University of Virginia Library

Support For Raises

said, "and he will do what he
can, but the pay raises depend
on the legislature.

"I feel there is wide spread
support to correct these
inequalities, but it depends on
the amount of money made
available," he said.

Mr. Crawford said he had no
idea of the amount that would
be allocated or when the salary
increase will take effect.

Mr. Rinaca claims that the
lower pay scales are barely
subsistence level. He cited
figures of salary rates that
show a "Grounds Laborer" at
the top position receiving
$3.312 in 1967 and in 1972
the same position receiving
$4,128. Allowing for the cost
of living increase of 24.5 per
cent this represents a raise of
only $5. "Custodial workers'
beginning salary is $1.73 and
can only so as high as $2.08,"
he added.

According to these figures,
it appears that state employees
are not getting their due salary
so as to ensure them their best
welfare. It is the responsibility
of the legislature in Richmond
to see that something is done
for these people who do the
small jobs that keep this state
and its institutions