The Cavalier daily Thursday, April 16, 1970 | ||
University Honors 176
One hundred and seventy six
employees, representing a total of
2,960 years of service including two
have served 45 years each, were
honored by the University during it
annual service award program
President Edgar . Shannon
presented the certificates, pins and
buttons at the 3 p.m. program in
Newcomb Hall ballroom. Special
awards of pewter Jefferson cups
also went to those who have served
25 years.
B.D. Runk, professor of
biology and former dean of the
University, spoke to the recipients
and their guests on "My Friends."
John Blair and Sam Waler, both
members of the hospital's dietary
department, were recognized for 45
years of service.
Fifteen persons were recognized
for 25 years of service: Luther
Bingler of the buildings and
grounds department; Mrs. Myrtle
Boger, housekeeping; Edward
Brooks, subsidiary nursing
personnel; Mrs. Eloise Maupin
Copps, surgery; James W. Goggins,
subsidiary nursing personnel; Miss
sie Harris, subsidiary nursing
personnel; Joseph S Johnson,
subsidiary nursing personnel; Mrs.
Matilda M. Lang, Alderman
Library; Mrs. Ellen B. Newman,
obstetrics and gynecology; Mrs.
Marie E. Newman, subsidiary
nursing personnel; Mrs. Naomi
Morrison, dietary; Mrs. Julia C.
Payne, nursing service; Mrs. Jane C.
Scruggs, hospital data processing;
Miss Jeanne Weaver, neurosurgery,
and Carter Randolph Wicks Jr.,
mail room.
Forty-year awards were awarded
to Mrs. Virginia E. Boykin,
Alderman Library; Robert Mosby,
food service, and Miss Bessie Smith,
admitting office.
Honored for 35 years of service
were Allen Bryant, dietary; Joseph
A. Dowell, subsidiary nursing
personnel; Miss Mary E. Rush,
School of Education, and Mrs.
Emily R. White, School of General
Those receiving 30-year awards
included Mrs. Sarah F. Bailey,
subsidiary nursing personnel; Mrs.
Carrie Mays Cook, anesthesiology;
Elzie (eq) J. Dorman, buildings and
grounds; Willie Smith, buildings and
grounds, and Chris A. Sprouse,
building and grounds.
The Cavalier daily Thursday, April 16, 1970 | ||