University of Virginia Library


OVCS Seeks Volunteers

Charlottesville Mayor
Mitchell Van Yahres has
declared this week OVCS
Week. On behalf of the Office
of Volunteer Community
Service at Madison Hall, its
volunteers are using local news
media to ask that students,
faculty members and all other
concerned residents of this area
donate two hours a week of
their time and talents to the
needs of the community.

Programs include Tutoring,
Companionship Therapy,
Project SCRUB (a housing
rehabilitation program), The
Big Brother-Big Sister Program,
and the Professional Services

According to Madison Hall,
volunteers are especially
needed to work in the
Companionship Therapy and
the Big Brother-Big Sister

Kathy Gradel, Director of
Companionship Therapy,
stated that volunteers who
donate an afternoon to go to
Western State Hospital in
Staunton, a part of the state
mental hospital system, are
often providing companionship
to a patient who otherwise can
look forward to no other

Mason Granger, director
of the latter program,
commented, "If only I could
stress to everyone how much
just hours a week spent with a
Big Brother or Big Sister can
mean to a child who otherwise
lacks adult companionship and
guidance. These children find
joy in a drive to the airport or
merely eating an ice cream
cone and flying a kite."

Chairman Elected

Charles Voluse III,
psychometrist-in-residence at
the University's McGuffey
Reading Clinic has been elected
Virginia state chairman for
Southwestern University's
Fund for Excellence.

Southwestern University is a
liberal arts college located in
Georgetown, Texas. Its Alumni
Fund is part of a four-year,
$10 million program aimed at
improving the school's facilities
and endowment resources.

Mr. Voluse, a 1965 graduate
of Southwestern, is now a
doctoral candidate at the
University in reading
curriculum and instruction.