University of Virginia Library

The University

The University of North Carolina is located in an area
known as "The Southern Part of Heaven," Chapel Hill.

It is unique in that the town and the institution often are
known as one. An old grad will remark, "I attended Chapel
Hill in 1908." Of course he means the University.

The ivy around the town of Chapel Hill links to that of the
University buildings. It is a sleepy town, yet a resourceful one.
It is a town where Negro women sit beneath the shade of a
tree a few yards from the door of a bank—selling neat little
bouquets of flowers to the passerby.

It is a town which Time Magazine once called "one of the
20 most enjoyable places to live in the United States." It is a
town without pretense, one in which the fellow wearing the
$150 suit may run a small cafe while his conversational partner,
looking worn and tattered, may well be a successful novelist.

Here are some other facts of interest about one of America's
great Universities:

—It is the oldest state university in the United States, first
admitting students in 1795 when George Washington was President.

—There are 14 schools and colleges, including more than 70
departments and numerous other divisions.