ranks. From Munford the parade will cross the intersection of
Route 250 and Route 29 with road guards with lanterns holding
traffic back.

The parade will then proceed to Carr's Hill Road, up through
the Architecture School plaza, to the Quadrangle, and out onto
Rugby Road. Once on the road, the students will move North to
the AEPi House on Grady Avenue, where they will circle and
come back down Rugby to the Mad Bowl Parking lot. At this
point the columns will cross to Madison Lane, and move up to
the Lawn.

II. THE SLEEP-IN The Architecture School student members
of the "action" will construct a polyethylene inflatable city on
the grass quadrangles of the Lawn. These will serve as
organizational, entertainment, and aid shelters. necessary they
will accommodate students over the night.

Residential integrity of student groups will be maintained in
sleeping areas. Students will hang their banners, prepare whatever
shelter they have procured and begin to organize with others for
the next day's activities. Dorm rooms on the Lawn will serve as
aid stations and information centers, as well as nursery facilities
for those who have arrived with children.

Blankets loaned by the community will be distributed at that
time. One room will also serve as the coffee and food distribution
center. Local ministers, the University Union, and the Upper-class
Residential Council will have prepared the beverages.

Entertainment will be provided by students and performers
from the community. Movies will be shown on the inflatable
buildings' walls.

Tuesday, October 19, early morning


III. PARK-IN-Concurrent with the night's activities, a massive
Park-In will be implemented in administrative and faculty parking
areas. Cars will have been organized before the evening by the
Upper-class Residential Council, the IFC, and independents who
have called in.

The cars will carry windshield signs bearing the legend, "For a
$5 ticket, I made an administrator walk to work." Cars will be
legal until 7 a.m. at which point they will become illegal and be
ticketed. Groups of students will monitor the parking lots until 5
p.m. at which point students will remove their vehicles.

In the morning recognition ceremonies will be held in the
front of Old Cabell Hall for all students given tickets. All students
who receive tickets will appeal these tickets on the same day at a
later time. Tickets will be payed, as so ruled.

IV. Students on the Lawn will break camp, removing all their
rubbish. They will spread rye seed to restore any of the areas
abused. They would rather see this than watch the administration
exercise its $100,000 lawn-manicure fetish.

INTERIM 7:30-10:30. Students will return home for food,
showers, and a little rest.

V. READ-IN A group will convene in the main lobby of
Alderman Library at which time public testimony from the group
will be solicited regarding:

The declining national standing of the facility

The scarcity of volumes

The poor condition of the older parts of the building

The lack of carrels

Then the group will split up, going to the Reserve Book Room
and the Periodical Room where they will try to find seats. After a
few minutes they will leave quietly.

VI. EAT-IN Time: Noon. People will converge on the
cafeterias and snack bar facilities in Newcomb Hall. This will be a
BROWN BAG lunch time because no one will be able to get to
lunch. People will be dispersed to all of the restaurant facilities
normally used by administrators. We will flood the restaurant
with paying customers.

People will remain in the Newcomb Hall area and the public
rest areas during the entire luncheon hour. Students will share the
food they bring with all those who will be unable to eat.

VII. PLAY-IN People will march to Memorial Gym bringing
their own equipment with them. Members of various Varsity
sports will join the participants for the duration of the period.
Students will have their own equipment.

Tuesday Night

An open Student Council Meeting will be held in Wilson Hall
402 for the purpose of hearing student. Faculty and
administrative testimony on problems directly attributable to
poor planning in expansion. Members of the University
Committee on the Future of the University will be in attendance.