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Virginia Players
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Virginia Players

Gary Aherns as Gilbert and
David Dashiell as Old John
make the most of very small
parts. Mr. Dashiell, in
particular, captures the pathos
of old age and approaching
senility in his scene with Anne
and Will.

Mr. Greene and his cast do
an admirable job with a flawed
play, and it is a production
that is definitely worth seeing.
It is possible, of course, that
my advice is strongly
influenced by Hamlet's words
to Polonius concerning the
players, words that directors
might counsel reviewers not to

Let them be well us'd, for
they are the abstracts

and brief chronicles of the
time;after your

death you were better have
a bad epitaph than their

ill report while you lived.

("A Cry of Players" is being
presented nightly through
Sunday, with a matinee
Sunday afternoon at 2:30
Phone 924-3051 for reservations).