University of Virginia Library

UNC Sneaks By Booters, 1-0,
Hopes Dim For ACC Title


There were no alibis made by
anyone yesterday afternoon as the
Cavalier soccer players fell to North
Carolina 1-0 on a late goal.
Appearances were that the issue
was nearly closed with only two
minutes to play when Tar Heel
halfback Bill Sherwood got the ball
in the clear and lofted a long shot
from straight away to put the
game's only score on the board.

Virginia's record is now 4-2
overall and 1-2 in the conference as
chances of repeating as Atlantic
Coast Conference champions grow
slimmer. The loss, coming on the
heels of a rousing victory over
arch-rival Maryland, is certainly a

setback for Coach Jim Stephens
and his squad.

Unusual as it may have been to
the Wahoo booters, the game was
played on a sunbathed, but more
importantly, dry Carr's Hill Field
which caused the tempo of the
game to be faster than those
played of late in the mud. It was
apparent that the Cavaliers were in
command for much of the game
but failed to take advantage of
several scoring opportunities within
spitting distance of the Carolina

"I don't think there's much to
say," said the mild mannered Coach
Stephens after the contest. "I don't
think we were outplayed. We
obviously controlled the ball most
of the game." Good Cavalier
footwork kept the ball in UNC's
side of the field for a great deal of
the first three quarters with fine
play by fullbacks Ph Russell,
Tri-captain Ed Marks, and Chip
Williams clearing the ball.

However, as the fourth period
began, it seemed that the Tar Heels
played more aggressively rather
than wearing down under the
Virginia domination. North
Carolina's goalie made two fine
saves as the Cavaliers got in close
several times but could not dent the
net, but still the pace was dictated
by the Wahoos. Both teams were
hustling but had scoring bids
thwarted and the game was nearly
forsaken as a scoreless tie when
Sherwood bombed his high kick
past first year goalie Scott Peyton
on the bounce to force desperation
onto the Cavaliers. Peyton had
earlier made an outstanding save by
leaping high to deflect a kick from
the penalty line over the crossbar of
the net.

Stephens described the goal as
"a good shot" and pointed out a
defensive oversight as the reason for
the long goal. "There was a gap in
the field and the halfback wasn't
covered. Then they just got him the

Carolina outshot the Cavaliers
16-6 during the game but Peyton
needed to make one save while
the UNC goaltender came up with
5. Not visibly shaken by the
outcome, Coach Stephens realized
that "this makes it very unlikely for
us to win the ACC." The possibility
still exists mathematically as
everyone has lost except for Duke,
who has not played anyone yet.

More scrambled than it usually
is, the league has Clemson with a
loss to Maryland, Maryland losing
to Virginia, Virginia going down at
the hands of the Tigers, and now
UNC. Carolina has one loss with
tough competition remaining and
weak sister N.C. State not expected
to figure in Undefeated Duke
will host the 'Hoos Friday in a
"dim hopes" game in Durham and
it remains to be seen just how much
more scrambled the ACC title race
becomes. If the various members
continue to feed upon one another,
the regular season could end with a
multi-directional tie for the top


Photo by Jay Adams

North Carolina Booter Races For Ball In Yesterday's Game At Carr's Hill Field

Virginia Defenders Look On In Action That Resulted In 1-0 Victory For Tar Heel Squad