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'Twas Eve Before Epiphany
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'Twas Eve Before Epiphany


Tonight the University Singers, under the
direction of Donald Loach, will present
"Music for a Twelfth Night." The concert,
falling on the eve of the Epiphany, celebrates
the last of the Twelve Days of Christmas. The
program in Cabell Hall Auditorium will begin
at 8:30 p.m.

As the principal dramatic work on the
program, the Singers will perform Heinrich
Schuetz's "The Christmas Story." Assisting
the Singers, members of the University
Community will accompany the Angels,
Shepherds, Wise Men, and High Priests who
populate the story.

The concert will open with an equally
outstanding work. Ralph Vaughan William's
"Mass in G Minor." For this harmonically rich
composition for solo quartet and double
chorus, the Singers will split in two, to
emphasize the work's antiphonal effects and
stereophonic brilliance.

The Singers are chosen annually from a
selection of students, townspeople, and

Professor of Music at the University of
Richmond James Erb will solo as the
evangelist and third-year law student Don
Woodman will solo as Herod in "The
Christmas Story."

Tickets are on sale at the usual places and
may be purchased at the door. Admission is
$1 for students, $1.50 for all others.