University of Virginia Library


Grill Halts
Night Cooking

The "Grill" snack bar,
located on the first floor of
Newcomb Hall now shuts
down facilities for preparing
"hot foods" at 4 p.m. each

After that time, patrons
may only purchase drinks and
cold sandwiches at the coffee
bar. The 4 p.m. shut down
time was not selected
randomly, but is the time when
the Food Service Personnel
change shifts.

Food Services Director
Bernard C. Fontana termed the
shut down a "matter of
finances." "We would be
delighted to restore all these
services if the patronage would
pick up," he asserted.

Mr. Fontana cited the move
of the education school from
Peabody Hall to its new
location on Emmet St. as
significant, since those patrons
will now go to the Castle.

Food Services also
announced that the Open
Square Cafeterla will be closed
on Sundays.